The logo of Tang Hall Primary in Heworth, North Yorkshire. The latest British school to go full-on with indoctrination about Islam.
The number of instances of schools engaging in what appears to be indoctrination for Islam seems to grow by the week. Up and down the country, in both urban and rural areas, appeasement of Islam or lying about its nature seems very much to be the order of the day. This latest case strongly emphasises why parents should keep a much closer eye on what their children are being taught than they may be doing at present.
A school in Yorkshire has become the latest educational establishment to engage in some serious and worrying Islamopandering. Tang Hall Primary School in Heworth, North Yorkshire is getting itself a new neighbour, a sedition centre, or Mosque as these places are otherwise known. One of the teachers, Ms Fiona McCallion, heard about this and decided that what her majority White British school needed was a stiff dose of art-based pro-Islam propaganda. Ms McCallion then metaphorically stuck her tongue so far up the local Imam’s backside that he must have wondered what that tickling sensation in his tonsils was.

Headteacher Catherine Precious with the local Imam and some of the children who took part in this latest piece of Islamic indoctrination (Picture from York Press)
According the the York Press, Ms McCallion said:
“Teacher, Fiona McCallion, said: “I saw the article in the paper and I thought it looked wonderful. I determined there and then to let the Imam know that we at Tang Hall Primary School thought that the new mosque would be a great asset to the our local community, and a splendid work of architecture to boot.
“I spoke to my class and we decided to draw our designs for the new mosque, then invite the Imam to come and see them.
“Despite being an extremely busy man, he came in , talked to the children, congratulated them on their pictures and invited them to visit both the current and planned mosques. He then spoke in front of a whole school assembly, and his personable, down-to-earth demeanour won everyone over.”
Have you ever seen such crawling? Such abject appeasement? Such a lack of knowledge about Islam? She certainly doesn’t even seem to have heard of ‘taqiyya’, which is the theological permission to lie in order to promote Islam.
Ms McCallion has shown herself to be hopelessly naïve with her enthusiasm for a Mosque in her area. There are many of us who have lived in Muslim areas, and have subsequently escaped, and who would view the arrival of a mosque not as an ‘asset’ but a harbinger of doom, rape and corruption. I certainly don’t think that the thousands upon thousands of British girls who’ve been the victims of Islamic Rape Gangs would see the arrival of Islam into an area as an asset either.
Fiona McCallion has not just ‘followed orders’ from Ofsted about whatever diversity guff is this month’s priority, which is the standard mitigating factor for the weak, she has gone out of her way to instigate this act of Islamopandering, and that to me is much worse.
Ms McCallion herself set this indoctrination project up and contacted the local Imam and has gone public about her enthusiasm for a mosque being imposed on her area. That is not the act of someone who is going along with a policy in order to hang on to their job, this is the act of someone who is behaving like an active Quisling for Islam.
Shame on Ms McCallion for indulging in this little bit of Islamic indoctrination, and shame on the headteacher Mrs Catherine Precious for supporting those members of her staff whose attitude to Islam appears to be based on very little knowledge of the Ideology of Islam itself.
As there have been other schools where Islamic indoctrination has gone on without the knowledge of parents, I do wonder whether the parents of the children were informed of this project in advance and also if it was done under the auspices of the RE curriculum? If the school didn’t inform the parents in advance of this project, then they should have done, if only as a common courtesy to the parents. If this project was carried out under the RE umbrella then the parents would also have had a legal right to withdraw their children from this lesson and this project.
I’d advise all parents to watch out for Fiona McCallion and if your child has the misfortune to be taught by her, keep an extremely close eye on just what she is teaching, especially where Islam is concerned. Sadly, when it comes to Islamopanderers and indoctrinators for Islam, Ms McCallion is not alone, I would guess that you will find such creatures in school classrooms all over the country. The presence of such indoctrinators for and appeasers of Islam in our education system makes it imperative that parents become much more pro-active when it comes to their children’s education. We cannot anymore leave our children’s education to ‘professionals’ like this who cross the line that divides teaching from indoctrination.
Original story from the York Press
Examples from this blog of instances of Islamic indoctrination in British schools
Manchester school brought in Islamic evangelist ‘art worker’ and failed to inform parents.
Parents in town hit by massive Islamic Rape Gang epidemic refuse to let their children visit a mosque
Pro-Islam educational resources being foisted on children in Worcestershire, Shropshire and Herefordshire.
Headteacher publicly humiliates pupils whose parents refused the school permission to visit a mosque.
Cumbrian school holds event that seems to be not much more than a whole week of Islamic propaganda
Left Wing teachers condemning three year olds as ‘racist’
Tang Hall Primary School’s Ofsted report from 2012. Please note that this inspection was done when another person was headteacher.
As sometimes local papers tend to remove or amend stories about Islam when non-Muslims make a fuss about them please find below the whole article as published on the website of the York Press.
“PUPILS at a York primary school found out about plans for a new mosque in their neighbourhood.
Imam Abid Salik was invited to speak to the youngsters at Tang Hall primary school about the designs for the new mosque in Bull Lane and in turn they showed him their own drawings of what they think it should look like.
As The Press reported last month, work is finally underway on the project almost three years after planning permission was granted.
With no grants or money available to put toward the cost, it was left up to the congregation to raise the cash themselves, and total of more than £670,000 was raised after donations flooded in from members, families and supporters.
The start of the work’s first phase, which includes building a sub-structure complete with windows and doors to accommodate the mosque’s sizeable congregation, was celebrated at a turf cutting ceremony and featured in The Press.
Teacher, Fiona McCallion, said: “I saw the article in the paper and I thought it looked wonderful. I determined there and then to let the Imam know that we atTang Hall Primary School thought that the new mosque would be a great asset to the our local community, and a splendid work of architecture to boot.
“I spoke to my class and we decided to draw our designs for the new mosque, then invite the Imam to come and see them.
“Despite being an extremely busy man, he came in , talked to the children, congratulated them on their pictures and invited them to visit both the current and planned mosques. He then spoke in front of a whole school assembly, and his personable, down-to-earth demeanour won everyone over.”
Note: This piece has been edited as it is an old article that once contained contact details where complaints about the school could be addressed so that those concerned about Islamic appeasement could politely voice their concerns. As this is a piece that is now at least five years old there is now no need for the complaints address to be on here therefore these details have been removed. Ed F211
There are none so blind…
Agree there. I think that this incident is considerably worse and more worrying than a teacher who merely teaches in a manner or with content that is consistent with Ofsted demands. We’ve all of us at some time in our lives, taken the path of least resistance on something but this teacher actively sought out the local Bearded Savages in order to abase herself and her charges to them with this ‘draw a mosque’ bollocks.
I wonder if the children were warned of the consequences if it occurred to them to draw a lovely picture of that nice Mr Mohommed chap.
Yep just imagine it, see the Imam almost literally explode with rage.
It’s time to start counter-indoctrinating the children. It’s time to begin putting leaflets in children’s hands. It’s time to start making children see the evils in what Muzz does!
This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever read on the Internet. It just incites racial hatred based on lies.
I also wonder why you seem prepared to publish other people’s name, addresses and contact details yet you hide away like the scum you are behind a username.
It is not inciting racial hatred, it is telling the truth about a worrying level of pro-Islam indoctrination happening in our schools. Oh and before I continue, exactly what ‘race’ is Islam? I’ve seen Muslims of all racial types acting like animals, if that is not an unfair slur on animals that is. You cannot pull the ‘racism’ stuff with me. I dislike Islam for what the Islamic ideology is, not because a lot of its British adherents are mostly brown people whose families hail from South Asia. Islam is a scum ideology no different from Nazism or Communism and I don’t like what it is doing to our country and I don’t like it being forced down the throats of our children, something I’ve said on many an occasion. Further to the idea of ‘hatred’ when you think of the number of Islamic Rape Gangs, Islamic political corruption and Islamic terror and sedition, why shouldn’t Muslims feel a little hated about things like that? If Muslims put their own house inorder then maybe, just maybe they and their ideology would not be so hated.
As regards your accusation of ‘lies’the story was sourced from a reputable local newspaper, if you don’t like this blog’s comments or opinion of it then tough titty. People are entitled to have an opinion that is at variance to yours.
Further to your comment on publishing names and addresses, you may care to note that only the schools address was published and careful instruction has been given to this blog’s readers to only use legal, polite and non threatening language when challenging this latest bunch of appeasers of Islam.
And finally. I really don’t give a monkey’s chuff whether you disapprove of me having a usernme. It’s a bit rich for you to criticise me for using a user name when you yourself have contacted this blog using a quite obvious ‘disposable’ email address. Stick around you might learn something about Islam and the threat it poses.