From Elsewhere: The Left, hiding its eyes from the horrors of Islam and Jihad

The political Left has gone stark staring mad. Those of us who grew up alongside those who were supporters of what could be termed ‘the decent left’, look on what has happened to the Left and shake our heads in disbelief. There is a disgusting enemy which is afflicting the world and it is not only at our gates but too often within the gates as well. This enemy is opposed to all that the decent Left hold dear. This enemy is against gender equality, sexuality equality, freedom of thought, belief and even the democratic process itself.

At various times over the last century and a half the decent left, made up mostly of the often self educated working classes fought for fair pay, better working conditions and equality of opportunity. They also got off of their backsides in their millions and fought those who would endanger those ideals and who would extinguish the lights of freedom. They fought against Franco, Hitler and Mussolini and some Left groups denounced the violent perversion of Stalinism. What passes for the ‘Left’ now is nothing like the decent Left of old.

How then has it come to this, where we have a Left that is backing those who would destroy all that they believe in? Where has the decent Left gone?

Here is an article from the Australian Daily Telegraph on the subject of Leftists refusing to see the horrors of Islam and even worse, making excuses for it and trying to silence the critics of Islam. The catalyst for this article was the recent revelation that an Australian Bearded Savage Jihadi had taken his five children to the Middle East in order to indoctrinate them in the ways of Jihad against the infidel and even photographed his child holding a severed head.

The article by Miranda Devine in The Australian Daily Telegraph said:

BEHOLD the brain explosions of cognitive dissonance as the apologist Left tries to ignore the images of Wiley Park native Khaled Sharrouf and his severed head-toting son. The convicted terrorist has taken his five children on a jihad tour of Syria to indoctrinate them into the savagery of the Islamic State.

That’s my boy!” writes the proud father, tweeting a photograph of his seven-year-old son holding aloft the severed head of Syrian soldier with both little hands gripping the dead man’s short hair.

This depraved image has come to symbolise the Islamist horror that has engulfed the Middle East as ISIS terrorists slaughter Sunnis in Syria, Shi’ites in Iraq, Kurds, Christians, Yazidis.

No one is safe.”

This is a correct statement, nobody is safe from this sort of theocratic fascist savagery, yet the Left keep on making apologies for them and their actions.

Ms Devine added that : “The moral relativists of the Left are hiding from the truth’. She then went on to list instances of Leftist Australians accusing the press of picking on the story of the child with the severed head in order to fit in with an Islamophobic ‘narrative’. Other examples include the Australian Labour party ‘downplaying’ the role that Islam the ideology has in terrorism.

This is nothing but wilful blindness on the part of these Australian Labour party politicians and Left wing activists, but it may be a self inflicted blindness with a political end to it. It seems that just like the UK Labour Party, Australian Labour have decided that they will appease and pander to Muslim voters, even it is to the detriment of both the nation of Australia and its people.

After detailing the specious arguments and false equivalences that Leftist politicians and activists have used, Ms Devine continued:

In any case the whole argument is a pathetic attempt to deflect attention from the obvious link between militant Islam and terrorism. The fact that it comes from the alternative government is a worrying sign that Labor is burying its head in the sand.

The only conclusion is that Labor is craven and obstructive on Islamist extremism because they don’t want to alienate Muslims in marginal seats in south-western Sydney and west of Melbourne.

The most populous Muslim electorates in the country are Labor. Blaxland, held by Jason Clare, has a Muslim population approaching 25 per cent, Watson, held by Tony Burke, has 20 per cent. Next comes the Labor seat of Calwell, in northwest Melbourne, with 16 per cent. The fourth most populous Muslim electorate is the Sydney seat of Reid, with 10 per cent, the only significant Muslim electorate held (barely) by a Liberal, Craig Laundy.

It’s no surprise Laundy has been a vocal opponent of the government’s now defunct free speech reforms of the Racial Discrimination Act, which were so strenuously opposed by Muslim organisations.

These seats can win elections, and Muslim leaders, conscious of their electoral power, have persuaded federal Labor to change direction on issues like Israel.

To keep our country safe, politicians on all sides need to be honest about the threat of fanatical Islam rather than pretending it doesn’t exist in case they offend someone.”

The Australian Labour party has decided to sell all non-Muslim Australians down the river and have sold their own political soul to Bearded Savages who will, if they ever got the opportunity, slit the throats of both the appeasers of Islam along with everyone else.

This is political short-termism of the worst kind, the Australian Left is willing to risk the whole nation all for the mess of potage that is a temporary political advantage. The people of Australia should learn from what Britain’s Labour party has done. UK Labour has assisted in turning whole areas Islamic in order to keep a permanent voter stream on tap and as time has gone on these areas have become more and more Islamicly corrupted in their political conduct. This corruption is now so deep that in these Islamic areas not even the probity of the voting and electoral system can be trusted.

This is the dire and unwanted future for Australia unless it learns to say no to Islam and more importantly to say a resounding no to the non-Muslim quislings and appeasers of Islam.

The left must be truly mad to be going down this dangerous and ultimately self defeating path of Islamopandering.


Original story from Australian Daily Telegraph

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere: The Left, hiding its eyes from the horrors of Islam and Jihad"

  1. islam in the UK is like a maturing devil child.
    it needs stifling before it reaches adulthood and gains too much power and influence. will public opinion be outspoken enough to influence politicians. or will these savages and their ideology become uncondonable , even for the modern left.
    I think the latter.
    The above freak and isis are exposing the worst of this vile ideology.
    I read anne widcomes daily express column and heard some professor and george Galloway all expressing disgust at these violent animals .

  2. Furor Teutonicus | August 14, 2014 at 9:59 am |

    XX those who were supporters of what could be termed ‘the decent left’, look on what has happened to the Left and shake our heads in disbelief.XX

    No. No we are not. NOT those that LISTENED those days.

    I do not know how old you are, but I was in the sixth form in 76/78.

    All these present day commys were practicing their rhetorik in the common room THEN.

    16 to 18 year old wannabee Stalins.

    Everything from the Frankfurt school, (although we did not have a clue what that WAS at that age,) to the destruction of Israel, (the same arseholes twisting their arguments so they could actualy support Jews, but call for the death of all Israelis!!??)

    “Police accountability” (We have seen where THAT leads to! More form filling than locking up crims.)

    “C.N.D” shite.

    In fact EVERYTHING the Western world today is suffering from/under.

    You did not LISTEN then. NOW it is too late! THEY are our “politicians” and they have not changed their spots ONE pixel!

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