Go on Savage jump. See if anyone outside of the ‘equality and diversity ‘ bubble really gives a toss. Emotional blackmail from the specialists at it.
It seems that British benefits are much more desired by Syrian ‘refugees’ than being given asylum in France. It is so obvious that these are people who we should tell to ‘f**k off’.
Sky said:
“More than 60 Syrians are in a stand-off with French police at the Calais ferry terminal in a desperate bid to get to the UK.
The group have occupied a footbridge at the terminal in northern France since Wednesday, and today police moved in to clear them.
Two of the Syrians have climbed on to the ferry terminal roof and are threatening to jump off if their demands are not met. Twenty of the group are on hunger strike, according to reports.
France has offered the migrants the right to seek asylum. But the group said they wanted to start a new life in Britain and were treated “worse than animals” in France.”
In other words, France doesn’t have an ‘ask no questions, prove no residence’ form of welfare, whereas Britain unfortunately has.
Do we need any more ungrateful, poncing residents of Islamic shitholes in Britain, surely we don’t?
XX Two of the Syrians have climbed on to the ferry terminal roof and are threatening to jump off XX
Don’t the French even have the decency to offer them a final meal of a beer and a bacon sandwich? If not, I’ll be glad to stump up. Don’t want the nonces to die hungry now, do we?