“Come on out, we know you are in there criticising Islam and saying that it’s not a religion of peace”
As anybody who is a regular reader of this and other blogs will know too many of Britain’s police officers and police forces have to be quite frank ‘changed sides’. They spend an inordinate amount of time pandering to Islamic groups and individuals and are often enforcing the law in an extremely biased way. We’ve all seen how burning your own copy of the Koran will result in arrest and possible imprisonment, whereas burning your own Bible will incur no punishment or sanction.
Because of this biased and bent policing that is afflicting Britain it’s important that every citizen, especially those who speak up against the ideology of Islam, knows exactly what the police are allowed to do, and what they are not, and also to counter the lies and threats that the police so often employ in order to gain access to your property.
Here is an excellent and informative article from the Crimebodge website that outlines what to do when the police are knocking on your door and threatening to break it down.
Crimebodge said:
“The battering ram is just one tool among many that the police use to force entry into people’s homes; alongside levering tools, cutting equipment, lock manipulation and impact tools. You only have to click on the links to see the full list of hardware the police stock in their armoury.
The question is though, what right do the police have to use any of this hardware to invade your home, when you lawfully refuse to allow them in?
In our article ‘Never Allow the Police Into Your Home‘ we deal with a number of reasons why allowing the boys in high-viz green to cross the threshold of your doorstep is a very bad idea. Because, just like Vampires, the moment you invite them in they are suddenly bestowed with a range of powers that could make getting rid of them again very difficult.
If you haven’t read the article then take a look, as you’ll find it dispenses with the myth that the police have an automatic right to enter our homes. But as many people have experienced so often with the police, what the law SAYS and what the law DOES can be two very different things…
Section 17 of the Police And Criminal Evidence Act 1984 allows the police to enter and search a premises in order to carry out an arrest warrant. This section also gives police the powers to enter and search premises without a warrant in order to catch a person unlawfully at large, or to protect the public from injury or harm.
If the police have no reasonable suspicion that you are harbouring a criminal and no reason to believe that they need to force entry to rescue life and limb, or that a crime is taking place, then they have no right to demand to be let in.
But too many police officers have little regard for the law and often interpret the public’s refusal of entry as a challenge to their authority. And even though you may be TOTALLY IN THE RIGHT and have a potentially successful lawsuit as a result of their unlawful entry, what use is it when they are bashing your door to splinters and storming through your house looking for something – anything – they can arrest you for at that moment?
So here are some tips on how to deal with police officers who won’t take ‘NO’ for an answer when you rightfully refuse them entry into your home:
We cannot stress this enough, but no matter what encounter you have with the police ALWAYS record it. How else will you be able to counter the fictionalised version of events the police might spin if you are subsequently arrested?
You don’t have to push a video camera up to the window or through your letterbox. Just recording audio from behind your door is enough. And always TELL the police that you are recording (even if you aren’t). The police hate to be scrutinised and you may notice an almost immediate change in their behaviour simply because they know that you will have irrefutable evidence if the time comes.
If the police are threatening to break down your door because you won’t open it, ask them exactly what crime it is they believe you have committed. If they have no just cause they will usually say something along the lines of: “We just want to check that you are okay”, “We want to make sure nothing is going on inside”, or “We’ve had a report that you’ve been arguing.”
Suspicions and allegations are not a crime. Make it clear to the police that as they have admitted that no crime is being committed – and you have recorded them saying as such – they have no lawful reason to crash through your door. You will be amazed at how often this method alone stops the police forcing entry.
Read the rest of this excellent, informative, and possibly front door saving article, here:
It’s pretty disgusting that it has come to the point where those who are only trying to protect their families, their local area, their culture and their nation from Bearded Savages have to consider their own police force as the enemy, but that is the ‘gift’ that the diversity fetishists have bequeathed Britain and that is the situation which we have to deal with. There used to be an old song that contained the line ‘if you want to know the time ask a policeman‘, now we are sadly in the position where if you want to find a policeman don’t bother going to the local cop shop, just look to see if their polished boots are sticking out of the arse of the nearest Imam or other Islamic ‘community leader’, for that’s where you will find your average modern police officer lurking nowadays.
Sad fact that there are still a lot of good Plod around but they being replaced and are managed by a bunch of liberal bed wetters.
Which is why we all cannot trust plod anymore
Worse than the thugs they can’t be bothered to catch anymore.
Oops, there goes my front door!
As long as there is even one corrupt police officer still in place, it means that the good ones have not adequately organised and have not caused the removal of the bad ones and, therefore, are just as bad! Until they do that, successfully, the good ones are going bad, also.