Members of Neturei Karta, the Jewish ‘Crazy Gang’ meet the equally mental now ex-President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
The leader of the Jewish group Neturei Karta, who believe amongst other things, that the State of Israel is illegitimate because it was not set up by the Moschiach, or Jewish Messiah, got beaten up recently in Amsterdam.
Now in general, Jews getting beaten up by Muslims in Amsterdam, a city that was for centuries, and especially before the arrival of Islam, considered as a city of refuge for European Jews, is not good news. However, it is highly appropriate that Islamic violence, which is growing in the Netherlands, has found a member of the profoundly disgusting Neturei Karta group. Now I have no problem with them having the belief that Israel shouldn’t have been created except by the Moshiach, but I don’t agree with them and think that politically they have gone too far. Where I and many others do have a problem is with Neturei Karta hobnobbing with some pretty nasty Islamic dictators such as Iran’s former President Ahmedinejad, in their deranged quest to de-legitimise the State of Israel.
It is ironic that a member of this most Islamo-pandering of Jewish groups should be attacked in this way. All the Neturei Karta appeasement of Islamic regimes, all their expressed friendship with them, all their burning hatred for the State of Israel means nothing in the real world of the Amsterdam street. No matter how much Neturei Karta bow and scrape to Islamic groups and causes, it didn’t exempt them from attack by Muslims.
The website ‘Your Jewish News’ said:
“Dutch police said that Joseph Antebi, 50, was attacked yesterday by Muslim men in Amsterdam. According to information obtained by the police, several Muslim men came over to his stopped car, pulled him out from his vehicle, beat him and spit on him. The suspects then fled from the scene.
The rabbi begged passersby for help, but his pleas were ignored.
According to the police report, Antebi called the police and was able to provide cell phone images of the suspects to the police. “Rabbi Antebi is in the hospital and in stable condition. Antebi is suffering from severe pain, nausea and vomiting. He is also suffering from internal bleeding,” according to a statement released by Neturei Karta.”
I hope Rabbi Antebi fully recovers, not only because it would be wrong to wish harm, even on those with whom we peacefully disagree, but also I want him to recover so he can learn from his experience. The lesson Rabbi Antebi should learn, is that there is no future, or freedom, for Jews under Islam, no matter how much Jews abase themselves before Islamic rulers or Islamic countries. There is freedom for Jews in Israel but not in either the Islamic world or those areas of the non-Islamic world that have been colonised by Muslims.
I’d like to think that this attack was a case of ‘a burned hand teaches best’ when it comes to Rabbi Antebi’s attitude to the world of Islam and why there is a need for a Jewish state, but sadly these clowns are still playing the court jester to cruel Islamic tyrants. Predictably, Neturei Karta blamed this attack on the state of Israel and hoping that Neturei Karta will have been suitably ‘mugged by reality,’ and would reconsider their views on Israel and the Islamic world, will sadly have to wait.
Your Jewish News added:
“However, the group remained defiant in defending radical Islamic militants. “This incident just shows how the Zionist are fanning the flames of anti-Semitism throughout the world,” the group said in a statement. “
Neturei Karta have got it all wrong in their statement to the news outlet. it is not Zionism or the State of Israel that is ‘fanning the flames of anti-Semitism’, it is the actions of Muslims and Islamic nations that are doing that. Islamic anti-Semitism is not something that magically sprung into life when the State of Israel was re-created by the United Nations in 1948, it is something that has been a part of Islam for many hundreds of years prior to Israel being reborn.
Jew-hatred runs through Islam like the name of a town in a stick of seaside rock. It is long past time that groups like Neturei Karta and their equally deluded anti-Zionist counterparts among Leftist Progressive Jews, woke up and smelled the coffee. Islam is an ideology that is often murderously opposed to differing beliefs, and it is about time that more people, both Jew and non-Jew, started to realise that.
Original story from Your Jewish News
Hat Tip www.elderofziyon.blogspot.com
XX The lesson Rabbi Antebi should learn, is that there is no future, or freedom, for Jews under Islam, no matter how much Jews abase themselves before Islamic rulers or Islamic countries.XX
The Jews are infamous for such.
See the number that were still in Berlin in 1942, when the transports to Poland REALLY got underway. As if they had no previous warnings.
Replace “Islam” with “Nazi” and you have the full history of the European Jewish people.
You do realize that Jews and Muslims were living peacefully side by side before the creation of the State of Israel, right? (In Palestine, Muslim Andalusia, the Caliphates, the Ottoman Empire, etc)
Also, if you want a picture of Muslim-Jewish relations in the Middle-East, compare the number of Jews killed by Muslim terrorists with the number of Muslims killed by Jewish fighters.
The truth will set you free.
Right where do I start on this one. Firstly thank you for your laughably anti-historical comment. Even a non-exaustive list of Islamic Jew hatred prior to the recreation of the State of Israel doesn’t look too good. What about the 1929 Hebron Massacre http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre in Judea or the Farhud in Iraq where Muslims violently and murderously turned on their Jewish neighbours http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-13610702, the myth of the ‘Golden Age’ in Al Andalus is just that a myth, life for Jews in Islamic Spain was only good when compared to living as a non-person in Eastern Europe during a time of great oppression. In much of the Islamic world Jews along with Christians and members of other faiths lived as second or third class persons in some cases unable to carry weapons to defend themselves and even unable to ride horses. Much of the Muslim world nearly engaged in a ‘Holocaust Mark II’ when the State of Israel was recreated and it was only the existence of Israel that saved these Jews from certain death. Prior to that Jews were subjected to many petty and greater restrictions and Jewish women were forced to walk the streets with their heads uncovered inplaces like Morocco and Algeria with all that it means for an uncovered woman in Islamic culture.
Israel could kill many more Islamic terrorists than they are capable of and it is only morality that stays their hands. The terror statelet of Gaza could have been completely Coventrified and bombed back to bare earth by the Israeli Air Force but instead the IAF has tried to kill terrorists with the least amount of collateral damage. It is a respect for life, all life, even in war that has stopped the Israelis from completely destroying Gaza.
I will concur with you that at various times in Islamic history there have been pockets in both time and geography where tolerance has come to the fore, the great Jewish thinker Maimonides worked as a physician to the Islamic leader in Egypt, but tolerance and respect has not really been what characterises Islamic rule in general. Just as tolerance is not something that we see in places that are ruled by Islam today.
You mention the word ‘truth’ don’t make me laugh, there is very little truth in your view of Islam and its relations with those of other faiths.
Please go and purchase a better history book, the one you seem to be reading from appears to be faulty.
XX Please go and purchase a better history book, the one you seem to be reading from appears to be faulty. XX
Aye. Appears to be “The protocols of the elders of Zion.” Or something simmilar