Herefordshire’s ‘Useful Idiot’ – Neville Meredith – Community integration and race equality development officer

Useful Idiots
Originally coined by Vladimir Lenin shortly after the Russian Revolution, it refers to wealthy Westerners who favored the Bolsheviks in their revolution. It is usually followed by “The capitalists will sell us the rope we will use to hang them.”

I choose Mr Neville Meredith (note new update below) to be my choice for ‘useful idiot’ on the grounds of here we have someone who is being paid for by Herefordshire and national taxpayers to promote the enforced imposition of an Islamic Cultural Centre (or MOSQUE as it otherwise is known) onto Herefordshire.

Now Mr Meredith is on Herefordshire’s Racial Equality Team, in other words he is a Diversity Officer. The fact that he is a diversity officer and in that role is promoting the ideology of Islam to the squeezed taxpayers of Herefordshire has a delicious irony. Mr Meredith is promoting in Islam an ideology that goes out of its way to avoid having diversity of faith, diversity of race, diversity of thought. Truly you are as Lenin said ‘providing yourself with the rope’ with which the Islamists will hang you with.

Since at least 2003 Mr Meredith has been involved in various local authority roles in the county and often in the fields of diversity. Hereford taxpayers, for nearly ten years you have paid Mr Meredith to sneer at Western culture whilst distributing your cash to travellers groups, various ethnic vanity projects and so much more. Just think how better spent that money could have been in ways that would have benefited all, not just fashions chosen favourites.

There have been protests against the idea of a Mosque in Hereford and Mr Meredith played the useful idiot role par excellence when he tried to calm fears about the building.

The Hereford Times Said: “Meanwhile, Neville Meredith, community integration and race equality development officer with Herefordshire Council , said: “When people hear the word mosque, they immediately picture some great stone building, but as far as I understand this building will be a small, non-intrusive building in keeping with Herefordshire’s aesthetic.
“Some people seem to think Herefordshire is not a welcoming county but it is. It’s just that everywhere you go you will meet people who want to build barriers rather than break them down.”
The £40,000 has been raised largely through donations at the weekly Friday prayers held for the past five years at the Kindle Centre.
Zack Pandor, a local Muslim community co-ordinator, said that due to larger numbers the time had now come for Muslims to find a place of their own.”

This project is being touted by the Islamic group as an ‘Islamic Community Centre’ yeah right we’ve heard that one before.  Mr Zack Pandor is from the Hereford Islamic group involved in this plan, Mr Pandor is also connected to Mr Meredith by way of support for another waste of taxpayers money The Rural Media Project, who produced a puff piece film on ‘being muslim in a rural area’.

It may interest readers to know that the Hereford Masjid (mosque) group boast of an Islamic Jurisprudence Board, which is really a sneaky way of saying Sharia Court. Personally I don’t really think we need one of those in Hereford. Neither do we need the Masjid’s islamic evangelism team.

So I give you Mr Neville Meredith, a man unable to see the dangers of the philosophy of Islam and how crushing it is for real diversity, who has sponged off of Herefordshire taxpayers for years and has a vested interest in the whole failed multicultural agenda. He is truly today’s useful idiot.

Why not contact him and tell him, politely, what you think of the idea of a mosque being imposed on the people of Hereford? Or even about what you think about the whole multicultural agenda? Sometimes people in the diversity field live in bubbles and never come across an alternative view, why not let him and other people in a similar position in authority know what YOU think.

His email address is




and his office telephone number is: 01432 267307

Or you can write to him at:

Mr Neville Meredith,
Community Integration and Race Equality Development Officer,
Corporate Diversity Team,
PO Box 4,
Plough Lane,

For more information on Mr Meredith please go to this link:

Here’s the website for that other waste of your money the Rural Media Project


Update: If any Herefordian is wondering just why the Hereford Islamic group has their feet so firmly under the table at the Kindle Centre in Hereford (even to the extent of publicising Islamic Friday Prayers on the home page of the Kindle Centre), then look no further than the list of Directors of the South Wye Development Trust. One of the Directors (up until February 2012) was Hereford’s Useful Idiot and promoter of Islam, Mr Neville Meredith. Yet again, we have an example of Mr Meredith being involved in a community entity that is appearing to actively promote Islam, a philosophy that is wholly at odds with any concept of diversity of religion or diversity of thought.

If you see Mr Meredith, politely tell him he’s been a bit of a ‘wrong ‘un’.


Kindle Centre

Online directors entry for Neville Meredith at the South Wye Development Trust

27 Comments on "Herefordshire’s ‘Useful Idiot’ – Neville Meredith – Community integration and race equality development officer"

  1. Robert the Biker | September 19, 2012 at 7:20 am |

    A few dead pigs on the site will render it unsuitable for a mosque, it’s not like pork is uncommon in the area.
    Hate speech? Damned right it is, I had one of these monstrosities built near a previous address,nothing but grief afterwards. It’s funny how the ‘tolerant and inclusive’ make sure they live no where near themselves.

  2. I’m just gobsmacked that someone who professes to believe in ‘diversity’ is shilling for a philosophy that is completely against the concept of diversity of belief etc. I’ve lived in Islamic areas and I wouldn’t want to live in one again. Muslim individuals are fine but allowing Islam to dominate an area does bad things to the local politics as has been shown in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets among other places.

  3. Rather than distributing pig flesh I’d rather call in some good lawyers.

  4. Robert the Biker | September 19, 2012 at 9:30 am |

    But the muslims just seethe and whine and complain about ‘racism’ and ‘islamophobia’ and all the PtB just supinely give in. Far better to hoist them on the petard of their own cult.

  5. But criticism of Islam is NOT racism becasue Islam is not a race. Calling racism for criticism of Islam is misusing the word ‘racism’.

  6. Robert the Biker | September 19, 2012 at 10:41 am |

    Right, but it doesn’t stop them using the word and it doesn’t stop the word having a chilling effect on criticism.

    • I couldn’t agree more there. Which is why they need to be called on it when they do use it. The great shame is the misuse of the word ‘racism’ by Islamic groups and their apologists has diverted attention away from cases where there really is genuine racism. Of course when Islamic groups scream ‘racist’ the ignore the profound racism that occurs in the Islamic world. I understand that Islamic slavery of Africans on Zanzibar was brutal in the extreme until it was suppressed by the Royal Navy.

  7. Wow, this article really does represent racism and bigotry. Perhaps, if you bother to read Mr Merediths bio link, there’s a lot of people that the diversity teams cover – not just Islamic community. You have decided to focus on one area of that, because it is you that is so obviously racist/islamophobic!

    The money to build the community centre was raised by fundraising, so all the tax payer is funding (and quite rightly) equality across gender, race, and denomination (and lack of).

    If this is what annoys you, it says far more about you. By the way I’m an atheist..

    • Oh look Mr Meredith’s fan club has arrived.

      Fundraising you say, not any money from Saudi? It is a reasonable question to ask.

      BTW If you read the intro I’m not a racist but the word islamophobic I treat as a badge of pride.

      I know how diversity teams work, I’ve worked with them in the past and they ain’t normally the sharpest tools in the box.

      • Well they certainly seem sharper than you! By the way, if you check, a masters degree – where are your qualifications? I’m sure no self respecting diversity team would ‘work’ with you, unless you probably mean tried to re-educate/shut you up, because you spout ridiculous statements based in fiction/daily mail.. sounds more like the truth.

        A badge of pride, in being irrationally afraid? The clue is in the word islamoPHOBIC! As an atheist, I still have no issues with others faith, as long as no group related to religion is given funding by taxpayers including our so called national faith. But in this case, there is NO funding. You cannot object to a mosque or church being built by funding raised outside of government unless the money was from illegal activity. The only thing you can contend is planning permission on legal grounds.

        I fail to see how your objection to a mosque/community centre has any connection to your rant about Mr Meredith or the diversity team of Hereford. Your opinion is exactly that, although deluded and narrow minded.

        • Deborah, I used to work alongside diversity officers in a local authority because at one point in my life I did to a large extent buy into the whole multicultural lie that all cultures are equal. I still believe that individuals are equal but cultures are not.

          I also have no problems with what people believe in their heads that must always be sacrosanct but how Islam manifests itself in the wider world is a matter for concern.

          I personally don’t care if an individual wants to believe that a seventh century warlording peadophile is some sort of prophet but I do care when such a belief is affecting the UK in a negative way.

          Unfortunately your assurance that there is no Saudi money is hollow when put alongside the fact that there are far too many mosques in Britain that either are funded by Saudi money or are using or supplying hate literature also funded by the Saudi’s.

          My objection to Mr Meredith is that despite as you say his ‘qualifications’ he still has not the sense to see that promoting Islam will harm real diversity and real freedoms as it has in parts of London, Yorkshire and elsewhere.

          BTW I’m not a Daily Mail reader, I take the Telegraph.

        • Deborah, for someone who is named for an ancient prophetess and judge you are not very discerning in judging the validity of qualifications.

          Mr Meredith has a rubbish degree from a rubbish university from what I can see.

          All he has according to the information above a BSc Hons Psychology, Pyschology & Counselling at Thames Valley University graded 2:1.

          Now if he had a degree in theology or comparative religion I might consider his words valid and relevant and representative of knowledge relevant to his comments on Islam but the above qualifications are not relevant.

          I have no issue at all with people who want to be Christian or Jewish or Hindu or Sikh or a follower of the flying spaghetti monster but Islam has a proven track record of oppression, arrogance and ignorance and that is why it needs to be fought.

    • I’d rather not get into a debate about theology because despite my Hebrew name origins, I’m an ATHEIST. Thats right not an agnostic, I dont believe in any religion, or spiritual belief, or paranormal entities. It may surprise you to learn that despite popular belief the Arabic wars have NO historical link to Islam. Or that the early settlers of Islam in fact, lived with Jews.

      My issue with your statement article is that you are branding and name calling on someone who promotes diversity, not Islam. If the spread of any faith bothers you, there are plenty of campaigns that seek to remove all religious doctrine from state/government. I do not see how Mr Meredith or Herefords Council are involved in anything to do with Islamic funding, doctrine. The laws are not controlled by a lone man in a diversity team. Having a degree in theology would not be relevant to diversity. They are dealing with other issues, not just religion.

      So perhaps idiot of the day should be applied to you, after all you have chosen one statement that has nothing to do with your claims about the UK Islamic policy, funding, legality. Reading your articles, they are of much the same bias. You seem to find a random quote that mentions the word Islam and then that person becomes a target for your factless, and somewhat skewed look on how the country you covet actually works. If you want change, try starting with those who make the rules in legislation not those who seek equality for all.

      And do try to remember, we are multicultural and have been for hundreds of years. The church’s that stand all over this country came in with foreigners and the country killed countless people in crusading. No good comes from religion when it used as a tool of war. But funnily enough there are people dying of AIDS because they are still unable to use contraception all over the world, in the name of catholiscm. Which is why I am indiscrimate in my views on religion. As long as the views of one group do not take the rights of another or push their views on to all, let them have their private faith.

      The only way to remove all threat from religion, even those considered to be from the UK mistakenly is to remove the power of it and funding from government, school and law. If people choose to believe, they can educate their children in whatever way they choose – in their privately funded temples/churches/mosques. The hate marketing you speak of, is illegal and as in the case of Abu hamza, they will be shown the door. Not every catholic is a crusader, and not every Muslim an extremist. Far from it.

      Ps the telegraph is not any better.

      • Check your facts, Mr Neville Meredith got a first in his masters in community management cohesion from Coventry uni. That means working to help everyone live together, which includes you my friend.

        It seems you see what you want to see, or are possibly too lazy/bias to do some actual fact checking before your inane thoughts get spewed onto this site.

        • Any chance you could give me a link to the alleged first in ‘community cohesion’ from Coventry? As I stated before I only saw the the Thames Valley University listed on the biog of him that I saw. If I have made a mistake on that then I shall correct it.

          Whether or not a masters in community cohesion is of any value or utility is another matter. Coventry University oh dear, it’s not exactly Russel Group is it?

          I also want people of different races to live together in peace (it is why I marched against the National Front when they were an up and coming political power) but when society is threatened by a fascistic ideology whether it be nationalist fascism or religious fascism then it needs to be challenged.

          If you read this site more carefully than you appear to have done you will see that I have no argument with Muslim individuals, only the ideology of Islam.

      • Deborah, I shall try to address your points one by one.

        You said:

        DeborahSep 28, 11:07 pm
        I’d rather not get into a debate about theology because despite my Hebrew name origins, I’m an ATHEIST. Thats right not an agnostic, I dont believe in any religion, or spiritual belief, or paranormal entities.

        F211 said:In a free society it is your right to believe in any religion or none. I want to keep society free which is why Islam as an ideology needs to be challenged. Islam is incompatible with freedom.

        Deborah said: “It may surprise you to learn that despite popular belief the Arabic wars have NO historical link to Islam. Or that the early settlers of Islam in fact, lived with Jews.”

        F211 said: You are partially correct in that in descriptions of the early Arabic invaders of Jerusalem their religion was not mentioned which begs the question was Islam invented or co-opted by the Arab empire in order to provide a cohesive religious base for the empire. A similar thing happened in the Roman Empire with Constantine co-opting Christianity to provide the Roman Empire with a cohesive religion for all.

        I’m afraid when you come to your point about Judaism and Islam living together in peace in the ancient world then you have bought into some questionable stories. Although life for Jews in Sepharad (modern Spain) was slightly better than in many of the Christian lands, Jews and Christians were still subject to the Islamic laws of Dhimmitude where a tax had to be paid purely in order to be a Christian or a Jew, Even the great Maimonedes (The Rambam) was the subject of oppression by Islam (and was alleged to have feigned conversion to Islam in order save his life). In fact the Rambam said:

        “…the nation of Ishmael [that is, Muslims], who persecute us severely, and who devise ways to harm us and to debase us…. No nation has ever done more harm to Israel. None has matched it in debasing and humiliating us. None has been able to reduce us as they have…. We have borne their imposed degradation, their lies, their absurdities, which are beyond human power to bear…. We have done as our sages of blessed memory have instructed us, bearing the lies and absurdities of Ishmael…. In spite of all this, we are not spared from the ferocity of their wickedness and their outbursts at any time. On the contrary, the more we suffer and choose to conciliate them, the more they choose to act belligerently toward us.”

        If you want to check the quote it is here:

        You may also like to read about the conditions for Jews in the Middle East/Levant/North Africa regions by checking out the Jewish Refugees site which deals with this issue and can be found here:

        Deborah said: “My issue with your statement article is that you are branding and name calling on someone who promotes diversity, not Islam.”

        F211 said: Sadly by standing up for Islam Meredith has been promoting Islam. He may feel that all he is doing is trying to make things equal but Islam doesn’t respect diversity or gender, religion or thought. Individual Muslims may vary in depth of belief but the philosophy of Islam is extremely discriminatory.

        My argument with Neville Meredith is also he is promoting this Hereford Masjid group without appearing to know much about the dark side of Islam and knowing very little about the motivations of the Hereford Masjid group. By backing an organisation that wants to bring a Shariah Court to Hereford (and don’t try to tell me that a Shariah Court is the same as a Jewish Beis Din court because the scope and powers of a Beis Din are considerably more limited than that of a Shariah Court.) he has shown is utter ignorance of Islam as a philosophy. As the Religion of Peace site says: “don’t judge Islam by the Muslims you know and don’t judge Muslims by the Islam you know” which to me makes perfect moral sense. You should always attack the ideology and not the individual.

        Deborah said: “If the spread of any faith bothers you, there are plenty of campaigns that seek to remove all religious doctrine from state/government.

        F211 said: I have no objection to such a thing as an established Church of England or the beliefs and practices of minority religions that do not make unreasonable demands on the nation as a whole. I do however have an objection to religious-political groups like Islam which are aggressive and where the culture is incompatible with that existing in free societies.

        Deborah said: “I do not see how Mr Meredith or Herefords Council are involved in anything to do with Islamic funding, doctrine. The laws are not controlled by a lone man in a diversity team. Having a degree in theology would not be relevant to diversity. They are dealing with other issues, not just religion.”

        F211 said: I know that a Diversity Officer deals with more than religion. But he has shown his ignorance about Islam and his contempt for those who have made studies of the subject and who have come to a different opinion on the nature of Islam. Diversity should also include diversity of thought.

        Deborah said: “So perhaps idiot of the day should be applied to you, after all you have chosen one statement that has nothing to do with your claims about the UK Islamic policy, funding, legality. Reading your articles, they are of much the same bias. You seem to find a random quote that mentions the word Islam and then that person becomes a target for your factless, and somewhat skewed look on how the country you covet actually works. If you want change, try starting with those who make the rules in legislation not those who seek equality for all.

        F211 said: I know that Meredith is only one man but attacking the false doctrine of multiculturalism has to start somewhere so why not with him. Of course I’m going to go after the politicos who back multiculti policies, after all I’m an assimilationist not a multiculturalist, I believe in a melting pot not a mosaic. Unfortunately the outcome of many of the diversity policies that I’ve seen have not been ‘equality’ but in some towns and cities the provision of different types and quality of state provided services according to what race or religion you belong to. That to me is not equality that is apartheid based on multiculturalism..

        Deborah said: “And do try to remember, we are multicultural and have been for hundreds of years.”

        F21 said: No we have not. We have had some members of different races and religions settling in port areas such as London and Liverpool and Bristol for example but we have in no way been as you say a multikulti state for ‘hundreds of years’ For your information a lot of the penalties for being Catholic or Jewish or non conformist Christian were only removed in the 19th Century, that doesn’t exactly say multikulti to me..

        You may be interested in the figures on page 6 showing the demographics of the UK over time

        This gives the lie to what you may have been told about the history of Britain as a multikulti nation. Yes there were minorities both visible and non visible but if you look at the 1951 figures then you will see that we were NOT a multikulti society.

        Deborah said: “The church’s that stand all over this country came in with foreigners and the country killed countless people in crusading. No good comes from religion when it used as a tool of war. But funnily enough there are people dying of AIDS because they are still unable to use contraception all over the world, in the name of catholicism”

        F211 said: I concur with you on your views on Catholicism and contraception and the fact that most religions have been involved in bloodshed at some time.

        However, it is only Islam that has been involved in 19,000+ attacks or episodes of violence since 9/11. I have no issue with those Islamic reformers or those branches of Islam that are quietist but the Hereford Masjid lot seem anything but. Do we really need an Islamic Da’wa (evangelism) team in Hereford, we need one of those like a bloody hole in the head.

        Deborah said: “Which is why I am indiscrimate in my views on religion. As long as the views of one group do not take the rights of another or push their views on to all, let them have their private faith.”

        F211 said: Spot on for once. I also believe that what people believe privately should be sacrosanct. It is when such beliefs start to negatively affect the country as a whole when I start to speak up. For example: Although I believe that Hinduism is idol worship and therefore forbidden to Christians and Jews Hindu’s do not threaten me and I can quite happily co exist with Hindus because they can co-exist with me and my neighbour. Islam has a known historical track record of not being able to co-exist with other groups and that is why it needs to be challenged.

        Deborah said: “The only way to remove all threat from religion, even those considered to be from the UK mistakenly is to remove the power of it and funding from government, school and law. If people choose to believe, they can educate their children in whatever way they choose – in their privately funded temples/churches/mosques. The hate marketing you speak of, is illegal and as in the case of Abu hamza, they will be shown the door. Not every catholic is a crusader, and not every Muslim an extremist. Far from it.

        F211 said: I agree with you that not every Muslim individual is an extremist but Islam as a philosophy does have a tendency when it colonizes a place to become extremist (see the link to New English Review on Walthamstow on this site). I agree with you that Islamic hatred should be prosecuted but unfortunately the influence of the multikulti agenda has meant that the police and the CPS have taken a softly softly approach to Islamic headcases which has only emboldened said Islamic headcases.

        Deborah said: Ps the telegraph is not any better.

        F211 said: “it’s a darn site better than the Daily Mail.

        I’m not blaming you for your views (you are entitled to them) However, if you’ve been taught a load of bollocks at school or in further education then you will then believe this load of bollocks and therefore repeat a load of bollocks thinking that it is fact. There is a diversity of views out there.

        Islam is NOT a race, questioning Islam is not racism.

  8. Reading between the lines this author seems to be a Daily Mail reading fear monger.

    Islam, like Christianity is at its core a community spirited faith of love and equality. Unfortunately Islam, like Christianity have members that live in a way that promotes neither.

    England in the 21st century is a Multi cultural society and should quite rightly be proud of that fact. Wake up and smell the progress.

    • LOL Daily mail reader is that the best you’ve got|?

      |’m proud that Britain is a multi racial society but multiculturalism has been a complete disaster and can be proved to be a disaster.

      Yes there are headcases in Christianity but Islam produces a whole lot more headcases than Christianity, Judaism and all the other faiths combined.

  9. Haydn O'Reilly | September 25, 2012 at 8:38 pm |

    You moronic, ignorant and bigoted fool! If you had any intelligence you would understand it is precisely this kind of thinking that has put and keeps Mr Meredith in a job! If you are so confident in your views then publish your email and postal address. What decade are you living?

    • Mr Meredith in pandering to the Islamic group has himself pandered to bigotry but of an Islamic kind. If you live in an Islamic state and are a woman or are gay or believe in something other than Islam, then Islam will make your life a complete hell. Islam is dangerous to real diversity which is why I oppose it.

      My email address for this blog is publicly available so engage brain and go find it.

  10. I completely agree with Haydn, everyone moans about how they all get treated differently but that will carry on if you didn’t have people like Mr Meredith trying to enforce equality and diversity. I am current;y studying diversity in the UK, and there is proven research that shows that diversity and equality is now happening because people are standing up to what they believe in their area no different from what Mr Meredith is doing but you have small minded people like your self, farenheit211, who are making everything ten times harder to resolve! i think you need to grow and get used to the idea that Herefordshire becoming more diverse.

    • Have you thought of thinking for yourself rather than reading from the left wing multicultural script.

      If you bothered to read what I write then you will see that I have no issue with a multi RACIAL society (I grew up in one) but multiculturalism doesn’t work because cultures unlike individuals are NOT equal.

      Your choice of words to describe Mr Merediths activities is highly instructive. You said he is ‘enforcing’ equality and diversity. Why does this need to be enforced. The fact that you approved of ‘enforced’ diversity shows that you probably have a dislike of opinions that differ from your own.

      • Islam produces far more extremists than Christianity? Wow, now that is enough to convince me im trying to converse with some kind of man child. I mean are you an idiot or merely choosing to cherry pick your passages in history to justify that statement? Having said that, it’s STIlLL beside the point…

        I’m simply sickened that I have to read bigoted, backward, hateful vitriol like this in the 21st Century. It’s born out of irrational fear and clearly a complete lack of education.

        Enjoy your childish rant and enjoy being left behind while the rest of the world at least attempts to move forward.

        There is a famous saying: “Do not argue with a fool, as from a distance no one can tell the difference”

        • I notice that you cannot argue with any facts that I bring up but instead resort to childish insults like ‘bigot’.

          If you don’t want to read what you call ‘hateful vitriol’ then you may find that the Socialist Workers Party site may suit you better. On the subject of hate filled rubbish you can find plenty in the Quran.

          Islam is today’s clear and present danger just as German fascism was the challenge for previous generations. I do not hate individual Muslims but the religio-political philosophy of Islam is something to be both feared and fought.

          The website the Religion of Peace puts it better than I could about the difference between Muslim individuals and Islam as a religious-political path.

  11. People do not argue with your ‘facts’ mainly due to the lack of them in your article and for that matter a ‘bigot’ is not a childish insult but I would not expect you to understand the complexities of communication as you dont even seem to have a basic grasp on reality.

    I am shocked by your rant , you are the very reason prejudice still exsists and its a shame you can not see the impact some hate press has on the community around you! You are the very source of the negative qualities you proclaim to detest!

    Wow I wont waste any more time, people can see for them selves exactly what you are.

    • Go and check my ‘Critical Resources on Islam’ section and you will see among other resources stuff from the Ex Muslims at Islam Watch, that’s if you want facts that is. I have a perfect grasp on reality which is why I feel I have to attack an ideology that is attacking all that I and many others hold dear.

      As you mentioned prejudice why not have a look at the Qu’ran there is lots of prejudice in there. Prejudice against Christians, Jews, Women, non believers. The sort of prejudices that many of us feel are worth fighting against.

      Maybe you would be better off wasting your time over at Islamic Awakening (they might like non Muslim qusilings over there).

      I’m proud to be Anti Islam just as I’m proud to be an anti racist, and pro women’s rights, and pro Gay rights. All of which would be lost if Islam is given any influence. Want to be an independent woman in an Islamic nation – forget it.

  12. To Deborah, It is not irrational to fear Islam, a brief perusal of newspapers and news sites from around the world would tell you that a fear of Islam is a rational thing, no different from the way we feared the German Nazi’s between 1933 and 1945.

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