Lord Mandleson, a man who was ‘intensely relaxed’ about not only people becoming rich, but also about filling up the UK with unwanted and often antisocial immigrants.
The policy of deliberately importing immigrants, often from cultures that are incompatible with free democratic societies, the existence of such a policy, which the Labour Party has in the past denied, was confirmed by Lord Mandleson at a meeting of a think tank according to the Daily Mail newspaper in the UK.
The Daily Mail quoted Lord Mandleson as saying that the Labour Government deliberately and knowingly ‘sent out search parties’ for immigrants and cared little that traditional British working class voters would be negatively affected by the policy.
The newspaper said:
“Labour sent out ‘search parties’ for immigrants to get them to come to the UK, Lord Mandelson has admitted.
In a stunning confirmation that the Blair and Brown governments deliberately engineered mass immigration, the former Cabinet Minister and spin doctor said New Labour sought out foreign workers.
He also conceded that the influx of arrivals meant the party’s traditional supporters are now unable to find work.
By contrast, Labour leader Ed Miliband has said his party got it wrong on immigration but has refused to admit it was too high under Labour.
Between 1997 and 2010, net migration to Britain totalled more than 2.2million, more than twice the population of Birmingham.
The annual net figure quadrupled under Labour from 48,000 people in 1997 to 198,000 by 2009.
Lord Mandelson’s remarks come three years after Labour officials denied claims by former adviser Andrew Neather that they deliberately encouraged immigration in order to change the make-up of Britain.
Mr Neather said the policy was designed to ‘rub the Right’s nose in diversity’.
He said there was ‘a driving political purpose: that mass immigration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural’.“
The admission by Lord Mandleson that Labour imported millions of people in order to change the demographic make-up of the UK as part of a social engineering project to increase ‘diversity’ in the UK, is timely. It is plain now that many people can see that this mass importation of potential Labour voters, and the the associated clampdown on free speech on the issue of immigration, carried out by the Labour Party was not an accident caused by world events or economics, as was the case with previous waves of immigration. The policy of propping open the doors of the UK was done purely out of spite and hatred for Britons who in previous elections during the 1980’s and 1990’s, had rejected the voodoo economics and petty authoritiarianism of socialism.
Lord Mandleson’s comments confirm what many of us have previously grown to understand, that the importation of millions of unwanted and often anti-social foreigners was a deliberate act of treason against all the people of the UK no matter what their skin colour or religion.
It may be helpful to put the sheer scale of Labour’s treasonous importation of potential Labour voters in the context of previous immigration waves. Between 1945 and 1955 there were 18,000 West Indian immigrants who came to the UK to work in areas where there were shortages of manpower. The Great Migration of Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe fleeing Pogroms in Poland and Russia, numbered 250,000 and the migration of the Huguenots, who were fleeing oppression in France numbered approximately 60,000, the German immigrants who arrived during the 19th Century numbered approximately 54,000. Compare that with the figures for immigration during the comparatively short period of 13 years of Labour misrule between 1997 and 2010 when 2.2 MILLION were allowed in. Labour allowed in more immigrants in 13 years than all the previous waves of immigration put together.
People need to remember this 2.2 million figure and make sure that they do not forget it when they walk to the Polling Station for the next General Election in 2015. Labour have unleashed ruination upon our society by their immigration policy and they must be punished for this unforgivable act of treason. Labour are now, by their own admission, not the party of the British working classes but instead the party of the foreign job thief and freeloader.
If you want an exploding Jihadist as a neighbour then vote Labour, if you don’t want this, then vote for somebody else.
Britain has often been genuinely enriched by the new industries and commercial opportunities brought to Britain by Jews, Germans, Huguenots and others but it cannot be denied that the crushing wave of immigration that has been encouraged by Labour has brought not enrichment but crime, violence, terrorism and a massive stress on public services.
Labour truly do not care about British people and the United Kingdom, and now by Mandleson’s words, they’ve admitted it.
Daily Mail story on Lord Mandleson
West Indian immigration to the UK (From the National Archives)
The Jewish immigration wave of 1850 – 1914
The Huguenot immigrants story
German immigration to the UK