Steve Rose of the Huffington Post, the idiot Leftie who hangs round with the bunch of charlatans known as Tell Mama.
If you are trying to stop the opening or expansion of a peadophile, treason and terrorism advocacy centre, otherwise known as a mosque, in your area then this site may well be of interest to you.
The site is called ‘Mosqueblock’ and must be being relatively effective because Steve Rose ( @steveplrose ) who writes for the Left-wing Huffington Post news site is getting all het up about it on the Twitter timeline of the Tell Mama organisation.
When an organisation is taking flak from someone who hangs round with the charlatans of Tell Mama then it must be worth a look.
Here’s the link for Mosqueblock, hope it’s useful to you.
If you want to get some idea of where Mr Rose is coming from then here is a list of some of his articles for the HuffPo
Well this was eventually closed.
Nice one. It took some time but a good result in the end. I bet that the Muslims connected to this place whined and whined about being shut down.