Introducing the Fahrenheit211 Video Vault


This blog is launching its new ‘Video Vault‘ feature. This will be a place where videos of a mostly counterjihadist nature will be featured.

This feature is for videos that I or others spot, that show Islamic clerics mouthing off and making threats to non-Muslims, the negative affects of Islamic dominance, examples of Islamic personages making false statements, people protesting about the ideology of Islam and inspirational, historic and patriotic films and those who wish to mock and take the mickey out of Islam. The reason for hiving video off in a separate section is because there are many videos that do not need a lot of explanation or comment and having a distinct video section stops the main page from getting too confusing and will allow readers to find video easily. This will not affect the regular ‘Friday Night Movie’ feature which, for the moment, will stay as it is.

Although a significant part of the content of this new section will come from the major video carriers such as Facebook, YouTube and Live Leak etc, this blog is also looking for contributions from video makers who, for security or other reasons, may not wish to use the major corporate or more Leftist carriers of video.

Because Britain has a state broadcasting organisation, the BBC, which shows a particular Leftist bias and rarely covers in depth Islamic misbehaviour in the United Kingdom, this blog is especially interested in video from the UK. The British people deserve to see as well as read about, the problems that the ideology of Islam has brought to the UK and what people are doing to protest about it. For example: If it wasn’t for people uploading mobile phone footage of a racist attack against non-Muslims in Ashton Under Lyne a while back, then nobody would have heard of the events there. The BBC because of its Leftist and pro-Islam bias did not cover this story in the way it deserved to be covered and in this particular instance let down all those non-Muslim Television Licence holders who deserved to be told the truth.

It goes without saying that some of the stuff included in the video vault may be considered as unsafe for work, especially if it contains footage of Islamic atrocities for example.

Videos that grab my attention will be featured in special short posts on the main page. Occasionally this feature may show unrelated things like ‘cats wearing cameras’ for example just to make a change from Islamic horror after Islamic horror.


Now for the ground rules



Clips can be emailed to


and must be 10Mb or lower and in commonly used video formats although heavily compressed formats will be preferred. If they are larger than 10Mb then this blog will either reduce the resolution of the video or split the video into separate sections, whichever is most appropriate. Please note that the videovault email box can take a maximum size of video attachment of 50Mb if your video is larger than this please split .

If you have a You Tube or LiveLink reference then please make sure that you include it.

Non Technical/editorial

This is not a facility for neo-Nazis or other types of jackboot lickers to bang on about their particular point of view, this is purely to inform people about the dangers of the ideology of Islam as well as mocking it. Neither is it for tin foil hatters banging on about ‘chemtrails’ or New World Order etc, you have your own places to go but it’s not here. Also no porn, incitement to violence or libel please. This feature is purely to inform people about Islam and mock it wherever possible. Videos mocking Islam are especially welcome. See this blog’s ‘About‘ page for what is and is not acceptable. Whether or not a video is included is primarily the decision of the editor.


So let’s have some video from you, lets see how Islam is affecting YOUR areas.



4 Comments on "Introducing the Fahrenheit211 Video Vault"

  1. Nice to have you back.its been too quiet lately.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 26, 2014 at 11:03 am |

      Thanks, I’ve been busy with other stuff, some connected with the blog and some not. The Video Vault has taken a bit of planning because of technical and other issues.

  2. The video vault is a good idea.
    You’re right about the BBC not telling us the truth about Islam, but it isn’t the only media organisation at fault.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 26, 2014 at 12:57 pm |

      I agree but the Beeb has a very large reach and penetration for things like news programmes. Like it or not the BBC do set the agenda on many things rather than reflecting the views of licence payers.

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