Hamas terror tunnels in Gaza. If you give to the latest DEC appeal for Gaza, there is a good chance that your contribution will go to the construction of more terror tunnels.
I most certainly am not going to contribute to the latest appeal by the Disasters Emergency Committee for funds for Gaza. This is for several reasons, firstly the people of Gaza chose the murderous genocidal headcases of Hamas and therefor deserve some of what they are getting. Secondly and equally important, there is no guarantee that the DEC appeal money will be used for genuine humanitarian work or will end up being spent on more terror tunnels, armaments, and acts of Jihad against Israel.
Here from the Dioclese blog is an excellent rant against the idiocy of the DEC, which normally campaigns for funds for those afflicted by natural disasters, raising money for the Jihad state of Gaza.
Dioclese said:
“The Disasters Emergency Committee is at it again. This time they are raising money to send to a bunch of fundamentalist terrorists in Gaza. On the face of it, this is because Gaza has suffered lots of damage from Israeli military action in terms of destruction of property, lack of medical supplies and shed loads of injured people. Especially, of course, the leetle cheeldren that charities and the media are so fond of wheeling in front of the cameras.
Well, it’s all bollocks isn’t it? The Gazans put Hamas in power and Hamas fires rockets indiscriminately into Israel not giving a toss who they kill. Hamas digs tunnels into Israel so they can sneak under the border and blow things up, kill Israelis and take hostages. Hamas uses it’s own people as human shields to stop Israel from bombing their installations. This is an organisation who’s avowed aim is to wipe every jew off the face of the planet. This is an organisation with it’s headquarters underneath a hospital FFS!
And you stupid people want to give them money so they can rebuild their tunnels and buy more rockets. Are you stark staring raving mad?
And are the charities so damn thick they can’t see through all this? Well, yes it seems they are. And not only that, the DEC is set up to bring much needed and deserved aid to people who fall foul of natural disasters. Since when was the situation in Gaza a natural disaster?
And just to make my piss boil even more, along comes Justine Greening – yet another token Tory female with about as much ability as a cardboard box. She says she’s going to give shed loads of our money – that’s our money; your’s and mine – to boost the bloody Gaza appeal.
Well, Justine dear, it’s like this. I don’t want you to give my taxes to a bunch of murdering fanatics so they can start up a another cycle of pointless bloodshed.
So when the DEC come knocking on my door, I will be telling them to sod off. I suggest you all do the same because thanks to dear Justine and her mates, you’ve already donated whether you wanted to or not. And I don’t want to.”
Well said! Anyone who is opposed to Jihad and who is sick of the sound of Muslims whining about being oppressed whilst their co-religionists hack off heads in Syria and Iraq should have nothing to do with this appeal by DEC. We should not as a nation be contributing money whether that be voluntary contributions of money extorted by the taxpayer, that will be used to promote violent Islamic savagery.
Dioclese blog
Cardboard boxes might own limited ability but they are often useful. So please don’t rank them alongside the Justines of this world.