If you’ve ever wondered what goes on in the bearded savage mind then it helps to look at some of their discussion boards. One sick but informative place to go is the Islamic Awakening forum. Even though they will not be saying in public for example: ‘I’m going to bomb a hospital for Allah’, reading the ‘Politics and Jihad’ section for example is instructive as to the mindset of the bearded savage..
The ‘Politics and Jihad’ section is mostly a woeful collection of Islamic supremacist arrogance wrapped up in a mantle of whining self-pity.
The titles on the forum say it all: “ Videos & Articles Concerning American Injustices in the Muslim World”, “Important We betrayed Sheikh Abu Hamza”, and praise for the Syrian Mujhadeen, “Sheikh Abu Basir Al-Tartousi (Hafidhahullah) liberates Syrian Town with the Mujahideen (Latest clip)”.
Also there is the usual copious blaming of Jews and Christians for the plight of the Islamic world, mentalist September 11th Conspiracy theory cack and rubbish about how freedom of speech is a Myth. Reading it is like taking a quick half hour break staring at the inmates of Bedlam, it truly is.
The Islamic Awakening site is also promoting the Ummah Welfare Trust, an organisation that has worked with a Hamas front, Al-Salah Islamic Association, in the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip.
It’s worth looking at, if only to instruct yourself about the Islamist mindset. I do hope that Islamic Awakening is one of those places that our security agencies are observing.
Islamic Awakening Jihad and Politics Forum
Islamic Awakening on the Ummah Welfare Trust
Ummah Welfare Trust working with Hamas front organisation the Al-Salah Islamic Association
US Treasury press release on Al-Salah Islamic Association and its position as a ‘key support node for Hamas.
I note with a smile that the fascist lunatics of Islamic Awakening are whining that I can’t recognize the ‘diversity’ of the Islamic Awakening site. I don’t see any diversity of thought there I’m afraid, what I do see is a lot of whinging that the state of the Ummah is ‘someone elses fault’.
No the problems with the Ummah are down to Islam being involved in the governance of nations (see the Ghuaffar Hussain article at http://farenheit211.wordpress.com/2012/10/23/why-doesnt-the-islamic-world-get-angry-about-the-things-that-they-really-should-be-getting-really-angry-about/).
The sulphuric acid you say that I piss, I’d say that is just the right stuff to soak the Qu’ran in. Better aimed at such a vile source of hatred than at the faces of innocent young women who just want an education.
You forget to mention the real savages live in the usa, btw what ever happened to the native Indians? i guess they were savages in your eyes also. People should learn from history.
Oh look a moral relativist.
The USA is not the issue here.
The issue is the challenge that violent Islam raises for those who have the privilege to live in free nations. Yes what happened to the Native Americans was wrong but this is history and the effects of this have been mostly addressed. Just because a free nation did something wrong in the past does not negate the need to be vigilant against Islam in the present day.
Flying planes into buildings and blowing up tube trains and buses does tend to make a person suspicious about the ideology behind such actions.
Free nations and societies are far superior to the prisons that are Islamic societies, just ask a woman for example whether she would choose freedom of slavery.
It’s LOL-Time here at Farenheit Towers. I dipped back into the IA cesspit and found this:
“Re: References to IA in the global press and other sources
I think this thread highlights the reputation this forum has in the non-Muslim outlets, sources and media as cited.
We know that such sensitive political discussion make only 25% of this forum’s chatter. The rest is Islamic academic discussion in Hadith, Quran and Fiqh, Muslim sectarian polemics, Arabic language, banter and events announcements.
However, in this Islamaphobic climate, that 25% will look like 95%.
It’s something for the moderators to look into. And I must add here that disproportionate focus and mis-portrayal on what this forum is about are unfair, unjust, and typical of a global information network geared to discredit Islam altogether.”
I just absolutely LOVE the line about a global network geared to discrediting Islam. Islam doesn’t need anyones help in that area. It discredits itself far more than I or anybody else could manage to do.