I wouldn’t buy a used car from this man, Fiyaz Mughal. However, if on the other hand, you sold him a car, it is highly likely that the money to buy it would come from money extorted from the taxpayer.
Many of us were very pleased to hear that the Islamic whining group, Tell Mama, was quite rightly deprived of taxpayer funding.
However, as an excellent bit of research by Kafircrusader shows, Tell Mama wasn’t the only Fiyaz Mughal project lavishly funded by the UK government.
Since 2008, groups and projects associated with Fiyaz Mughal have managed to obtain nearly £800,000 out of British taxpayers via funding from the Department of Communities and Local Government.
That is 800,000 that could have been spent on something useful, such as meals on wheels, support for children with special needs, public libraries or anything else. Personally I think flushing the money down the drain would have been a far more socially useful application of the money than some of the things that Mughal and his crew have spent the money on. For example: What possible gain can be had for the country as a whole for spending £50,000 on a ‘Caring for Islamic Converts’ project? No other religious or confessional group receives funds to care for those who convert to their path. The London Beth Din doesn’t get money to help those few people who convert to Judaism, neither does the Catholic church get money to assist those members of the Anglican communion who have converted to Catholicism. What is so ‘special’ about those who convert to bearded savagery, why do they need money extorted from taxpayers whilst other groups do not?
Another part of this spreadsheet of governmental shame that caught my eye was the £90,000 that went to something called the ‘Muslim Chaplaincy Project’. It hit a nerve because the Islamic Chaplaincy in Britain is not exactly a ‘clean hands’ environment, and one of those involved in Islamic Chaplaincy for the National Health Service, of all places, is a man wanted for war crimes in Bangladesh. Did any of this £90,000 go to people like Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin? Even if it didn’t, the amounts and causes favoured by DCLG show just how deeply that department has been penetrated by Islamists and their fellow travellers.
The figures obtained by Kafircrusader makes interesting and disturbing reading.
These are the various Islamic causes that YOU are paying for out of your taxation. Worryingly these figures only relate to cash given to groups associated with Fiaz Mughal/Faith Matters/Tell Mama, there is more than likely to be other Islamic groups also bleeding the taxpayer dry who are being funded by DCLG or who are being funded by other departments of government.
Kafircrusader got a reply from the DCLG which said:
“You requested information for the last 5 years of any funding allocated to the following organizations Faith Matters and Tell Mama. You wanted it to include the date, how much funding, and a description of the project.I have considered your request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. I confirm that the Department holds the information that you have requested, and I am able to supply it to you. The information that you have requested is as follows. Tell MAMA is a project managed by Faith Matters so it is included in the list of other projects. The payments from DCLG to Faith Matters, the relevant dates and project descriptions, are as follows:
Financial Year |
Project Description |
2012-13,2011-12 & 2010-11 |
£397,000 |
Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (Tell MAMA) |
2010-11 |
£22,331 |
Role model for Muslim Women project |
£15,190 |
Muslim Chaplaincy project |
£15,190 |
Muslim Chaplaincy project |
2009-10 |
£50,000 |
Caring for converts project |
£33,750 |
Muslim Chaplaincy project |
£37,675 |
Compilation of Mosque directory for Muslim women |
£22,332 |
Role model for Muslim Women project |
£33,600 |
Cohesive Communities Programme |
£6,922 |
Living Islam out Loud project |
£50,000 |
Caring for converts project |
2008-09 |
£25,870 |
Muslim Chaplaincy project |
£37,675 |
Mosques Directory compilation |
£14,888 |
Role model for Muslim Women project |
£35,000 |
Cohesion and Faiths Funding |
£990 |
Living Islam out Loud project |
As you can see Mughal’s TellMama and Faith Matters ventures really are like an Islamic money making machine. WTF £37k for a Mosque directory (which are plentiful on-line) in 2008-09 then the same amount again the next year for a directory of Mosques for women ! This is little more than a list of the 100 least sexist and most woman friendly UK mosques. Fiyaz Mughal OBE is certainly in the running to be awarded a BOTD to go alongside his OBE….Bullshitter Off The Decade “
This Islamic parasitism needs to stop. Money meant to bring people together in the form of ‘community cohesion’ grants is being spent on advancing the Islamic cause, a cause that is completely counter to the idea of democracy, freedom and equality.
These figures confirm that Islamic and Islamist activists have penetrated the DCLG to a very dangerous extent and may be one reason why the Secretary of State for Local Government, Mr Eric Pickles, has done little or nothing to deal with the problems of Islamic entryism and corruption in local government, most notably in places like Tower Hamlets or Rotherham or Bradford or Newham or any of the other towns and cities where Islam has been injected, often to the detriment of these areas and the original people who live there.
Kafircrusaders investigation into Fiyaz Mughal and the taxpayer teat