First class comment from a poster at the Guido Fawkes site. I couldn’t agree more. At the Euro elections kick them all out. Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative. Kick ’em all out.
“Kevin B says:
Let’s start a meme for the euro elections of “kick them all out”. Basically we want to kick out every Lib, Lab and Con MEP in the whole misbegotten european parliament.
If you’re feeling a bit squeamish about putting a whole lot of ‘loons’ in Brussels, remember that the parliament is nothing but an expensive talk shop which rubber stamps the decisions of the commission and can safely be staffed by muppets for all the good it does.
So vote for any party other than Lib/Lab/Con and give the lot of them the message. “We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it any more!”
Personally I will be voting UKIP, but if you can’t bring yourself to vote for Nigel and his pals then vote some other party. Monster Raving Loony or SWP or something, though if your tastes run to National Socialism rather than International Socialism, you could vote BNP – though not Green. Never vote for the misanthropic party. You’ll regret it.
So if someone can do that twitter stuff and set up a hastag kickemallout or something then let’s do this thing.”
An Euro Parliamentary Monster Raving Loony Party or Bus Pass Elvis member can hardly do anymore damage to Britain and Britain’s interests than the mainstream parties are doing already.
Vote loony you know it makes sense
My wholehearted endorsement attached.
Kick ’em all out – every last damn money-grubbing so and so.
Except Nigel of course. He’s the only one that’s been close enough up to see and was then honest enough to report back giving the whole shameful truth. He says without hesitation what most of us think. They really do all look like muffin-fed, low-grade bank clerks. Also lie and cheat like they’d been born in the Palace of Westminster.
Stick ’em with pitchforks and toss the lot out on the pavement.
It does look as though Mr Farage is probably more honest than most politicos when it comes to the EU. Personally I wouldn’t vote for jackboot-lickers like the BNP but people have a perfect right to do so if that is their wish. The right to vote was dearly bought for us, we should not squander it by voting for either Labour, the Lib Dems or the Conservatives.
I will be voting UKIP.
I do not advocate voting SWP, Monster Raving Loony, Buss Pass Elvis as alternatives.
We have a real opportunity in the next few years to change the direction of the politics of this country; UKIP is the party to do it, the others make that change less likely.
I’m going for UKIP it is the best chance for change. However I concur that the policy of not voting mainstream is a positive one.