Islam – Intolerant yesterday, today and forever.
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There is an excellent piece on the Front Page Magazine website by Daniel Greenfield on the subject of Islam’s intolerance of just about every other belief or ideology or way of life on the planet. It is something that should be read by all, and especially by those who believe that if the civilised nations sort out what they believe to be the ‘root cause’ of Islamic violence in places like the Middle East then all will be hunky dory. This is a naive point of view which ignores history and especially the history of Islamic intolerance.
The sort of aggression that we are seeing aimed at Israel and the sort of aggression by the followers of Islam that we are starting to see on the streets of Britain’s cities isn’t down to poverty or lack of opportunity of problems with integration it is down to Islam. Islam has at its core a pathological hatred for those who believe in anything other than Islam and this hatred is contained in its theology and the hatred that this ideology instills in its followers.
It is indeed a very depressing article and it has within it a valuable lesson which is that unless we start to wise up about Islam and start to treat it as a hostile ideology then we in the civilised world will be heading for disaster.
Front Page Magazine said:
“If Islam’s conflict were only with Christians and Jews, it might be dismissed as an old rivalry. But Islam, at least scripturally, hates Jews and Christians less than it hates every other religion out there.
While Jews and Christians have the provisional status of People of the Book, second class citizens, the rest of the world is treated as idolaters and polytheists and faces an even more unrelenting genocide.
If the Koran is nasty toward Christians and Jews, it’s even worse when it comes to everyone else. “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them” (Koran 9:5), “Kill them wherever you meet them” (Koran 2:192) and “When you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve, smite their necks” (Koran 47:5).
These are not mere words. The Muslim conquests of India led to the mass murder of as many as 80 million Hindus. The Hindu Kush mountain range commemorates a small part of the genocide that took place. Likewise the Buddhists were massacred in large numbers.
Islam does not win many religious debates. It achieves its victory through the Koranic command, “Fight those who believe not in Allah” (Koran 9:29).
This isn’t ancient history; it’s why Muslims continue to kill Hindus and Buddhists today.
Apologists will claim that it’s the Hindus and Buddhists, like the Christians and Jews, who are persecuting Muslims. But it’s hard to argue that Hindu and Buddhist minorities in Pakistan are persecuting Muslims.
Not even the most shameless apologist for Islam would attempt to claim thatZoroastrians are being persecuted in Iran… because that tiny oppressed minority is persecuting the Islamic majority. The persecution of the Bahai in Iran or the Kalash in Pakistan show that Muslim religious intolerance exists even entirely divorced from foreign affairs or past history.
Islam is not intolerant as a response to intolerance. It is inherently intolerant.”