A man decides that after much study he has decided that Judaism is the religion for him. He takes on belief in one God, 613 commandments, keeps a kosher home, observes the Sabbath, gives to charity and does good works.
Another man decides after study of the world’s great religions that he would become a Christian. He gets baptised, witnesses for Jesus, gives to charity and does good works.
A third man decides after study of the worlds great religions that Islam is the religion for him. He says his Shahada, becomes Muslim and then attempts to blow up an airport.
Sadly although this story reads like one of the classic ‘three religions’ jokes it is not. It is a scenario that we see all too often. A person converts to Islam, and then guided by the hateful words of the Koran decides that he has been appointed to kill non-Muslims by the Islamic deity Allah.
Despite this sort of thing happening with monotonous regularity, we still treat this ideology of Islam as a religion of peace, and give it all the rights and privileges of other less violent and more civilised faiths. We must be mad to treat Islam as anything other than a violent dangerous cult that imprisons its own adherents behind walls of violence, and which has declared war on all those who do not believe that a 7th Century warlord is some sort of demi-god.