Medea Benjamin, on her way straight outta Cairo.
It seems as if, Medea Benjamin serial anti-Israel and pro-Hamas nutjob has been expelled from Egypt.
Front Page Magazine said:
“Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, a frequent teller of tall tales, claims she was detained and physically abused Monday by Egyptian authorities when she flew into Cairo’s airport –on her way to an anti-Israel rally in Gaza.
Benjamin, who has close ties to the Obama White House, was traveling to Egypt for a meeting with international delegates before a scheduled trip to Gaza for what Amy Goodman of “Democracy Now” described innocuously as a “women’s conference.”
Front Page Magazine added:
“It’s hard to know what exactly is true in Benjamin’s story and what is made up. Benjamin is an anti-American, neo-communist drama queen. Her whole adult life is a study in media manipulation.
A serial exaggerator, it is Benjamin’s mission in life to focus the eyeballs of humanity on herself in order to draw attention to the ugly, radical causes she supports. Malibu, California-based Code Pink, a nonprofit corporation whose formal name is Environmentalism Through Inspiration and Non Violent Action, was created as a so-called women’s “peace” group. Although the group engages in choreographed, often goofy street protests involving public toplessness, fake blood, and oversized effigies of political leaders, it is a serious extremist organization that aligns itself with America’s ruthless enemies abroad.
It is not surprising that when talking to Goodman, Benjamin left out the fact that her subversive activities in recent years rendered her persona non grata in Egypt. In addition to being a globetrotting troublemaker, Benjamin has led a helping hand to the Muslim Brotherhood. Her group played a role in violent demonstrations aimed at keeping Egypt’s previous Islamofascist president, Mohammed Morsi, who described Jews as the descendants of apes and pigs, firmly in power. Using twisted logic, Code Pink and other left-wing anti-American groups link arms with Islamists, anti-Semites, and brutal dictators in order to advance their never-ending war against the United States. Code Pink’s fuchsia-clad activists wrap themselves in pretended humanitarianism and compassion in order to sell the group’s otherwise unpalatable support for the most repressive regimes in the world.”
Read the rest of the story via the link below:
What a headcase! Medea Benjamin is not only a meshuganah, she is a seriously dangerous, extremist and jihadist-aligned meshuganah.