Howard Woolfenden a tainted and questionable individual completely unsuitable for any role that involves the protection of children and young people.
Britain’s local authorities are out of control and are often behaving in ways that are counter to what could be reasonably be described as the common good. Both elected councillors and the permanent local government made up of ostensibly non-political officers can be seen to behave in an appallingly arrogant manner and do what they want without sanction of law or any moral and ethical restriction.
A classic and frightening example of how local authorities have become laws unto themselves can be found in Birmingham. There a former employee of Rotherham council, Howard Woolfenden the former Safeguarding Children chief, who did all within his power to hide the extent of the problems caused by the Islamic Rape Gangs which have been operating there, has been hired to work in Birmingham City Council’s Children’s Services Department. Even more frightening, is the fact that he has been brought in to Birmingham in order to deal with the problems caused by Islamic Rape Gangs.
It is beyond gobsmacking that someone who has been implicated in the cover-up of the mass rape of between 1,400 and 2,000 girls and young women by Muslims should ever work again in any job that involves keeping children safe from harm. If a nursery worker or a volunteer in a parent and baby group had been shown to have known about abuse against children committed by others, and had said nothing about it, then it is likely that person would be forbidden from having any future professional contact with children by the vetting and barring service. Such a person would be considered if not a personal danger to children, but someone whose inactions made them ethically and morally questionable.
This perverse appointment should cause us to ask a couple of questions of Birmingham City Council, and they are firstly, why is a person like Howard Woolfenden, who reasonable people may feel should be forever barred from working in Children’s Services because of his past actions, taking up a post like this? Secondly, cynics may wonder whether Woolfenden has been brought in not in spite of his extensive record of covering up Islamic Rape Gangs, but because of it?
Birmingham is a city where there is a ‘disproportionate number’ of Muslims involved in on-street grooming, gang rape and paedophilia, with 6,000 children going missing from children’s homes and foster care, and therefore, because they are missing being put at serious risk of being targeted by Islamic Rape Gangs. Because of this high number of missing children and the fact that 75% of those suspected of being involved in these sort of offences are Muslim it is not unreasonable to suspect that there is a huge amount of Islamic Rape Gang activity going on in Birmingham and that Woolfenden, has been brought in by the City Council in order to manage and if possible cover-up the extent of that city’s Islamic Rape Gang problem.
In my view, because of the size of the city, the number of Muslims it contains, the known appeasing attitude that West Midlands Police has taken towards Islam and the fact that Birmingham is a Labour stronghold, it is highly likely that the Islamic Rape Gang problems in Birmingham and the West Midlands may dwarf the other known Islamic Rape Gang scandals that we’ve seen in Rotherham, Rochdale, Halifax, Newcastle, Oxford, Peterborough etc. I feel that it will eventually be revealed that Birmingham’s Muslims have been given virtual carte blanche by the City Council and elements in West Midlands Police to rape and torture non-Muslim girls and young women with a high degree of impunity.
A reasonable person would assume that a council officer who has been so tainted by scandal, and who has been seen to have given the Islamic Rape Gangs succour by closing down ‘Risky Business’ which was one of the few groups helping abused and trafficked girls and young women in Rotherham, would be the last person that a responsible local authority would wish to put in charge of the fight against Islamic Rape Gangs. How can hiring Woolfenden or someone like him be considered to be either reasonable or responsible? It can’t, and many may see his appointment by the City Council is more to do with hiding the extent of Islamic Rape Gangs in Birmingham rather than dealing with this terrible scourge. It really is a disgusting decision and no different from hiring a burglar as a nightwatchman or a paedophile as a nursery worker.
The actions of Birmingham City Council in making this appointment stink and shows both extreme arrogance and is an indication of just how far Britain’s local authorities have got out of control and which are now lawless fiefdoms where even rape and paedophilia can be excused.
Birmingham Mail on the appointment of Howard ‘I see no Muslim rapists’ Woolfenden to the Children’s Services department of Birmingham City Council.
75% of Birmingham paedo groomers are Muslims