The leaflet distributed by Newham Tories and aimed at pandering to Newham’s Muslims. Picture courtesy of Breitbart
Islamic infiltration into political parties is not something that is only a problem for the Labour Party, although it is Labour who have made such good use of the whipped mosque vote in places like Bradford, Rochdale, Rotherham etc, which has ruined democracy in these areas. No party is immune from the problem of Islamic groups gaining power in local parties and then imposing their will upon it. It doesn’t matter whether the party concerned is of the Left or of the Right or patriotic or internationalist, it’s the power and influence for Islam that matters, nothing else. Even UKIP has been infiltrated by Islamists in the neighbouring London Borough of Waltham Forest, where an Islamist has been selected as a UKIP candidate in William Morris ward.
The Breitbart London website has a disturbing example of how Islam has captured the local Conservative Party and is promoting itself as the party that will give advantages to Muslims in Newham.
Whether that be support for building more mosques or exemptions for Muslims from Newham’s draconian controlled parking system, it is plain to see that Newham’s Conservatives, have like their Labour opposition in the borough, taken the ‘Islamic shilling’ and are no longer a party for all peoples.
Breitbart said:
“Local residents in the London borough of Newham have raised concerns after a new Conservative Party flyer was handed out today outside local mosques during Friday prayers.
The leaflet seen by Breitbart London features a prominent picture of a mosque and declares, “If elected, [Conservatives] shall help facilitate and cater for the needs of the Muslim community” as well as listing 10 reasons why local Muslims should vote for the party over the dominant Labour incumbency.
The leaflet bears the election imprint of the local party agent Chris Buckwell, who confirmed toBreitbart London that the “sectarian” leaflets, which have Urdu, Gujurati and Bengali translations on the back, were genuine.
The text claims the local Tories, who have already been reported as being from a variety of different political backgrounds, would give two hours of free parking for all residents during Friday prayers, respect religious beliefs when making planning decisions, and oppose further betting shops in Newham.
The policies are thought to be a reaction to the increasing Muslim population in the area. The 2011 census results showed that the area had just 16.7 percent White British people living there, and over 13 percent Indian, 10 percent Pakistani, 12 percent Bangladeshi, and 12 percent Black African. Newham also has the highest fertility rate in the whole of the United Kingdom.
But the Labour Party has become increasingly unpopular in recent years, despite controlling every seat on the council and the mayoralty. Under Mayor Sir Robin Wales, the council has wasted £111m on a project to relocate its own offices to the high-end 1000 Dockside complex and opposed the building of a “mega mosque” also known as the London Markaz in the area. As a result – his popularity is at rock bottom.
But the Tories have been accused of playing the politics of religion, and even bribery with their promise of free parking for mosque-goers. Tory agent Chris Buckwell was unapologetic, and told Breitbart London, “We are appealing to the Muslim community, as we appeal to other communities in other areas. We have no apology for this.”
On the contrary I think not only should the Conservatives apologise for this action but they should also feel deeply ashamed. This is not listening to constituents, this is capitulation to Islam. I’m especially angered by the parking issue as this has been a bugbear for many a Newham resident who find that they have to pay exorbitant amounts of money to Newham Council for permits to park their cars. I’ve been hearing rumours from Newham residents that already the controlled parking zones there are being abused or enforced in a non-equitable way. Several sources are saying that Muslim parking enforcement officers in Newham are using DVLA data access to check out who owns a particular vehicle that may be parked illegally and if it is owned by other Muslims, then the vehicle is not being ticketed. This call by Newham Tories to give Newham Muslims free parking during Friday prayers only gives some substance to the rumours of maladministration that I’m hearing. It is also divisive and discriminates against non-Muslims.
The promise to take religious considerations into account when making planning decisions is particularly ominous as it looks like an attempt to have a policy of ‘nodding through’ all planning applications where there is an Islamic communal element. I’ve known non-Muslims in the borough who have had draconian planning decisions made against them and this favouring of Islam will be a kick in the teeth for them.
Newham Tories have sold themselves lock stock and barrel to the Islamist element that resides within the London Borough of Newham.
The Conservative-in-name-only party has also been accused of using homophobic smears against the council by saying there were too many gays in senior positions. What they really mean is that they would like to have key positions filled not by secular people, but by those who would follow an Islamist agenda.
Breitbart said:
“The leaflet has been described as “homophobic” by Twitter users who have highlighted its section called “Representation Fail” which states: “We have one of the biggest council/resident mismatches in the country. In senior council positions, there are 7 times more gays and 3 times less ethnic minorities than the resident population. The vast majority of council managers describe themselves as atheist while Newham is the most religious borough in the UK. A gay council boss and councillor have even been caught with their pants down in Wanstead Flats”.
If another party issued a communication aimed at the majority community or other religious groups using language like this they would most definitely be censured in some way. Why is this not getting as much fuss made about as was made of the ex-UKIP member who said that the floods were the result of the passing of legislation in favour of gay marriage?
It is pertinent to add here that Newham has become such a ‘religious borough’ of an Islamic kind that those original British residents who lived there have fled, are planning to flee or are because of poverty and disability trapped in this hell hole.
Islam has corrupted Newham Tories just as it has corrupted the Newham Labour party and the Newham Lib Dems. All three mainstream parties in Newham seem to have taken the view that appeasing and pandering to the Bearded Savagery of Islam is far more important than representing and working for everyone else. I’ve lived in Newham and my experience of living there and the experience of family and friends who have done similar have cured me forever of wanting to vote Labour. This story should cure people of voting for the Tories as well. They have shown that they will pander to Islam and feel no shame about it. I could not give my vote to a party that does this. If they will sell both conservatism and the rights of the non-Muslim majority of Britons down the river so easily in a London Borough, what would they do on the national stage?
Breitbart continued:
“One local resident who wished to remain anonymous told Breitbart London: “I just think the local Tories must be desperate if they are doing deals with Respect candidates and pandering in this way. I think they know local people are furious over things like the bedroom tax and they face being embarrassed at the polls.
“I was just shocked when I saw the leaflet. When I saw the outline of the mosque on it, it just reminded me of the sort of sectarian thing you see in Tower Hamlets. I don’t want the same extremism and divisive politics in our borough, and I certainly don’t expect it from the Tories. I thought it was a spoof when I first saw it”.
Another resident added, “It’s almost as if they’ve been infiltrated”.
There’s no ‘If’ about it, Newham Tories have been infiltrated.
Read the original story at:
Other mentions of Newham from the Fahrenheit211 blog.
Bent parking problems?
Blow the whistle on Newham
How far can an area fall when Islam gains influence?
Newham’s Stephen Timms has some ‘lovely’ supporters
There is, in effect, free parking outside a mosque I know of at groveling time. Cars are just parked anywhere – on double yellow lines, too close to a busy junction etc – and never a parking ticket.
I doubt it’s the only example in the country.
I reckon you are right.