Bearded Savage of the Day Number 78 – Muslim man burned Hindu woman alive.

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The crazy and violent world of Islam seems to have made its presence felt in Orange County in the State of California.

A Muslim man who is alleged to have burned to death his ex-girlfriends mother and fatally stabbed the girls father is currently on trial in California.

The Hindu parents, probably mindful of the bestial behaviour of Muslim men and the phenomenon of ‘love jihad’ cases from India, were not happy about their daughter being in a relationship with a Muslim man. Many would agree that Muslims do not make good partners for their daughters and this is not just a specifically Hindu thing, it goes across the board. For example how many Christian, Jewish or Atheist parents would want their daughter to suffer the multiple restrictions and oppressions that are part and parcel of a Muslim woman’s lot?

The Orange County Register reports that the body of the girls mother, Karishma Dhanak, showed signs that she had been alive when she had been set on fire, by the alleged Muslim assailant, Iftekhar Murtaza.

The Orange County Register said:

An Anaheim Hills woman was alive when her throat was slit, then gasoline was poured on her body and set on fire before she collapsed on her back on an Irvine trail, the chief forensic pathologist for Orange County testified Thursday.

A red discolourationnn found around Karishma Dhanak’s trachea or breathing tube in an autopsy shows she inhaled hot gases, Tony Juguilon said.

In other words, she was alive during the fire,” he told jurors in the trial of her sister’s former boyfriend, who is accused of fatally beating, stabbing and kidnapping Dhanak and her father in 2007.

Iftekhar Murtaza, now 29, of Van Nuys blamed the Dhanak family for breaking up his relationship with Shayona Dhanak, then 18, because he is Muslim and they were Hindu, Deputy District Attorney Howard Gundy alleges.

During cross examination by defense attorney Julie Swain, Juguilon agreed he could not distinguish whether the tracheal discoloration was from a fire elsewhere or from the Irvine scene, where the smoldering bodies of the daughter and father were discovered hours later. The Dhanak home also was doused with gasoline and set ablaze.”

When this particular Bearded Savage heard that his former partner was now dating someone else, Murtasa threw his toys out of the pram in a lethal way.

The Orange County Register added:

On May 21, 2007, after learning that his former girlfriend Shayona Dhanak was going on a date with someone else, Murtaza’s “fuse is now lit,” Gundy has told jurors.

Later that day, he and an accomplice beat and tied up her father and when her older sister returned home to a crime in progress, she met the same fate, prosecutors said.

When the mother, Leela Dhanak, came home from work, the men stabbed her in the stomach and slashed her throat, Gundy contended.

They then doused the home with gasoline, set it on fire and attempted to move the three victims to a van outside, he said.

But the plan unraveled, Gundy told jurors. Leela Dhanak, 56, was found by police lying unconscious on her neighbor’s lawn. She survived.

About five hours later and 15 miles away at Irvine’s William R. Mason Regional Park, authorities found the bodies of Jayprakash and Karishma Dhanak. Both had been beaten and set on fire near a dirt path not far from where Shayona slept in her dorm room at UC Irvine.

Murtaza faces the death penalty if convicted of murder plus the special circumstances of committing more than one murder.”

Read the rest of the story and the background to it here:

Lets hope that if this Savage is convicted he gets the punishment for this heinous crime that he so richly deserves. Now can you see what those of us opposed to Islam can see, that wherever there is Islam, there is violence.

Hat Tip – Creeping Shariah