Tales from the search engine volume two.


I find it interesting to monitor how people find the Fahrenheit211 site and what search terms they use to get here.

There was an odd one today, one which as inspired this particular post. The search term was:

‘The good that Islam has done’.

I thought about it and decided to do a post on the historical achievements of the ideology of Islam and here it is:















Nope I couldn’t think of anyway that Islam has genuinely enriched humanity. Any discoveries or achievements that have been pinned on Islam were often the achievements of those more advanced societies that Islam destroyed by sword or fire.

Also somehow I don’t think that murder, rape, destruction, intolerance, genocide, slavery etc really count as cultural ‘achievements’ do you?

2 Comments on "Tales from the search engine volume two."

  1. LOL. It must have been somebody who has lived in a cave for the last 50 years with no media source. Or they would know good and Islam in the same sentence is unheard of.
    God you wonna see my search terms especially when i have days with a load coming from Pakistan and other equally shithole places. It would appear google has me down as something of a guru on Muslim sex with animals

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 21, 2013 at 11:53 pm |

      Hi there. I get nasties as well, including Islamic incest searches, although some of those may be people genuinely trying to find out about the shocking levels of consanguinuity in the world Islamic community. It looks sometimes that Islam is the only world religion that comes complete with the soundtrack of ‘duelling banjos’. I also get some spectacularily twisted, devious or mentally unbalanced guff from that toilet that refuses to flush, Pakistan. I thought that query ‘the good that Islam does’ was incredibly naive.

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