The Rochdale Pakistan flag row – some on the Left cannot see why flying this flag in Rochdale makes things worse.


A Pakistan flag as flow by Rochdale Council who have made tensions worse by flying it.

I notice that the pro-Islamic anti-EDL group ‘EDL News’ is getting itself all het up about a posting from someone gobbing off on Facebook and calling for a genocide against Muslims, and praising the Serb attacks on Muslims in the Former Yugoslavia. This is because people are angry that Rochdale Town Hall flew the flag of Pakistan on its national day.

Although I am opposed to genocide in all its forms, I read the EDL news article and thought that I would go onto their comments section and say my piece about this, especially as they got one bit of their post laughably wrong by making Pakistan seem like a safe place for those of religions other than Islam. However, I’ve come across this group before and have never found them amenable to reasonable debate. They are still trying to smear many nationalist and counterjihad groups including the EDL by falsely trying to tie such groups to the mass murderer Brevik.

I wanted EDL news to know that there is a world of difference between calling for genocide and being opposed to Islamo-fascism. Also I wanted them to know that in my opinion, with the current tensions, flying the Pakistani flag was a bit of an unnecessary provocation. You will note that writer of the original article EDL News waves round the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act and it would be pertinent to ask why this law is not being used against those Islamic hate preachers and other Islamic personages who consistently call for the genocide or enslavement of Christians, Jews and others?

I have posted the text below to EDL news as a comment, but knowing how respectful of free speech many Leftwingers are I assume that it will be a waste of time doing so as it will not be put up, therefore it’s up here as a post:


While I do not approve and have never approved of, calls for genocide or violence against anybody at all, in the present circumstances flying a Pakistani flag at Rochdale Town Hall was, to say the least, very insensitive. To fly this flag in a town that has been afflicted by Islamic Grooming Gangs many of whom are of Pakistani origin would look to many like a giant ‘F**k you!’ to those who have been directly affected by this problem, or who are quite rightly concerned about it. By all means fly flags to celebrate national days but to do this with this flag, in this town, at this time and with the problems that have been caused there by the followers of Islam, including many of Pakistani heritage, was just asking for a negative reaction, and not just from the very small number of genuinely racist Jackboot-lickers.

Maybe it would have been better for the local authority to have shown some humility and sensitivity towards the shattered families of those girls in Rochdale who were raped by Muslim gangs and NOT fly the Pakistani flag for a few years or until the problems caused by Islamic Grooming Gangs have been dealt with.

You may wish to ask yourselves why the flying of the Irish Tricolour for St Pat’s, the Chinese Flag for their New Year, the Indian flag for India Day or the St Georges flag on the 23rd April are less problematical than Rochdale flying the Pakistani flag. The answer to put it simply is this: Very few of the flags of these foreign nations such as Ireland, China or India represent countries and cultures that have produced people who have moved here and given us so much grief.

This does not just relate to the organised child sex gangs, but to other problems as well. The Pakistani community have had too many of its members call for the destruction of Britain and its culture and oppose democracy. They have been involved in massive electoral fraud and, because of ‘cousin marriage’, produce 30% of babies with birth defects caused by consanguinity Not to mention the Heroin trade which is in some areas controlled by people of Pakistani heritage. With behaviour and attitudes like that, can you not see why flying the Pakistani flag in Rochdale of all places, is going to be like a red rag to a bull?

Britain has become home to people from many different backgrounds over the centuries, many have succeeded and contributed to this country but we have seen negative behaviour both in seriousness and scale from the followers of Islam in Britain that is quite unlike that of other groups. Hindus, Sikhs, Jews and many others have made Britain their home and have become British and have been loyal to this country. Unfortunately too many of the followers of the ideology of Islam give off the stench of disloyalty and the inability or unwillingness of the ordinary ‘Joe Mohammed’ to denounce the disloyal loudly or publicly enough, is being noticed both within the community of free thinking Muslims and the wider community.

It is not Jews who are strapping on suicide vests to bomb our trains and buses, it’s not Hindus who are indulging in mass episodes of child-rape, it is not Sikhs who are calling for the overthrow or corruption of the British political system. The followers of Islam are the ones who are doing such things and I would go so far as to say that it is Islam itself that is the root cause of ‘Islamophobia’. To use an analogy, the behaviour of too many Muslims has been that of a guest who arrives at a dinner party uninvited, moans about the food, complains that there is wine, gets aggressive with other guests and finally for the coup de grace, drops a stinking turd in the fridge. That sort of behaviour is not going to get you let back into that person’s house is it? Therefore, why should we not be angry at the many Islamic guests in our country who not only shit in the fridge but then have the front to tell us that it is our fault that they shit in the fridge?

I would also like to take issue with you on the subject of Pakistan. Your description of it makes it seem like some sort of multiculti paradise of religious freedom. The truth however is very much at odds with your description. Christians, Hindus, Sikhs and members of minority Islamic sects who reside in Pakistan, live their lives in constant fear of pogroms from Pakistani Muslims whipped up into violence by Islamic clerics preaching violence against the ‘Kufr’. Your point about how wrong it is to advocate genocide is quite valid but completely undermined by your inability to tell the truth about what life is like for religious minorities in Pakistan.

I hate Islam but unlike the person you mentioned, I do not want to kill its adherents, the declaration of ‘Never Again’ made in the late 1940’s must include those who were brought up and trapped within Islam. I would much rather see them freed from the prison of mind, body and soul that Islam is, than harmed in any way. BTW as you appear so fond of waving round the 2006 Racial and Religious Hatred Act, of course you will know that encouraging or persuading someone to leave a faith, or mocking it is NOT an offence under the Act. In my opinion it would be good to see this Act used against the Islamic hate preachers who frequently call for the death or destruction of others.

Rochdale council have made a big error in this case. They have stirred up more trouble than they needed to. They have shown the non-Muslim people of Rochdale where the council’s priorities lie, and this is just going to anger people even more.

To conclude: I don’t agree with calls for Genocide but the feelings of anger and injustice from where that call for criminality originates is genuine and justified. There is a great need for a political solution to the problem of growing Islamic aggression in Britain. If such a political solution is not reached, and the ideology of Islam is not restrained like other fascist ideologies are, then I predict, both with sadness and regret, that there will be a ‘Dave Bailey‘ on every corner.

To paraphrase Karl Popper very broadly: If we tolerate the intolerance of Islam in British society then that Islamic intolerance will destroy the very tolerant society that generations of Britons and those from the Empire and the Commonwealth fought to build.


If the ideology of Islam was as tolerant to others as other paths have been to it, then many of these problems would cease to exist. The blame for our current problems and tensions cannot only be laid at the feet of the far-right, Islam itself has to shoulder a significant proportion of the blame.


Links and notes:


Original article from EDL News

Karl Popper quote – from

Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them