Bradford, once a proud industrial town, now becoming more known for Islam, Islamic extremists, Islamic politics and Islamic Rape Gangs.
All across the UK there are towns and cities that were once known for their industries or their cultural achievements or their history. Places like Bradford, Keighley, Rotherham, Manchester, Birmingham are no more recalled into people’s minds because of trade, engineering or manufacturing, but because they are places which have been afflicted by the phenomena of Islamic Rape Gangs. When we think of Birmingham we no longer think ‘small arms’ or ‘jewellery’ we think of the thousands of potential victims of an Islamic rape scandal that is nowhere near being fully uncovered. When Rotherham or Manchester comes to mind we don’t automatically think of the place that produced the first commercially available mass produced Iron plough or the site of the worlds first passenger railway station, instead our minds are filled with the stories of the horrific Islamic Rape Gangs which were left virtually completely unpunished by the authorities.
Now it is the turn of Bradford and Keighley in West Yorkshire to have its reputation besmirched by allegations of Islamic rape gangs, with the charging of 14 adult Muslims and one unnamed juvenile with sexual offences against a young girl.
The Bradford Telegraph and Argus local newspaper said:
“Police in Bradford have charged 14 men and a 16-year-old male from Keighley with sex offences relating to rape and sexual abuse of a child under 16.
The offences relate, in the main, to one female victim who was under 16 at the time. One allegation relates to a second victim who was also under 16.
The allegations are historic in nature, and are alleged to have occurred between 2011 and 2012.
The 15 males who have been charged have been released on police bail and are due to appear before Bradford Magistrates Court on Tuesday 30 June.
The men are all from the Bradford and Keighley area.
All but one of the adult males have been charged with at least one offence of rape.
The 14 adults have been named by the police as:
Sufyan Ziarab, 22, of Keighley. He is charged with two offences of rape,
Yasser Kabir, 24, of Keighley. He is charged with four offences of rape.
Bilal Ziarab, 20, of Bradford. He is charged with two offences of rape.
Tauqeer Hussain, 22, of Keighley. He is charged with four offences of rape.
Israr Ali, 19, of Keighley. He is charged with two offences of rape.
Rohail Iqbal, 21, of Keighley. He is charged with rape.
Rohail Hussain, 18, of Keighley. He is charged with rape.
Nasir Khan, 23, of Keighley. He is charged with three offences of rape.
Saqib Younis, 28, of Keighley. He is charged with two offences of rape.
Hussain Sardar, 18, of Keighley. He is charged with rape (x2)
Zain Ali, 20, of Keighley. He is charged with two offences of rape.
Faisal Khan, 26, of Keighley. He is charged with two offences of rape.
Khalid Raja Mahmood, 34, of Keighley. He is charged with five offences of rape.
Mohamed Akram, aged 62, of Keighley. He is charged with sexual activity with a child
Read the original source for this story here:
Although Fahrenheit211 cannot comment on the details of this particular individual case because it is currently sub judice, it should be noted that this is just one case relating to one victim. It is highly unlikely, based on the experiences of other towns and cities, that the Bradford and Keighley areas only have one alleged Islamic Rape Gang. There must be hundreds if not thousands of rapist Muslims resident in the area and who knows how many victims.
All religions and all cultures have bad apples, we’ve probably all met examples of wrong ‘uns in our lives and such people can come from all backgrounds. However, Islam is different, it’s not just individuals who are wrong ‘uns because the whole of the Islamic ideology is dodgy. How else could it be explained why Islam is such a dangerous pain in the backside not just in one place but in many.
It’s not just Rotherham or Bradford or Birmingham or wherever that Islamic Rape Gangs are operating but any place where there are Muslims in any appreciable number and these Islamic Rape Gangs taint the particular town’s reputation as well as truamatise and sometimes kill their victims. Blackpool for example used to be a fun place where people went on holiday or to marvel at the illuminations but now it’s a place forever associated with the alleged sexual assault and murder of a young girl, Charlene Downes, by Muslims.
Islam is not a religion of peace, it is a religion of rape and murder, and far too many places in the United Kingdom are finding this fact out in horrific and tragic ways. We should no longer tolerate the intolerable ideology of Islam. If we continue to foolishly tolerate Islam, then its followers will continue to be emboldened and will continue to rape our daughters, murder our sons and corrupt our country.
Say no to Islam and no also to the appeasers and excusers of Islam.
they spread like cockroaches dont they?
Isn’t that a little unfair on cockroaches? I’m normally loathe to essentialise groups by saying that all of one particular group is like this or like that but for Islam I make an exception to that rule because wherever Islam goes so does trouble and strife.
You can no longer stop this while remaining within the Law!
But we must try to do this. However, I’ve consistently warned about the situation that could occur if and when the state cuts off legitimate routes available for people to deal with the rapist Muslims. If people lose trust in politics or the police or the legal system to deal with these aggressive savages then it makes it much more likely that hothead will take the law into their own hands.
Very sadly, I’m obliged to agree with Mr Haines painfully plain comment.
Should any man find that his daughter or his niegbour’s daughter, has been raped by men who consider rape to be their religious right, and do nothing to dissuade them from behaving like beasts, is no man at all. He’s given up all rights that he might have once owned to be called a man.
In many ways, surely such fathers and brothers are little better than the rapists themselves.
When those paid well to protect our children refuse to act in their defence and all those government agencies we also pay protection money to remain indifferent, then it becomes a father’s natural duty to restore his daughter’s trust in him and in her wider family. Defend her in every way possible from being attacked again.
Defend her within the law if he can but outside it too, should it become necessary.
Should anyone ask you why Englishmen allowed themselves to be dragged down so low after WW2, you need only refer them to all these 21st century shameful and ongoing Muslim-led grooming scandals.
Violence breeds violence is surely true; and haven’t the followers of Islam behaved in a most cruel, deceitful, barbaric, monstrously violent way?
Soon, no doubt those that I’ve paid for so long to protect my daughters will be seeking my imprisonment. Yet another anti-Muslim writer of ‘hate speech’ no less.
You are correct when you say that it is not that we the non-Muslim has assault the Muslim but that the Muslims have insulted and assaulted us with their ” most cruel, deceitful, barbaric, monstrously violent ways’
…and still they come.
Equally worrying those politicans and govt agencies that we should be relying on to defend us continue to appease and pander to these Muslim savages.
shoot and castrate all sinck muslims drive them all yes all out of Britain so we can clean country up again don’t need this smelly filth here
Islam is indeed the religion of rape and murder. It’s an ideology that has oppressed Muslims (especialy those who want to leave Islam) themselves as well as us, and is turning our towns and cities into violent, corrupt crapholes. Islam is s danger to women, children, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Athiests, gays you name it Islam is an enemy of it.
Britain does need to clean its house up and it is time for all of us to press those who should be looking after us to do so and stop pandering and sheilding Muslims and Islam from justified criticism and sanction. Where have our police been skulking and hiding whilst Islamic Rape Gangs have wrecked lives? Where have our police been while Islamic groups have corrupted our electoral system?
I’m not going to recommend people take the law into their own hands, not my style, people will only get nicked and the Islamic community leaders would use any such action to play for sympathy. I still want to see a political solution to Islam, with proper authorites apprehending, detaining and deporting troublesome Muslims, even if it means making such people Stateless. However, we do need to start giving those politicians, council officers and police forces, who’ve sucked up to Islam and pandered to it, some serious shit for what they’ve done and call them out on their favouritism towards Islam and their pushign of the crimes of Islam and its followers under the carpet. We’ve to pay attention to what they say about Islam, and challenge it. Take look at these Islamopanderers for instance: https://www.fahrenheit211.net/2015/04/30/april-2015-british-neville-chamberlain-award-headteacher-victimises-children-for-not-being-given-permission-to-visit-a-mosque/ Should such people REALLY be teaching our children. We need to stop swallowing the bollocks about ‘diversity’ when it includes Islam, and see Islam for what it is, a dangerous death cult. It is no more ‘racist’to oppose Islam as it was to oppose Nazism or Communism.
Your angry, I’m angry, we’re all angry about Islam.
get rid all these people asap out of our country bring in the bill of rights act, sling out the human rights act sling out these Asians and Muslims , this will then save us a lot of many thru not paying them benefits get rid of the hate preachers like anjem chaudrey and others like this woman in charge of liberty, do what idi amin done in the 70s he slung them all out of his country. how can you give rights to dogs like this, lock up all those who would oppose such action the do gooders and the appeasement offices and finally get rid of all Asians in town halls and other government buildings, lets take back our country for the ske of our grandchildren and their children or they will be fighting over the scraps like dogs on the street
Hi Roy, welcome to Fahrenheit211. We do need to dump the Human Rights Act and replace it with legislation that protects the innocent but doesn’t favour the guilty. Britain is indeed paying money that could be spent on better public services or reducing tax for workers not just on Anjem Choudary and his band of bearded mental patients, but on hundreds of thousands of other Muslims who are contributing bugger all to the country. This article from the Telegraph shows that a significant number of Muslims are dole claimants or are claiming for disability benefits or otherwise economically inactive http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/wikileaks-files/london-wikileaks/8304838/UK-MUSLIM-DEMOGRAPHICS-C-RE8-02527.html
I agree with you about the do gooders and appeasers, I’ve met loads of people like these and invariably they never have to live with the problems their policies cause. They often live outside the areas that are being Islamised and send their children to schools with a minimal number of Muslims.
Islamic corruption and undue influence in our town halls is a terrible problem ranging from the overt ‘Good Muslims vote for me’ situation in Tower Hamlets right through low level influence problems such as that which I’m informed is happenign in Herefordshire where a taxpayer funded Diversity Officer is trolling round trying to find a place for a mosque even though a large number of locals hate the idea of a mosque being imposed on them, see this article for more details https://www.fahrenheit211.net/2014/12/29/british-neville-chamberlain-award-for-november-2014-this-one-could-be-called-shut-up-and-enjoy-the-enforced-diversity/ The problem with the likes of Shami Chakrabarty of Liberty is that she doesn’t have to live in places like Tower Hamlets, Newham, Rochdale or Rotherham, or live with the problems that the ideology of Islam brings.
What I would like to say to you at this point is the problems we face are not down to people who are ‘Asian’ but are down to Islam and Muslims. Although 74% of Britain’s Muslims are ‘Asian’ it needs to be remembered that Sikhs for example are hard working integrated and have served Britain’s armed forces with distinction and most Hindus just want to be left alone to work and bring their families up. Sikhs and Hindus have also been victims of Islam and we can only guess at the number of Sikhs and Hindus who’ve been murdered by Muslims, but the number is very high indeed. Although the members of Rape Gangs have been described in the mainstream media as ‘Asian’ the number of Sikhs and Hindus involved in these gangs is minimal, the majority have been Muslim, Pakistani Muslims, Bangladeshi Muslim, Albanian Muslim, North African Muslim etc etc.
All it takes for evil to succeed is for hood men to do nothing…..
I agree with you Gareth. Too often good men have done nothing in the face of Islam-caused problems because they’ve been cowed by the accusation ‘racist’, to which the response should be ‘what ‘race’ is Islam’?
Years ago this was not an issue. Now it has become THE issue. To be clear, WE are in the cross-hairs and they are coming this way! In the words of Harold McMillan ‘Appeasement is the Mother of War’. We need to shut the door, stop benefits and start repatriation. No compromise.
Agree. We need to stop the ‘pull’ of easily available benefits for Muslims and start the ‘push’ of making Islam less socially acceptable. Islam isn’t here so that its adherents can freely pray to their god, it is here so it’s adherents can prey on us and make us unfree.