Qari Asim, the Imam of Hyde Park Mosque in Leeds. Desperately trying to convince people that Islamic Rape Gangs are ‘nothing to do with Islam’.
Like London buses and Lib Dem sex scandals, if you miss one Islamic liar then don’t worry, there will be another one along in a few minutes. It really does seem to be the case that the most sure fire way of telling whether an Islamic spokesperson is lying is ‘are his lips moving?’
Another vile Islamic dissembler has surfaced in a recent edition of the Yorkshire Post, and he is insisting that the Islamic Gang Rapes that are afflicting far too many of our towns and cities are, as we could expect him to say, are ‘nothing to do with Islam’. He admits (well how could he not in the face of overwhelming evidence) that there are a lot of Pakistani Muslims involved in these rape gangs, and in weasel-like words asks why so many Pakistani Muslims are sex criminals? He fails to see that the answer he is looking for is to be found in the misogyny, racism and xenophobia that characterises Islamic culture and theology.
The Yorkshire Post said:
“A Muslim community leader from Leeds says it is wrong to link the “depraved actions” of recently convicted child sex grooming gangs to Islam.
But Qari Asim, imam of Hyde Park Mosque, said British Muslims of Pakistani heritage “must question why there are so many perpetrators of this evil crime in their midst”.
Personally I can’t see what is wrong with linking the depraved ideology of Islam with the depraved crimes of those Muslims who commit them. A brief look at how Islam treats women from its own culture, women of other cultures and all those who follow other religious paths will tell you that Islam, intolerance, violence and sex crime are inextricably linked. Islamic sex crime is also not only a British problem with the Dutch and the Swedes in particular having significant problems with Muslims who are engaged in sexual offences.
If the sort of sex crimes that we are seeing being committed by Muslims on a grand scale throughout Britain were confined to one particular type of Muslim, in this case Pakistanis, then it could be passed off as a localised cultural problem and not one that is Islamic. But Sweden, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, India etc all have problems with Islamic rapists and sex abusers. Therefore it’s not a Pakistani problem, it’s an Islam problem.
The Yorkshire Post added:
“Mr Asim has written a piece reacting to a report published this week into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in Oxfordshire.
The serious case review found as many as 373 children may have abused by gangs of men in the county in the last 16 years.
It called for research into why those convicted in the case – and other high-profile cases in places like Rochdale and Rotherham – were of “Pakistani and/or Muslim heritage”.
But Mr Asim said it was “not credible to blame a whole community”. He added: “Some groups are exploiting the cases of sexual grooming and are linking the depraved actions of the perpetrators to Islam.”
My message to Mr Asim would be this: There is no need for lengthy research on this issue we all now know why Muslims are a bit too rapey and the reason they are so is because of Islam. I take issue with his assertion that it is ‘not credible’ to blame the whole community for these sex criminals because it is the Islamic community that has created these beasts. The root cause of Islamic sex criminals is not alienation or poverty or whatever guff people like Mr Asim come up with but purely Islam itself. I just love the way he tries to say that getting angry about the horrendous number of Muslim rapists and paedophiles is ‘exploiting’ the situation. From my vantage point the only ones doing any exploiting are the Islamic Rape Gangs themselves. Islam, especially where women are concerned, is a depraved ideology why should we be surprised when it produces depraved individuals?
The Yorkshire Post quoted a Tweet from Mr Asim where he stated the usual BS about how child sexual exploitation was a problem with all communities. Up to a point Mr Asim may be correct in his assertion, but the problem of on-street, in minicab and in-kebab house grooming is by far and away an Islamic problem, and it is a problem that can no longer be denied or minimised. The Tweet said:
“Qari Asim MBE @QariAsim
Sexual predators come from all backgrounds & must be challenged by all communities whre it’s prevalent http://www.asianecho.co.uk/?p=6644 #Grooming #CSE
As a side issue I’d love to know what he got his MBE for?
Mr Asim whined to the Yorkshire Post about how it was not Islam but a ‘lack of spirituality’ that lies at the root of the Islamic Rape Gang problem. However, as we’ve seen from Iraq, Syria, Nigeria and elsewhere it is those who are very committed to Islamic spirituality who often commit the worst sexual and violent atrocities. Does he really expect us to believe that if these rapist savages were a bit more Islamically spiritual then there would be less Islamic Rape Gangs? He stated that no area, including Leeds, is immune from child sexual exploitation and it does make me wonder whether there is another huge Islamic Rape Gang scandal about to engulf Leeds, and he’s just getting his punch in first?
He’s correct when he says that the Islamic community needs to look at itself, but that is not the real issue. What is of primary importance is that the fact that as the number of Muslims in Britain has increased, so has the number and the severity of these appalling cases. Islam the ideology has provided a bedrock of justification for these offences and no amount of ‘not us guv’nor’ from the likes of Mr Asim will change that.
I really don’t care whether the Muslim community looks at itself or not, what matters is that we in Britain have looked at Islam, seen that it is an ideology of rape and murder, and that many of us would prefer never to have to look at it ever again.
I can’t help but come to the conclusion that Mr Asim’s primary concern is not the mass rape, torture, trafficking and sometimes murder of girls and young women, but protecting the ideology of Islam from criticism.
I think we can safely file this geezer under the heading ‘Taqiyya artist’.
Yorkshire Post article featuring Mr Asim saying ‘It’s nothing to do with Islam’.
Here’s another quote taken from the Times a couple of days ago. Personally, I find it even more disgusting than the above…
“Akbar Khan, chairman of Building Bridges, a Luton project that promotes racial harmony and integration, suggested white British society needed to examine its own “liberal values” and “very lax attitudes to underage sex”.
Parents who failed to act as role models for their children were “equally if not more responsible” for the harm caused to vulnerable young teenagers by grooming gangs. “Religion should not be dragged into this. I condemn the criminals responsible but their actions should not be seen as a reflection of the whole community.”
What can anyone say?
Totally unbelievable!
It is indeed a pretty disgusting comment and follows the pattern that we so often from these Bearded Savages which is ‘it’s everybody else’s fault’ and ‘nothing to do with Islam’. Religion and especially Islam has EVERYTHING to do with these crimes.
Yes folks, it’s all our fault for not executing homosexuals and not stoning adulteresses to death. We don’t even make use of our “right-hand possessions” and we haven’t lowered the age at which girls can legally “marry” to nine – what a bunch of backward lax liberal savages we are!
The best of hypocrites!
Muslim flavoured bullshit… TAQIYYA
Smell it at a mosque near you, anytime, but especially Fridays.
Like politicians, if their lips are moving, they’re telling lies.