I suppose we should be a little thankful that the followers of Islam are only indulging in a bit of antisocial behaviour instead of clocking up massive death toll of non-Muslims and the ‘wrong’ sort of Muslims as we’ve seen in many other parts of the world. Maybe the champions of multiculturalism and diversity should tell the poor citizens of Bristol that they should count themselves lucky that Bristol’s Islamic population isn’t facing beheadings, acid attacks on uncovered women, ‘marks of death‘ being put on the houses of Christians, mass unpunished rapes, or any of the other ‘delights’ that Islam has brought to Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan and whole host of other places.
In Bristol, non-Muslims have been subjected to a barrage of antisocial behaviour connected with Ramadan.
The Bristol Post said (original article in italics and my comments in plain text)
“POLICE have responded to complaints from Easton residents about anti-social behaviour during Ramadan.
Groups of noisy men have been congregating on streets late into the evening following the breaking of the dawn-to-dusk fast.
Oh look more Islam related problems to file with the Grooming Gangs, the terror, the sedition and all the other ones.
Police have stepped up patrols and put up posters in the streets, in cafes and in mosques asking people to respect their neighbours.
This is nothing but naïve hope by the police. Maybe Bristol police should take a look round the world to see how Islam ‘respects’ others elsewhere.
But residents said the street posters have been torn down and the problem has persisted.
Oh surprise, surprise.
One Easton resident, of Milsom Street, who asked not to be named, told the Bristol Post: “We are all being kept awake and today I spoke to a new neighbour who is also calling the police most nights.
Probably a waste of time calling the police, they are probably away from their phones attending a ‘diversity’ course.
“It’s so odd that it’s still going on when we are all feeling the impact of these men standing about talking in loud voices.”
Who wouldn’t want aggressive Bearded Savages disturbing the peace.
Rizwan Ahmed, spokesman for the Bristol Muslim Cultural Society, said the behaviour was not “in the spirit of Ramadan” and called for further outreach work to curb the problem.
Does anybody smell ‘bullshit’? Mr Ahmed, are we talking of the same ‘spirit of Ramadan’ that has clocked up 1700 dead bodies already this Ramadan?
Margaret Hickman, a councillor for Lawrence Hill and Easton, said residents had been “really badly impacted” by the anti-social behaviour.
I bet they have.
This year Ramadan takes place between June 29 and July 27, meaning the dusk end to the fast comes later than normal.
That is because Islam has a screwed up calendar that doesn’t take into account that the lunar year differs from the solar year. Unlike other groups Muslims have not been bright enough to correct their calendar errors, by inserting leap months or leap years.
Martin Dunscombe, Avon and Somerset police spokesman, said: “Some residents in the Easton area have raised concerns over noise associated with people participating in Ramadan and congregating in the street late at night.
I’m smelling bullshit again. Typical police spokesperson to play softly softly with Muslims over antisocial behaviour.
“We’ve put up posters in the local area asking people to respect their neighbours and keep noise to a minimum. These posters have also been put up in local Mosques and cafes.
But these posters have been ignored so what are you going to do now?
“We’ve increased patrols in the area and moved our staff to later shifts so they can visit the local Mosques and cafes and are in a position to respond to any further concerns.
This is nothing more than pointless an ineffective posturing.
“A leaflet drop and house-to-house survey have also been carried out. The survey showed the majority of residents did not have any issues over noise.
Does anyone suspect that the police may have created the result that they wanted to get?
“We’ll continue to work very closely with all sectors of the community to ensure those participating in Ramadan are able to do so freely and those residents who are worried about noise levels are listened to and supported.”
You seem so very keen on helping those participating in Ramadan, why not, just for a change, start helping those who are afflicted by it? Any chance that Bristol Police could take a bit of time away from clinging to the ideology of Islam more closely than a haemorrhoid to an anus, and help those who deserve help, and not pander to those causing the problems as they are plainly doing at present?
Original story from Bristol Post
they do the same shit here..do they come out of some sort of assembly line where they are programmed to be assholes?
Yep I think it’s a case of ‘remove brain, insert Koran, release into the wild to make life shit for others’
hehe accurately put