Picture Post – Something to think about – How about declaring every day Independence from Islam Day? Start today.

Independence from Islam day-page001

The ideology of Islam is creeping unbidden and unwanted, into the lives of many people, including many non-Muslims. This is happening through, amongst other things, the imposition of Halal food, the ongoing problems in Britain caused by bent Muslim postal votes in certain areas and the pandering to Islamic groups by local councils and national government. This ‘Shariah creep’ is bad, not just for non-Muslims but also for those Muslims who may wish to escape from the cult of Islam. Imagine what it must be like for those born into Muslim communities who want to get out, who flee to the UK, only to find that the State is pandering to the same ideological forces which believe that Muslim apostates deserve death.

Therefore all those who consider themselves to be Islamosceptic should make every day Independence From Islam Day. Speak up about the problems that Islam has brought to places like Rotherham, Tower Hamlets, Rochdale, Waltham Forest, Newham, Redbridge, Bradford, Leeds, Newcastle and so many others. Speak up against Islamic misogyny, Islamic violence, Islamic homophobia and the ongoing brainwashing of our children into believing the lie that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’. Don’t be silenced by the threats of the political Left or their thugs such as the woefully misnamed ‘Unite Against Fascism’. Speak up before you are eternally silenced.

Fighting back doesn’t have to mean picking up weapons or anything violent like that, it can also mean saying ‘bollocks’ to outrageous statements, such as ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, or saying ‘no’ to Halal food, or refusing to acknowledge or even provide services to those wearing niqab or burkah. Fighting back can also mean challenging the idiot Left and the Quislings who foolishly believe that Islam is just the same as other beliefs, or who believe that countering the ideology of Islam is some form of racism. Race and skin colour are not an issue here, religion and beliefs and actions are what matters.

If you want to keep your freedom then make every day Independence From Islam Day.

Please note: Disclaimer.

No mosques or Muslims, or even their goats, were harmed in the making of the header image. Please also note that this image is not intended to incite, enthuse or encourage any humans or non-Terran aliens, whether from within the Solar System or from beyond it, to fly huge great spaceships over mosques and fire death rays at them.

2 Comments on "Picture Post – Something to think about – How about declaring every day Independence from Islam Day? Start today."

  1. “refusing to acknowledge or even provide services to those wearing niqab or burkah” – it would be wonderful if businesses were to do this, but the law doesn’t allow them to. Even if it did and they did (one would expect banks or shopping centres to impose such a rule), one suspects they’d get the petrol through the letterbox or “we know where your children go to school” treatment.

  2. Quote from the Facebook page of the Australian Liberal Democracts (http://www.ldp.org.au/)(a completely different and preferable entity to our own dear LimpDims):

    For the record, the Liberal Democrats will oppose any attempt to ban niqabs, burkas or other religious dress. However, we support the right of property owners to set the dress rules on their own private property, and insist the rules of public places should apply equally to all.


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