There has been a petition recently published to get councils to stop flying the flag of ‘Palestinian’ terrorists Go to: http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/we-demand-that-no-palestinian-flag-is-raised-over
Recently we have seen a rash of Labour councils flying, or being forced by mobs of savages to fly, a flag representing ‘Palestinian’ Islamic terror groups. This time it is Glasgow that is going out of its way to treat terrorists who hide behind children and who promote genocide as victims and classifying oppressors as the oppressed.
According to the BBC, a row has broken out over the decision by the Labour supporting Lord Provost of Glasgow Sadie Docherty to fly a ‘Palestinian’ flag.
The BBC said:
“A row has broken out over Glasgow City Council’s plans to raise the Palestinian flag over the city chambers on Friday.
Lord Provost Sadie Docherty said it would be raising the flag in solidarity with people who had been affected by the conflict in Gaza.
But the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council president said it was “angered and hurt” by the council’s decision.
Paul Morron said: “Flying the flag is the worst kind of gesture politics.”
He said such a move “does nothing to alleviate the suffering on either side of the conflict, nor does it bring peace closer by one single minute”.
In a letter to the mayor of Bethlehem, Councillor Docherty said: “As Lord Provost of Glasgow I write in response to the statement issued by Bethlehem City Council in relation to the ongoing violence in Gaza. I offer heartfelt sympathy to the people of Gaza who are suffering during this most recent outbreak of violence.
“Glasgow is home to many friends of Palestine and this is a deeply distressing time for them. They represent a variety of ethnicities, political persuasions, faiths and none. However, they are united by a common desire to support the Palestinian people.
“In solidarity with Bethlehem and Palestine, Glasgow City Council will raise the Palestinian flag on Friday 8th August. We hope that peace can be found to ensure the human rights for the people of Palestine.”
This is indeed as Mr Morron the representative of Glasgow Jews has said the ‘worst kind of gesture politics’. However it is a gesture designed to keep Glasgow’s Muslims on the side of the Labour party and is yet another indication of how much Labour is going out of its way to pander to and appease Muslims and Islamic interests.
I don’t know about you but I’m pretty disgusted by the naivety and foolish statement put out by the Lord Provost in response to the statement issued by Bethlehem City Council. Does the Lord Provost fail to comprehend that Bethlehem, the geographical birthplace of the Christianity followed by many Scots, has seen an ethnic cleansing of Christians by Muslims? I’m especially moved by her comment that ‘Glasgow is home to many friends of Palestine’ which when translated means ‘our city is filled with Islamic savages screaming for the blood of Jews’. If the Lord Provost wanted to make a political statement for peace then they could have flown both the Israeli AND the flag of the so-called ‘Palestinians’.
This is nothing more than a political gesture designed to curry favour with Muslims who Labour is increasingly relying on as vote fodder.
XX But the Glasgow Jewish Representative Council president said it was “angered and hurt” by the council’s decision.XX
ONE complaint!
Now, as I believe was reported on this very site*, if that had been an Israeli flag, every armed Copper in Glasgow would be there to arrest the perp, and to rip the flag down!
* About a man who flew an Israeli flag in his garden as a rabble of moslems were holding a stroll?
u went angry? but what your community have done to save the children giving stupid excuses to kill all the poor children for years and years ?????
btw its Palestinian flag!!!! not Hamas!!!!!!!!!!!
u should be in shame how Israel representing all jew in the world !!!
tell me what about this 4 children who was playing football on the beach????
they where only 6-10 years old.
is your community even one send any letter to Israel to o stop killing the children?
shame on you supporting this crime!!!
jews religion say do not kill.
if I could I would send u many images what your government of Israel done to all this people.
one buy ” injured” was still living but half of his face gone.
small children been killed by sniper.
how many jews now on the street doing demo against Israel army , but u still supporting the crime???!!!!!????
speak on behalf of jew people not your personal feelings if supporting Israel.
supporting Israel, the same time u responsible for all the dead children!!!
if is so hard for you to live in peace, putting people in Gaza like in jail , take all you people and leave to USA this country been supporting yours with guns for many years
there is many jews who live with muslim in peace for many many years.
in iran there is over 40.000 jews living next door to muslims and no one make it walls like you have done , exactly the same what hitler done
“u went angry? but what your community have done to save the children giving stupid excuses to kill all the poor children for years and years ?????”
What on earth are you on about? If you are referring to Gaza then the only people who have put children in the firing line are Hamas.
“btw its Palestinian flag!!!! not Hamas!!!!!!!!!!!”
It is also the flag which represents Fatah as well. Fatah are not a clean hands group either. Fatah are as equally untrustworthy and liable to commit violence as Hamas. Dont’ forget it was fromJudea and Samaria on the West Bank where suicide bombers came from that inflicted great harm to Israeli civilians, until the Separation Barrier was put up of course. Oh and while we are on the subject of the West Bank, Fatah have not exactly made life easy for Christians who have lived there for Millennia have they? Fatah are as terroristicly inclined as Hamas, they are both terror groups therefore the ‘Palestinian’ flag IS a terror flag.
“u should be in shame how Israel representing all jew in the world !!!”
I’m not ashamed of Israel. In fact I’m bloody proud of them. At least they are fighting back against Islamic Jihadist savagery. I’d like to see more nations fighting back against Islamic Jihadist savagery. It is a whole lot more morally wholesome to fight back against Islamic theocratic fascism than appease it and surrender to it.
“tell me what about this 4 children who was playing football on the beach????
they where only 6-10 years old.”
What on earth were they doing on a beach in an active warzone? The only ones responsible for their deaths were the parents or carers who let them go to the beach and Hamas who refuse to live in peace with their neighbours. I’d like to remind you that it was the Gazans who chose the genocidal lunatics of Hamas to be their government. Those who vote for theocratic fascists like Hamas end up liable to die along side them. Hamas really love kids, especially dead ones, because they can use them in their propaganda and then fools can wave them round like a shroud.
“is your community even one send any letter to Israel to o stop killing the children?
shame on you supporting this crime!!!”
The only ones I need to send a letter to requesting that children are not killed would be Hamas. They are the ones who are hiding behind women and children, they are the ones who are launching missiles from residential areas. Like any other reasonable person I do not want to see children killed in Gaza, but I do want to see Hamas and their supporters decimated. There will be no peace for the Gazans until Hamas and groups like them are no more.
“jews religion say do not kill.”
Actually I believe you will find that ‘kill’ is a broader translation from the original. The original Hebrew is more akin to ‘Thou Shalt not Murder’. In Judaism as in many belief systems killing in self defence, is not considered murder, and the Israelis do have a lot of psychotic nutters who want to wipe them out, and which they have to defend themselves against.
“if I could I would send u many images what your government of Israel done to all this people.”
Hey! It’s not MY government, but I do support Israel’s right to defend themselves against the Islamic Jihadist lunatics of Hamas.
“one buy ” injured” was still living but half of his face gone.
small children been killed by sniper.”
Got proper cast iron confirmation of that or is it just more ‘Pallywood’ bullshit. You should know that people are now getting very wise to some of the PR and media tricks that are being pulled by Hamas and other similar groups.
how many jews now on the street doing demo against Israel army , but u still supporting the crime???!!!!!????
If you are referring to the recent ‘Pro-Hamas’ demos that have taken place in Europe’s capitals then all I’ve seen are a few real Jewish head cases like Neturai Karta and Jews of the Left, many of whom seem to have more respect for Marx than Moshe Rabbeinu.
“speak on behalf of jew people not your personal feelings if supporting Israel”
I don’t speak on behalf of anybody, I just tell it like it is. And what it is is this: Israel wants peace, but it is surrounded by countries that are, with a few exceptions, filled with Savages many of whom have from birth, been indoctrinated with hatred for Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs and just about anybody else. There is no respect for education in the Arab and Muslim world, the quality and number of its universities can tell us that. These Savages, often illiterate, are brought up to feel ‘affronted’ that Jews, the people Mohammed cursed, are doing better than they are, and rather than see how Islam the ideology has retarded their societies, they blame the Jews for their plight, because they have been told to. Israel cannot change these problems that exist within Islamic societies, all it can do is defend itself against them, as I would like to see my country, Britain, defend itself against the Islamic savagery that is afflicting the world today.
“supporting Israel, the same time u responsible for all the dead children!!!”
No as I’ve said before, it is Hamas who is responsible for all the dead children. Gaza could, if Gazans had not chosen the genocidal lunatics of Hamas, become like a Singapore-on-the-Med, with high tech industries, advanced manufacturing a flourishing service sector etc etc, just like Israel in fact. Wouldn’t that have been a better life for Gazans that what Hamas have brought?
“if is so hard for you to live in peace, putting people in Gaza like in jail , take all you people and leave to USA this country been supporting yours with guns for many years”
I’m quite willing to live in peace with my neighbour, but many people and nations have found that it is their Muslim neighbour that doesn’t want to live in peace with them. I’m all in favour of Israel having MORE guns, at least until such time as the Arabs and the rest of the Islamic world learn to genuinely want peace and not just speak empty words of peace whilst preparing for war.
“there is many jews who live with muslim in peace for many many years.”
Yeah as second or even third class citizens, subject to pogroms and attacks whenever the local ruler or warlord wanted someone to blame for bad times. Sorry but I don’t buy that bullshit anymore.
“in iran there is over 40.000 jews living next door to muslims and no one make it walls like you have done , exactly the same what hitler done”
Oh noes! Not the ‘just like Hitler’ bullshit again. Hitler didn’t give warnings of attacks, the only thing analogous to Nazism in this conflict is the ideology of Islam. The Separation Barrier in Israel has protected many Israeli civilians from bomb attacks by Islamic Jihadis since it was built. It has been so successful that maybe those nations which have the misfortune to have areas occupied by violent Jihadis and their supporters to build walls around them as well.
I’m sick of hearing the followers of Islam and their deluded non-Muslim supporters banging on about how victimised Muslims are when in so many parts of the world Muslims are the aggressors. It is very instructive to see just how many Muslims in Britain have turned out in support of the thugs and savages of Hamas and how few turn out in support of those groups both Muslim and non-Muslim that are being exterminated by Islamic Jihadis. The followers of Islam and their useful idiots get onto the streets and march for those who have publicly stated that their aims are genocidal.
Yor English is, at best, questionable.
Perhaps if you could find a translator, we MAY be able to understand what you are trying to say?
I suspect you have no problem with a DHSS form though.
It could be worse, it could be a product of a post-Blair educational system.
democracy, our country its democracy, do u know ??????
country with many nation,
not like Israel, recent statement ” Israel land only for jews” not other religions !!!
More bullshit. All citizens of Israel have the right to vote whether they be Jewish, Muslim, Christian or atheist. Do you really, truthfully expect me to take seriously your link from what is known to be a propaganda station run and supported by the Iranian government?