After Copenhagen, is it time for Progressive Jews to abandon ‘considered engagement’?

This image sums up very well the dangers of ‘engaging’ with Islamic groups.

All too recently, we have seen again the true face of Islamic hatred and lack of respect for life, this time on the streets of the Danish capital, Copenhagen. We’ve seen this true face before, in Paris, London, Madrid, New York, Mumbai and, so very often in the cities and towns of the land of Israel. It is difficult not to come to the conclusion that there is a core of violent hatred seated at the core of Islam. Over and over again the peace of all our cities and communties has been smashed by the followers of Islam, but still there are some who refuse to see what has so plainly been written in blood by jihadists for all us to read.

A recent video by Pat Condell (see previous post on here) talked at length about Islamic anti-Semitism and how too many on the liberal/left refuse point blank to speak about it, or even acknowledge its existence. In some cases, as I and others can personally testify to, there have been attempts to silence and marginalise those voices that wish to speak about Islamic anti-Semitism. Islamic Jew-hatred has become the ‘Great Unmentionable’ in many circles, both religious and secular.

Mr Condell also said that any Jew who supports mass Islamic immigration is either ‘incurably progressive or out of their minds’ and I find that it is difficult to disagree with him there. There is something distinctly suicidal about Jews supporting those whose core ideology says ‘kill the Jews’. There is no difference in such a sentiment, whether it comes from some jackbooted neo-nazi lunatic or some ranting Muslim in a Dishdasha, it’s still rancid Jew hatred. It is important to remember that Islamic antisemtism is not something that was grafted onto it later, as in some Christian paths, it was something that was there at the beginning, with the arch-Islamic Jew hater himself, the Islamic ‘prophet’ Mohammed.

It is madness for progressive Jews, who in general seem to be quite happy to support projects such as those concerned with issues about freedom of speech, democracy, justice, peace and reconciliation, to give any succor to Islamic groups. It seems as if some progressive Jews and their religious leaders have decided to collectively flush their brains down the toilet and back either directly, or at one remove via umbrella groups like Citizens UK, some quite unpleasant Islamic organisations and individuals.

The stupidity, nay the utter stupidity, of well meaning but naïve Jewish organisations working with or helping Islamic groups, is to me astounding. I can completely understand the idea that some of the paths of peacemaking require us to speak not only to those who we agree with, but also to those with whom we disagree. However, at what point do we draw the line? What do we consider when we talk about ‘considered engagement’ with Islamic groups? It all sounds rather good and positive and nice but where should we draw the line in the sand when it comes to dealing with Islamic groups?

Unfortunately it seems that in the past this ‘line in the sand’ as to what is and what is not acceptable has been, shall we say, a moveable feast. One example of how this line is not as stiff as it ought to be comes from a few years back, when a speaker at the East London Mosque gave a Jew hating rant. An account of this hate-filled Islamic rant was distributed via the web and other media and caused a storm. However, to what I believe will be the long-lasting shame of some progressive Jewish leaders, these leaders did not make a stand against an Islamic organisation that had not just had a one-off episode of Jew hatred, but a long string of such hate preacher incidents. Despite ample evidence that the activities and attitudes of the East London Mosque and associated entities were questionable to say the least, the progressive Jewish establishment turned away from doing the right thing and kicking up a fuss about it. Instead they did their best to smooth ruffled feathers and in some cases they assisted in managing, and in some cases marginalising, dissent to the policy of engagement with Islamic groups.

It is possible to make a reasonable moral and ethical case for building links with truly progressive Muslims, of which there are a few out there, but for obvious reasons they often keep a bit of a low profile. Progressive Jews have much to teach and also to learn from progressive Muslims. Those movements within Judaism that are egalitarian in their beliefs and religious practice could assist genuinely liberal Muslims, both individuals and groups, in learning to stand up for themselves. However this, to me ideal situation, is not what is happening. Illiberal and undemocratic and indeed racist Islamic groups and individuals have been the sort of entities with which some progressive Jewish groups have chosen to associate themselves. They have deluded themselves, for all the right reasons of course, that by talking to such questionable organisations as the Muslim Council of Britain, or those who lean towards the views of the south Asian Islamofascist group Jamaat e Islaami; they can bring about peace, justice and understanding. Such an attitude by progressive Jews towards these Islamic groups is something that can only really be described as placing hope over experience and evidence. It is impossible to debate in an atmosphere of trust and honesty with many Islamic groups because Jew-hatred is so deeply embedded into the DNA of orthodox Islam. Another issue with regards to Islamic entities, is that all too often they are willing to lie and say that they and their ideology are not anti-Semitic. Making peace needs a foundation stone fashioned from honesty and trust, and I and a growing number of others find that we cannot discern much to trust about Islam, nor much honesty from it either.

Co-operation with Islamic groups has been sold to the average progressive Jew as a form of Tikkun Olam which roughly translates as repairing the hurts of the world, or a way of making peace or even as a form of Tzedakah (good works/charity/doing the right things). In a way the Rabbonim and leftist activists are correct; you should make peace, do the right things and repair the world. However, I would ask whether these laudable aims are achieved by working with, and sometimes facilitating, Islamic groups who may be dishonestly representing themselves as moderates when in reality they are anything but moderate?

I have a message for Britain’s progressive Jews, such a policy is beyond gormless. It is not only doomed to failure but eventually, as sure as the sun rises and sets, it is likely that these same orthodox Islamic organisations will, with their Jew-hating rhetoric, inspire one or more individuals to carry out jihad against Britan’s Jews. You cannot make peace with those who either have stated that you should be killed or have in their foundation document, a considerable amount of murderous Jew hatred.

There have been so many anti-Semitic attacks in Europe in recent years and they have almost entirely been carried out by the followers of Islam. How can any person possessed of the brains that God has given them, make peace with Islam in such circumstances?

The attacks on a free speech conference and a synagogue in Copenhagen must surely mark the time when the leadership of progressive Jewry wakes up and smells the coffee about Islam and recognises the threat that it poses. If it does not, then it will count as one of the greatest examples of self-delusion humanity has ever seen. When the Muslims turn on the foolish progressive Jews who ignored the very real threat from Islam, who I ask, will be there for them?

After Copenhagen, there must be no more excuse-making for Islamic groups, no repetition of the phrases ‘religon of peace’ or ‘tiny minority of extremists’ and there must certainly be a reassessment of the wisdom of progressive Jewish groups engaging with the very Muslims who wish the total destruction of Jews worldwide.

5 Comments on "After Copenhagen, is it time for Progressive Jews to abandon ‘considered engagement’?"

  1. What a pity so few are listening.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 19, 2015 at 12:55 pm |

      I agree but it is vital that Progressive Jews do wake up to the problems posed by Islam because the followers of Islam will not excempt Progressive Jews from death by jihad. Whilst I completely concur with the Biblical commandment to ‘**not oppress the stranger because you were once strangers in the land of Egypt’ I happen to believe that all bets are off when it comes to strangers who are not only carrying a big stick, but are increasingly willing to use said big stick. Some Progressive Jews have said to me that Islamophobia must be fought because all the horrible things said about Judaism by the Nazis in the 1930 were being said today about Islam. However the argument against that stance is that what was said by the enemies of humanity back then were lies, but much of what Islam is being criticised for such as the misogyny, violence, intolerance, racism, corruption and sedition is absolutely true. Jewish groups were not and are not systematically infiltrating our political, justice, welfare and adminsitrative systems but groups like the Muslim Brotherhood, Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK and the Muslim Council of Britain are.

      I can see why theologically some Progressive Jewish leaders have seen making peace with Islam as the way of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, but I can’t see how making peace with an ideology that wants you and your neighbours dead is going to achieve this?

      I pray that people will listen about this because all of us no matter whatever belief we hold is a potential victim of Islam.

      **Exodus 23:9 “Also thou shalt not oppress a stranger: for ye know the heart of a stranger, seeing ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.”

      • Just as the leaders want to think the best and keep the peace so have Europes leaders,all we end up with is a war that has to be fought but a lot bloodier than before.It was the job of them before us to nip it in the bud but they chose the easy option,our turn now.


    ‘But Tuesday’s annual dinner hosted by France’s leading Jewish community group CRIF, attended by President François Hollande, was overshadowed after Muslim leaders from the CFCM (Conseil Francais du Culte Musulman) decided to boycott the event.

    The dinner was marked by the absence of the rector of the Great Mosque of Paris, Dalil Boubakeur, outraged over comments by Jewish leader, Roger Cukierman, blaming young Muslims for anti-Semitic violence.’

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 25, 2015 at 6:38 am |

      Notice how the Muslim leader strops, whines and walks out over someone voicing the very real facts about Islamic anti-Semitic violence. Surely this Muslim leader, if he was truly committed to peace and co-existence, would have taken steps to decry Islamic Jew-hatred? Lets face it, it’s definitely Muslims in France who are making life increasingly difficult for Jews today and will do the same to non Jews tomorrow.

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