One of the things that distinguishes a civilised society from an uncivilised one is how the society and the community treat those with disabilities. A society that whips up a mob to burn alive a mentally handicapped man because he ripped the pages from a book, certainly looks uncivilised to me and probably will do so to many others. The harrowing account below from July 2013 from a Christian news agency should wake up even the most sleepy minded multiculturalist to the fact that Islam is not peaceful, even if individual Muslims undoubtably are.
The backward ideology of Islam has taken less than 70 years to turn Pakistan into a basket case of a country where there is no respect for human life. However at least the Pakistanis can console themselves with the knowledge that by behaving like this they are surely following in the way of their violent ‘prophet’ Mohammed. Pakistan has been hollowed out by Islam and any hopes that Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the founding father of Pakistan, may have had for a modern, forward looking, Islam based country are mouldering in the grave along with Jinnah himself.
The Roman Catholic news source Asia News said:
“Pakistani Christians have condemned the silence of Punjab’s provincial government over the death of Ghulam Abbas, a disabled Muslim man who was burnt alive by a mob of 3,000 people for blasphemy. “It is upsetting that police did not arrest anyone even though a First Information Report (FIR) has been filed against the attackers,” Christian social activist Safraz Clement said.
Police arrested the victim, a homeless man in his forties, for questioning in Ghani Gnot (southern Punjab) after he ripped some pages of the Qur’an.
Once news about the incident made the round of the region’s mosques, a mob of 3,000 people gathered in front of the police station, demanding he be put to death.
The protesters, mostly students from local madrassas, eventually turned violent and stormed the station, injuring seven police agents. Several police vehicles were also set on fire.
Once they grabbed the prisoner, they dragged him outside, beat him to a pulp and then set him on fire.”
The Islamic culture and ideology that creates compassion-free wild mobs like this and a nation that tolerates and excuses them truly deserves the description of ‘uncivilised’.
Hat tip
Twitter user: IDF Golani Sniper @AndrewGatward
standing ovation to pakistan for being such a tolerant country..I mean tolerant towards mobs. I am not saying other countries dont have mobs, India is completely guilty of having mobs but a man burned alive after being dragged out of a police station and not one single person arrested is thankfully mostly unheard of.
That’s Pakistan for you.
Now imagine living beside that country.
And they have nukes!