Dr Hameed of Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association outside the former working mans club that he is lying about when he says it is not been used as a mosque nor that non-Muslims are being made unwelcome.
Lying, shouting ‘racist’ and accusing people of being supporters of the British National Party seems to be the latest tactic being used by Dr Sohail Hameed of the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association as they continue to disregard planning law by using a former workingman’s club as a mosque. Here is the report from the local Epping Forest to Woodford Guardian newspaper. The original report is in bold italics and my fisking of Dr Hameed’s words are in plain text
The Epping to Woodford Guardian said:
“An investigation has been launched into a community centre amid claims it is secretly being used as a mosque.”
Bearing in mind that there is hidden camera video of the mosque management denying the use of the centre for obviously non-Muslim things, the large number of people visiting on a Friday and other shariah compliant changes to the centre such as separation of genders, it shouldn’t take the council long to confirm that the building is being used as a mosque without planning permission.
“Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association took over the running of Hainault Community Centre in September for the purpose of “improving education”. “
Yeah right, education in what? Are there supplementary schools there catering for those excluded from education, is there a proper library? Of course not the only thing that is being taught at this centre is Islam.
“However, a petition signed by 57 residents says people now feel excluded from the centre due to regular meetings attended by Muslims. “
Yup, that is what we saw on the video. We saw the centre mosque representative telling a visitor a list all the things that could no longer be done in the centre, including things like Bingo. All the activities being forbidden are those that Islam forbids. Of course non-Muslims are being excluded from the building by this Islamic group.
“But chairman of the association in charge, Dr Sohail Hameed, insists the centre is not being used solely as a place of worship and said the whole community is welcome at the centre.”
May I take this opportunity to call Dr Hameed and the Muslim association as a bunch of lying bastards, because that is the impression that I’m picking up from both the behaviour and actions of Dr Hameed and the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association.
“Anyone is welcome to use the centre, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Christian,” he said. “
A lie. We have seen from the video how activities that other groups may wish to do have now been forbidden.
“We do not have mass prayer here. It is half and half, the men have a lecture on a Friday afternoon and then they say a prayer before they leave. “
Another lie. The building is often innundated with people during Friday prayer times. Also there are allegations that the building is closed at new times and often only open when it is Islamic prayer time. The use of the cover word ‘lectures’ is truly as transparent a lie as one could find.
“The opposition does not surprise me. The BNP have many followers in this area. “
Bullshit! The reason people are opposed to you and your organisation is because of your behaviour not because of people supporting a group of tin pot jackboot polishers. Lie and smear, lie and smear, behaviour we have come to expect from the representatives of the ideology of Islam.
“This is not a mosque. It is for the whole community to come and sing and dance and hire the rooms.”
Another blatant lie, a representative of the mosque had already been recorded as banning dancing.
A council spokesman said: “The permitted use of Jacques Hall as a community centre is regulated both by the terms of its current planning permission, and the terms of the lease agreed with the Council.
It certainly seems that the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association are breaching the terms of planning permission. Permission was given for a community centre, with access to all and with a focus on educational activities. It’s use as a mosque has removed this property from the community at large and that is an utter scandal.
“We have received claims, separately and within a petition, that Jacques Hall is being used for religious activity that falls outside its permitted use.
“We have an obligation to look into these claims and an investigation is currently ongoing.”
These claims as we can see from previous coverage of this case have a lot of evidence to back them up, far more evidence than Hameed and his chums can find to back up their lies and deceit. If the council refuse to engage with this issue for fear of being called ‘racist’ or in order to take advantage of the ‘whipped mosque vote’ then maybe it is time for the locals to claim back, by way of legal action and demonstrations, a community resource that not only is being misused but which increasingly looks like it was obtained by the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association under false pretences.
Original story from the local Guardian series newspaper
Elsewhere from here about this story
1. 25th November 2013
2. 14th November 2013
3. 6th November 2013
4. 13th May 2013
5. 2nd May 2013
Just the words muslim centre , is enough to exclude people not of that faith, I think it is fair to say this is racial discrimination.