The Jalalia Mosque Cardiff, Wales. An example of a troublesome mosque which has been taken over by Salafists. such mosques need to be shut down by the authorities immediately.
Since the Arab Spring uprisings, Tunisia has found that there are a lot more Jihadists or potential jihadists in their population than many observers may have thought existed. Tunisia has been heavily penetrated by Jihadists and according to a BBC report, Tunisians make up the majority of the foreign fighters operating in Iraq and Syria.
It’s pretty plain to see that Tunisia has, since the fall of the dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, seen a huge surge in Jihadist activity. The Tunisian government is trying to deal with the problem of jihadism which is attracting more and more Tunisians to its cause. One of the things that they are doing is shutting down 80 mosques that are suspected of harbouring extremists, which was also a policy of previous Tunisian governments when faced with the challenge of Jihad.
The Tunisian government know that Islamic texts and Islamic teachings are the root cause of Jihad. They know that a doctrine of jihad is being promoted in mosques and madrassas and they know the sort of threat that a strict adherence to Islamic doctrine brings.
This open acknowledgement by a majority Muslim country that Islamic theology contains within it the seeds of Jihad should be a lesson for our own British government. Our government should be doing something very similar especially closing down the many mosques that are either run or funded by extremists or which are teaching jihad. If a Muslim country can see that mosques are centres of jihad, can anybody give me a reason why Britain should not treat mosques in the same way? Too many of the 1753 British mosques are unmonitored by the authorities and even when jihadist activity associated with a British mosque is discovered the authorities meekly believe the snake oil salesmen of the mosque management that ‘they knew nothing about jihadist organisation’ in their mosque.
There is good reason to believe that many of Britain’s mosques are centres of jihad and sedition. There is also good reason to believe that too any mosques promote attitudes that are incompatible with British society. This was most clearly indicated when a minority of mosques, 500, just over a quarter of the number of mosques refuse to read a sermon condemning the Islamic Rape Gangs that have blighted so many British cities. If the majority of mosques cannot even bring themselves to condemn mass child-rape, then what else is going on in Britain’s mosques, what other acts of jihad are being planned by or facilitated by mosques in the UK?
Britain needs to see similar actions to that taken by Tunisia being taken by the British authorities against Islamic organisations including mosques and madrassas that may well be fomenting jihad. We can’t let Islamic organisations off the hook anymore, to do so would be the suicidal equivalent of allowing Oswald Mosley to continue to spread his pro-Nazi poison during Britain’s darkest hours.
Tunisians make up the majority of Islamic State fighters.
Oxford mosques refuse to read anti-grooming sermon
Many other mosques refuse to read anti-grooming sermon
Tunisia shuts down 80 troublesome mosques
If you know it, and I know it, and, as I suspect, a large
proportion of Joe Public know it, why don’t the politicos know it?
Or do they?
Of course they know,but it’s all part of their plan to make us a small cog in the giant that is the EU.That’s why any form of patriotism has to be quashed because they don’t want England to get all uppity and feel some pride,you are part of Europe now.Hence the opening of our borders(where they ever anything else?)to let every man,jack and his wife and kids in,that way you become accustomed to seeing/hearing all nationalities,and eventually it becomes the norm(they hope).However,it’s not proving to be as easy as the government thought,because alongside the migrants came the muslims,and opened up a whole new ball game. They don’t want our jobs,they want our heads.So…Vincent Bale is correct,if the government won’t act,we will be forced to,as it will be kill or be killed,lose everything or fight.What would you do?
In no way do I condone vigilante action, but I sincerely believe the time is rapidly approaching when if the authorities continue to refuse to do nothing about these mosques, the general public will feel their hands have been forced to do so.
That’s very much my point of view. I don’t want to see vigilante action but the number and intensity of the insult and attack we get from Islam is growing by the day. I’m noticing a simmering anger about Islam even among people who a decade back would be calling for tolerance of Islam. It only takes a couple of people to flip out over their daughters being raped by Muslims or having a relative killed in a Muslim attack for it to all go off. The actions of the police with their Islamopandering is not helping matters.
Rebellion is the right of every free man, who finds himself suffering a government which is despotic, ineffectual or both.
There are times when it is more than a right, it is a duty.
Such a time might be approaching.