A recent report by the education and child care standards organisation Ofsted into the growing problem of gangs of organised sex criminals has made similar errors to other reports into this issue. They have used the word ‘Asian’ to describe those who make up the gangs of abusers rather than being honest about the matter and referring to them as ‘Muslim’.
There are not gangs of Sikhs, or Hindus or Jains or Buddhists going round raping, torturing and trafficking girls and young women. Such people are not corrupting local authorities and police forces so that sex crimes are pushed under the carpet and nor are members of these groups driving mini cabs that are basically mobile rape centres. We don’t speak of Sikh Rape Gangs or Buddhist Grooming Gangs because such things do not exist. Although any group can produce a sex offender just as any group can produce a fraudster or a burglar or a murderer. only the followers of Islam are producing rape gangs of the sort that are afflicting a growing number of British towns and cities.
Members of non-Muslim groups of Asian heritage have not in my experience been over-represented in organised sex crime cases at anything like the level that Muslim men are. I was recently looking back over various Rape Gang stories and less than ten of these offenders were non-Muslims. I saw one Hindu, one Sikh and a few East Europeans, a few indigenous Britons etc, but the rest were mostly of Muslim heritage. It is virtually impossible to divorce the twisted ‘values’ of Islam itself from the problems of Islamic Rape Gangs. The misogyny, hatred for the ‘other’, the overblown sense of entitlement and the supremacism expressed by the ideology of Islam itself is a major factor in why Muslim men are disproportionally represented in rape and paedophilia offences.
It is dishonest in the extreme for charitable organisations, media outlets and politicians to continue to use the word ‘Asian’ to describe what are primarily Muslim criminals. The use of the word ‘Asian’ to describe these abusers does a grave disservice to every non-Muslim Briton of Asian heritage and smears them for crimes which have been, and continue to be committed by Muslims.
To use the word ‘Asian’ in the context of Islamic Rape Gangs is grossly dishonest, and looks like a cynical attempt by the promoters of the failed policy of multiculturalism to make the problem seem as if it is due to the race of the perpetrators rather than the culture which the rapists have been brought up in. These very multiculturalists who scream and shout at what they see as ‘racism’ are themselves being racist about non-Muslim people of Asian heritage by smearing them in this way.
We do not have an ‘Asian’ rape gang problem, we have a Muslim rape gang problem and it has got to the stage where no amount of lies by local councils, police forces, central government about this being an ‘Asian’ problem can cover that up anymore. Britain has imported in Islam a dangerous, violent, sex abusing death-cult that unlike many other groups who have made Britain their home has contributed very little that is positive to the national political, cultural, social or political life.
My message to the media and those in government would be this: If the lies and smears are not working then stop lying about where the problem is coming from and be honest about things. We do not have many insurmountable problems with any other ‘Asian’ group, but we do have a problem with Islam and it is a problem that urgently needs sorting out.
well written article, its unfair to paint us all with the same brush. Call spade a spade and move on.
Can you still call a spade a spade, or will the
thought police come and kick your door down?….:)
I think I hear them coming already