From elsewhere: Just when you think Islamic rapists have reached the depths of depravity…

Shuhel Mahboob Ali – yet another Islamic sex offender.


….along comes, Shuhel Mahboob Ali to prove that further levels of depravity can be achieved.  

The Daily Mail said:

“A British (Hey, not so much of the ‘British’ please – F211 Editor) man who was caught by an undercover agent posing as the father of an underage girl has been sentenced to 10 years in prison. 

Shuhel Mahboob Ali told the ‘father’ online that he wanted to have sex with her and raise a ‘daughters-only’ family so that he could carry out a sick incest fantasy. 

Ali believed that the agent was arranging for him to be set up with his daughter, and Ali told how he wanted to ‘settle down with a girl and raise a couple of daughters for “the lifestyle,”‘ according to the criminal complaint.”
Read the rest of the disgusting story here: