I do not agree with burning mosques but Tell Mama have no scruples about exploiting such things. (With apologies to Francis Ford Coppola and zero apologies to Tell Mama)
Probably because of pressure put on them by various people the mountebanks of Tell Mama made a change to the front page of their website. This change was to add a note to the site that Tell Mama was not affiliated with any of the dodgy groups like the Hamas-tainted Council for American Islamic Relations.
However, representatives of another of the Tell Mama’s director Fiyaz Mughal’s money making political vehicles, Faith Matters, is quite happy to send a speaker to an ‘Islamophobia’ conference run by a notorious Jew hater and promoter of the false narrative that Muslims are victims of attack by the non-Islamic world.
I’ve been sent some information from an anonymous contributor (if you don’t mind being named with a pseudonym then send me a comment as you did before) detailing the Islamophobiacon conference at the University of Berkeley in California.
This conference is run by the University but fronted up by a guy called Hatem Bazian ( @HatemBazian ). A brief perusal of his Twitter feed will reveal a whole host of Israel hating ‘likes’ on his timeline and attempts to devalue and denigrate US govt policies to divert young Muslims away from Jihad.
‘Hate ’em all’ Bazian appears to be using both his social media presence, and that fact that he is an academic employed by UC Berkeley, to attack the State of Israel and promote the false idea that Muslims are victim of a massive rise in Islamophobia and that the so-called Palestinians are the real indigenous population of the land of Israel.
What a lovely person, not. But still someone who Fiyaz or one of his minions thought would be suitable to listen to and whose conference they saw nothing wrong with attending.
I wonder if those idealistic but misguided members of the Community Security Trust, who do sterling work guarding Jewish synagogues etc, realise just how iffy some of the mates of Tell Mama really are? I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I can understand why they worked with TM, (loving the stranger because you were once strangers in the land of Egypt etc ) but the party is over now, Tell Mama and their other sister organisations are a busted flush and a laughing stock among all except those on the pro-Islam political Left. My message to the CST is: The longer you associate with TM then the deeper the political and ethical ‘taint’ picked up from Tell Mama will be.
To use an analogy: Working with Tell Mama is about as ethically and politically sensible as being friends with paedophiles and boasting about it. It is the sort of thing that can rapidly drain away much of an organisations hard won credibility. As the PIE connections from the 1970’s and ’80’s have damaged the Labour party, so will CST’s connections with Tell Mama eventually damage the CST which is a valuable and useful organisation.
Despite what Tell Mama/Fiyaz Mughal/ Faith Matters say on their websites, although they may not be officially affliated with CAIR and similar dodgy organisations, they are quite happy to send delegates to conferences run and promoted by anti-Semitic hatemongers like Hatem Bazian and his band of extreme Left cheerleaders.
Although they have denied the affiliation with CAIR et al, Tell Mama’s political sympathies can be somewhat discerned by observing how a Fiyaz Mughal vehicle sees nothing wrong with sending speakers to a whining hate-fest like Islamophobiacon.
Links and addendum
Here are the links and comments as supplied by my contact detailing the Islamophobiacon event.
April 2013 Tell Mama attended a conference (Theorizing Islamophobia to Systematic Documentation, April 19th and 20th 2013) held in the USA at the University of California, Berkeley. Conferences are headed up by Dr. Hatem Bazian and this particular conference was co-sponsored by CAIR. (see list of co-sponsors http://www.islamophobiacon.com/schedule.html)
(snip from islamophobiacon website)
“Dr. Hatem Bazian is the Director of Islamophobia Research & Documentation Project and the annual Islamophobia conference.”
Dr Hatem Bazian’s
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dr.bazian (notice the likes!)
Twitter https://twitter.com/HatemBazian (infested with Israel Jew hatred – nice company TM and CAIR keep)
See what Campus-Watch.org has to say about Dr Hatem Bazian!