“…..And the animals looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, but they found that they could no longer tell the difference between the two”
I didn’t see all the so called leaders debates last night as I had better things to do but from what I did see I can’t escape the conclusion that they both lost. Cameron came over as a shifty untrustworthy technocrat, and Miliband gave the impression of not having the right stuff to be the sort of Prime Minister that Britain needs at this time.
I’d have preferred to see a proper head to head debate not this public relations farrago. Many of the questions I heard were shallow and unchallenging, and the replies from both Cameron and Miliband seemed to contain much obfuscation and will do little to convince those who believe that they are both scum. The British people deserved better than this.
It was pretty obvious from the replies of both men that they are dyed in the wool supporters of the EU. Cameron trotted out is ‘reform’ line, even though neither the French nor the German governments will allow the EU to be reformed to anything like the extent that it needs to be reformed. Miliband said it was highly unlikely that his party would allow the British people to decide for themselves whether or not we should be members of the EU. I couldn’t shake the feeling that whether the British people vote Labour or Conservative they will still get Brussels.
These men’s records advanced before them onto the stage like a miasma. For me this miasma smelled of Cameron’s broken promises to crack down on Quangos, improve the education system and sort out the economy. Labour’s miasma smelled of all the multiculti disasters of Trojan Horse, Rotherham Islamic rapists and bent postal voting. It also reminded me of the excessive and inappropriate immigration and the destruction of free speech which Labour will forever be associated with.
This wasn’t a proper debate it was a beauty contest where we were expected to choose between two exceptionally ugly contestants.