I do not agree with burning mosques but Tell Mama have no scruples about exploiting such things. (With apologies to Francis Ford Coppola and zero apologies to Tell Mama)
On numerous occassions I have politely asked via Twitter a question of the Tell Mama group. That question is why do they feature a group, the Council of American Islamic Relations, that has dubious policies and even more dubious friends, on the front page of their website.
It is not a lot to ask to enquire as to why they are featuring a group that gives a lot of concern to many Americans (and quite a few on the British side of the pond as well), and which was named as an unindicted defendant in a ‘cash for Hamas’ case.
I still not have had any contact with Tell Mama, about this, not via twitter, not via email and not even by way of Tell Mama’s famously dodgy lawyers.
The only conclusion that I can come to because of this is that they are quite happy to associate themselves with those who support or turn blind eyes to genocidal groups like Hamas. Maybe that is something that those naive and innocent Jews and Christians who turn out to support Tell Mama should think about. Tell Mama are dancing with the organisation, that danced with Hamas who then kill Christians and Jews for no other reason than because they are Christians and Jews.