Ouldkount Belabbas, another piece of Islamo-trash that Britain could well have done without. (picture from Daily Mail)
As I’m studying the problem of Muslim sex criminals I find myself becoming increasingly shocked and increasingly angry. It’s not just the organised gangs of Islamic groomers who coerced and captured British girls and young women and sold them into sex slavery, it is the utter randomness of what I would like to call, ‘Sudden Islamic Nonce Syndrome’. Nobody and nowhere is safe from a person who has an attack of ‘Sudden Islamic Nonce Syndrome’. Young girls and sometimes young boys even in the most unlikely of places such as a shop toilet or even as with today’s case, a gift shop at a visitor attraction. Who knows when and where one of these backward savages will flip and indulge their twisted desires.
Today’s Islamo-nonce is very disturbing, not only did he sexually assault an 8 year old girl who was buying her mother a birthday present, this cheeky savage had the chutzpah to claim asylum in the UK after his arrest to try to avoid deportation to Algeria.
The Daily Mail said:
“An Algerian illegal immigrant who sexually assaulted an eight-year-old girl while she shopped for her mother’s birthday present at Madame Tussauds has been jailed for five years.
Ouldkount Belabbas, 42, kissed and led the child away while she was deciding how to spend her pocket money in the gift shop at the world famous London tourist attraction.
The ‘highly predatory’ paedophile is believed to have lived in the country illegally for 13 years prior to the offence but shortly after being arrested claimed asylum in the hope of avoiding deportation.
After pinning the child in a corner of the gift shop, Belabbas began touching her chest until a group of Venezuelan tourists stopped him, Southwark Crown Court heard.
Sentencing, Judge Alistair McCreath said: ‘This defendant had been, in the time preceding the commission of these offences, in the habit of going to Madame Tussauds.’
Lesley Jones, prosecuting, told the court that since his arrest, Belabbas had applied for asylum.
She said: ‘He is an Algerian national known to the immigration authorities. At the time of his arrest he had not made a claim for asylum and had failed to sign with the immigration authorities.
‘He apparently has now made a claim and that is being considered,’ she added.
If I was the responsible person at the Home Office Immigration and Nationality Department, about the only consideration I would make about this Savage’s asylum claim would be to consider how large I wrote the words ‘F**k off back to Algeria you paedo Islamic bastard’ across his asylum application documents.
Personally I’ve got to commend the Venezuelan tourists who stepped in to stop this latest Islamo-beast and I hope the Judge did too.
The Daily Mail added
“CCTV evidence showed Belabbas had spent a ‘significant period’ of time in the waxwork museum’s coffee and gift shops, with no apparent purpose on August 5 last year.
Describing the moments before the attack, the judge said: ‘The victim asked her mother whether she could go into the gift shop.
‘She didn’t tell her why, but her planned motive was to buy a small present with her pocket money to give to her mother on her forthcoming birthday.’
It was at this point that the Algerian, who was living illegally in the UK under the name Xavier Garrero, saw his opportunity and approached the schoolgirl.
The judge continued: ‘He approached her and engaged in conversation, he offered her praise.
‘He probably kissed her in some way that was not sexual, but was designed to encourage her to believe the he was a harmless person, someone rather like a father figure.
‘He took the degree with some minor degree of force from the main body of the gift shop into part of it that was little more than an alcove. He took her into the corner of it which was not fully covered by CCTV.’
‘The whole of the evidence satisfies me beyond any doubt whatever that while he had her pinned into the corner, he sexually assaulted her,’ the judge added,
Branding the Algerian national a ‘dangerous’ offender, the judge said he needed to be given an extended sentence for public protection.
Belabbas, of no fixed address, was found guilty of one count of sexual assault of a child under 13, and one count of abducting a child.
He must serve five years in prison before being released and serving eight years on an extended licence.
A Home Office spokesman said he was unable to comment on whether Belabbas would be deported.”
Will he be deported? I certainly hope so, but there are so many misguided people who care more for the human rights of scum like this and very little for people like this child victim, that someone will probably pop up and try to keep him here under ‘human rights’ grounds. What about our rights?
This attack has traumatised the little girl and she is now really frightened of being around Bearded Savages, as well she might. The Mail continued:
“In court Lesley Jones, prosecuting, read a statement the victim’s mother had prepared on behalf of her daughter, saying she had since lost confidence and become unable to leave her mother’s side.
Ms Jones continued: ‘She [the victim’s mother] said, she [the victim] is wary of men and men of particular ethnic origin, which wasn’t the case before this incident.’
I think Ms Jones may find that it is not the ‘ethnic origin’ of those shared by those of the assailant that she should be wary of, more the savage ideology of Islam which creates and in some places excuses monsters like this.
If a child is not safe from Islamo-nonces in a gift shop of a major visitor attraction, then where are they safe from Islamo-nonces?
Original story from the Daily Mail.
Kafircrusader’s wonderful but disturbing map of Islamic sex crimes in the United Kingdom
Oh and here is a note for the mendacious grievance mongering taqiyya artists of Tell Mama. You recently were whining about those opposed to Islam mentioning Islamic paedophilia so much. Well the answer is not to stop talking about Islamic paedophilia but to stop Islamic paedophiles. Why are Tell Mama so worried about people being concerned about Islamic nonces? Could it be that they themselves recognise that there is a cultural /theological element in Islamic sex crime?
Trivial point in the circumstances, but there is a typo:
‘He took the degree with some minor degree of force from the main body of the gift shop…”
Yeah I noticed that but I have a policy of wherever possible not correcting the typos of sources that I use. I don’t like changing others words IYSWIM.