High Town, Hereford, scene of the latest sex attack which was more than likely carried out by a follower of Islam.
It is becoming plain for anybody to see now that wherever Islam sets up shop, there will be Islamic sex criminals. Because Muslims follow an ideology that disrespects women and children and has a chauvinistic and supremacist view of those who are not Muslim, many Muslims appear to believe that they can rape or commit sex-crimes because their ‘prophet’ told them that they can.
My Herefordshire contact has sent me a local newspaper story from The Hereford Journal about a woman who was sexually assaulted in the centre of the city by an ‘Asian’ man. Those of us who have studied Islamic sex crimes know that although such beasts are often described as ‘Asian’ by the media, they are more often than not, Muslim. When reports of ‘Asian’ sex criminals are made it often eventually turns out that these stories have a very high ‘Mohammed coefficient’. I can only find a few examples of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians or Buddhists or anyone else of ‘Asian’ appearance committing such crimes. The majority of ‘Asian’ sex offenders are Muslim, as this shocking map by the counterjihadist Kafircrusader shows. This is why I’m quite confident that if this nonce gets to court he will more than likely turn out to be of the Islamic persuasion.
This latest example of Islamic sex criminality happened when a woman was using a cash machine in the early hours of August 31st 2013.
The Hereford Journal (see below for newspaper article scan) said:
“Hereford police are appealing for information following a sexual assault in High Town as a woman was using a cash machine in the early hours.
It happened outside the HSBC bank at about 2:35am on Saturday August 31st.
A suspect was later arrested on suspicion of sexual assault and is on bail pending further inquiries.
The 21-year-old victim had withdrawn some money when she was grabbed from behind and pulled to the ground but managed to get the man off her and call 999.
Her assailant then ran off through High Town in the direction of Commercial Street. He was described as being of Asian appearance 5 feet 6 inches tall, of slim to average build and with short dark brown hair.
In a second incident at 12:45am on Monday September 2nd police were called when a man was seen acting suspiciously near a woman using the cash machine at Natwest in Commercial Street. Police are trying to trace the woman involved.
Detective Constable Mel Reynolds said: “We are appealing for witnesses to the first incident when the town was quite busy, despite the time of night. Pubs and clubs were closing and there were lots of taxis at the time. We are also trying to trace the woman in the second incident as she may have information which would be of benefit to the inquiry.
Anyone with information is asked to contact DC Reynolds at Hereford CID on the non emergency number 101, quoting incident numbers 94-s-310813 or 17-s-020913 or ring the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.”
Another city, another Islamic sex beast. I’ve had people in the Hereford area reporting to me that on sunny days there are a considerable number of bearded savage (Islamic) men hanging around seats and monuments in the city centre leering at non-Muslim women going by. Looks like this beast has gone beyond leering and has decided to exercise his Islamic delusion that all non-Muslim women are there for the use and abuse of Muslim men. Remember, Islam is the only religion in the modern world that still believes sex slavery and paedophilia are acceptable actions. As I said earlier, although there was no mention in the article that the assailant is Muslim, previous reports and other data, point very strongly to this nonce being Islamic.
Maybe the rise of Islamic sex beasts in the City of Hereford will persuade those councillors, and county council staff that they really should stop agitating for the building of a mosque terrorism and paedophilia advocacy centre, in Herefordshire. Maybe, this incident will also persuade those community groups who are pandering to the religion of rape to stop doing so, although I’m not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen, because such people and organisations refuse to see the problems that Islam brings to whatever area it infests.