The latest worthless and impractical plan to deal with ‘British’ Muslims travelling to Syria to fight Jihad.

Syria now a Jihadi created hell-hole

There are some policies and statements that come out of Government and its agencies that make the reader say ‘what’s the point, it will never work’. One such policy is the Government’s latest ineffective plan to try to divert ‘British’ Muslim men from going to Syria to fight Jihad and slaughter Syrian non-Muslims.

Sky News said:

A sharp rise in the number of people being arrested for travelling to Syria has prompted a new campaign.

Female loved ones of those thinking of heading to the war-torn state are being encouraged to stop the men leaving.

Scotland Yard revealed that 40 Syria-related arrests were made in the first three months of this year, up from 25 in the whole of 2013.

The campaign comes after several Britons are thought to have died in Syria in the last few months.

Bashar al Assad’s government is fighting a civil war against a group of Western-backed rebels and also an al Qaeda-linked extremist group.

Around 400 Britons are believed to have gone to Syria over the last two years to train in camps or take part in the fighting, with an estimated 20 having died.

Senior National Co-ordinator Counter-Terrorism Helen Ball, said: “We are increasingly concerned about the numbers of young people who have or are intending to travel to Syria to join the conflict.

“We want to ensure that people, particularly women, who are concerned about their loved ones are given enough information about what they can do to prevent this from happening.

“We want to increase their confidence in the police and partners to encourage them to come forward so that we can intervene and help.

“This is not about criminalising people, it is about preventing tragedies.”

Read the rest of this piece here:

It is so blindingly obvious that whoever cooked up this plan is either an idiot who knows next to nothing about Islam, or those who have been corrupted by the lies promulgated by those Islamic groups who want to deliberately create an ineffective policy.

The position of women in Islamic culture and society is unlike that of other more civilised cultures, women are second or even third class citizens in a pyramidal system where Muslim men are at the top and non-Muslim women are at the very bottom. The idea that second class status Muslim women would be able to have any influence on Muslim men is utterly laughable. I can’t help thinking that there is going to be an unintended consequence of this foolish policy and that is that there will be a rise in ‘honour’ killings of Muslim women who try to prevent their male relatives from going to Syria to fight Jihad, and a rise in domestic violence aimed at Muslim women. This policy fails to see how Jihad is not just a side issue with Islam, it is a central plank of the ideology, and a major factor in how it spread when Mo the Paedo first started up his death cult.

We should be criminalising people, especially those who promote Jihad and the ideology of Islam behind it. This is a half-hearted policy which achieve exactly bugger all. Personally I couldn’t give a monkey’s chuff whether or not these Jihadi savages die in Syria or anywhere else, what I do care about is their innocent, often Christian, Syrian victims and the potential danger these Jihadis pose if they manage to make it back to the United Kingdom.

This policy will be about as effective as asking a Black slave in the Deep South of antebellum America to persuade their masters by means of words, to not whip them.

It is sound and fury signifying nothing because Islam doesn’t have the respect for this nation that we have seen from other minority groups that have come to Britain to live. Islam’s only loyalty is to Islam and we should never, ever forget that fact. If I can leave you with my one prayer and wish for the future it would be this, and that would be for Muslims to leave the death-cult of Islam that imprisons them, limits their life choices and often truncates their very lives.




2 Comments on "The latest worthless and impractical plan to deal with ‘British’ Muslims travelling to Syria to fight Jihad."

  1. I was listening to the incredible bullshitting woman – Dame Helen Ball getting a grilling on radio 4 news this morning…..

    When you say :

    It is so blindingly obvious that whoever cooked up this plan is either an idiot who knows next to nothing about Islam, or those who have been corrupted by the lies promulgated by those Islamic groups who want to deliberately create an ineffective policy.

    I’d start with her…. to anyone out there…. listen to the interview….. she is completely barking mad !

  2. 1914: UK Govt says to British Mothers “Send your sons to the front!”

    2014: UK Govt says to British Muslim Mothers “Please don’t send your sons to the front!”

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