An excellent, but sadly true in its sentiments, spoof of a piece of West Midlands Police publicity (image from Liberty GB)
The Liberty GB party has an update on their website on the trial of Tim Burton, the online radio host, who was arrested at the instigation of Fiyaz Mughal for calling Mughal a Mendacious Grievance-Monger.
Liberty GB said:
“The Mendacious Grievance-Monger-In-Chief at Tell Mama UK, Fiyaz Mughal, can sleep a little easier in his bed tonight, knowing that his day of reckoning at Birmingham Magistrates’ Court has been postponed by seven weeks from the original scheduled date of Tuesday 18th February 2014. This has been done in the interests of justice and the complexity of the case – the court’s words, not ours – and it also allows the defence time to organise some expert witnesses to give evidence on behalf of Tim Burton, the Liberty GB Radio host who was charged with ‘racially aggravated harassment’ for sending a series of tweets to Tell Mama UK which Fiyaz Mughal, as director of said organisation, found to be unduly offensive.
As being merely offensive is not in and of itself yet a criminal offence in the UK, Fiyaz Mughal found it necessary to strong-arm West Midlands Police into arresting and charging Tim Burton with ‘racially aggravated harassment’ in order for his ruffled feathers to be soothed and for his overflowing sense of importance to be assuaged”
Liberty GB added:
“It turns out that West Midlands Police didn’t need much in the way of strong-arming in order to appease Fiyaz Mughal’s delusions of grandeur. The integrity of our police forces has been thoroughly compromised by the politically correct pursuit of ‘diversity’ through ‘partnerships’ – one of which is actually with none other than Tell Mama UK – and this has resulted in policing policies that are more in tune with the demands ofSharia law than English law. It seems that the all-too-close association of West Midlands Police with the discredited ‘hate crime’ monitor Tell Mama may be behind the force’s eagerness to pander to Islamic cries of ‘offence’, and in effect, treat Islamic ‘blasphemy’ rules as superior to those pertaining to free speech.“
I’m pleased to note that it is not only this blog which has noticed the worrying closeness between the West Midlands Police and the Tell Mama organisation. It is certainly looking as if Tell Mama have managed to corrupt, or have far too much influence with too many WMP officers. The Augean Stables which is the West Midlands Police is urgently in need of a clean out from the bottom to the top. West Midlands Police really should get their act together and be very careful in future about who then enter into partnerships with. Groups with agendas like Tell Mama should not be allowed to influence policing, they are not interested in dealing with ‘hate speech’ but only in shutting down free speech, especially speech which is critical of Islam.
It’s time for a public enquiry into West Midlands Police and their weird and wonderful mates.
Original Liberty GB story
On this and similar stories from the Fahreheit211 blog.
Tim Burton arrested at instigation of Fiyaz Mughal
Allegation that Fiyaz Mughal has been economical with the actualite
New English Review magazine on the subject of the notorious mendacious grievance-mongering taquiyya artists of Tell Mama