Rotherham Muslim taxi drivers call the Whaaaaambulance over CCTV in their cars.

In an example of unbridled chutzpah, many of the taxidrivers of Rotherham are objecting to having CCTV fitted to their cars following the horrific Islamic Rape Gang scandal that is affecting Rotherham. The cameras are being fitted to taxis and hire cars in order to crack down on child sexual exploitation. The minicab sector is an industry that not only has preponderance of Muslim males working within it, but one whose members have been implicated in some of the worst sex slavery cases this country has ever seen. Knowing this, it seems incomprehensible that these drivers could be protesting over CCTV in minicabs. The taxi sector in Rotherham is indelibly tainted by the sexual exploitation scandals of Rotherham and you’d think that respectable Islamic drivers would welcome an attempt to clean up their trade and put the sex scandals behind them. They could have done the right thing but they have not, they’ve just whined and whined and gone on strike over the issue of CCTV. Bearing in mind what has gone on in Rotherham the sensible thing for the drivers to do would be to accept that their community has done some terrible things and now it’s time to try to put things right. However the taxi drivers of Rotherham have not taken the sensible route.

The BBC said (as usual original story in italics and this blog’s comments in plain text) :

Taxi drivers in Rotherham have gone on strike over new regulations requiring them to install CCTV equipment.

The council said it was “disappointed” by the decision.

Many of us will also be disappointed by the strike but not surprised. Too many Muslims like to say bad things are ‘someone else’s fault’ even when, as in Rotherham, Islamic cultural attitudes to women and girls is in large part to blame for the scandal there. This strike decision is typical of the ‘poor me, poor me’ attitude taken by a lot of Muslims.

The new rules come after the Jay report into child sexual exploitation (CSE) in the town, which said taxis had been used by abusers to traffic victims.

So those in the very industry that is linked to the Islamic Rape Gangs are objecting to measures that may prevent some of these abuses from happening, doesn’t that tell you a) a lot about the Muslim community in Rotherham and b) that there is still a culture of denial among Rotherham’s Muslims that there is a sex crime problem among their community.

The strike action by both private hire and hackney carriage drivers will run from 18:00 BST on Saturday until 06:00 on Sunday.

A cynic may wonder whether women may be safer with the Muslim drivers off the road for a few hours.

The town has around 50 hackney carriage taxis and 800 private hire vehicles.

Drivers are concerned about the costs of the rule change and the impact on their personal lives when many also use their vehicles as private cars.

Well maybe, just maybe if Muslims hadn’t raped so many women and girls and if Muslim run taxis were not a major feature of the sex gangs they wouldn’t be facing the extra costs. As for the ‘impact on their personal lives’, I call ‘rubbish’ on that. If these drivers are working agreed times then the CCTV only needs to be running whilst they are on shift. Makes me wonder just what these drivers are trying to hide.

Abdul Tariq, chair of the Rotherham Private Hire Association, said: “Why is the majority being penalised for the actions of a minority?

Probably because it was much more than a tiny minority who were involved in sex slavery.

“We appreciate what has happened and we can’t imagine how the victims [of child sexual exploitation] are feeling but that doesn’t mean the trade is corrupt.”

Mr Tariq appears to have forgotten how to speak English and is now speaking fluently in Lingua Bovis Fimus (the language of bullshit). There are certainly rumours that there are elements of gangsterism and corruption affecting the taxi trade there.

Commissioner Mary Ney, who is responsible for licensing for Rotherham Council, said: “By making these changes the council is ensuring the protection and safety of the public and rebuilding public confidence in the taxi trade, which currently has a poor reputation.

‘Poor reputation’ is a bit of an understatement Commissioner Ney isn’t it?

“The proposals within the new policy are all geared to raising the bar in terms of the standards expected by the public and to ensure the public and particularly young people can feel safe using the service”

Again we have to ask, why are these drivers worried about this and what sort of dodgeiness are they trying to hide that CCTV may reveal?


Original story from BBC news.

5 Comments on "Rotherham Muslim taxi drivers call the Whaaaaambulance over CCTV in their cars."

  1. Vincent Bate | June 29, 2015 at 7:14 am |

    As you say, with the Muslims, the fault will always be someone else’s, never theirs. They have a the worst culture of denial of any of the immigrant communities in England, and that’s saying something!

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 29, 2015 at 7:24 am |

      Anybody from a minority can be a little defensive when criticised, that’s natural, being a minority does carry with it a degree of uncertainty, but with Muslims it goes far beyond being a little defensive it is an absolute refusal to acknowledge any fault when there is a problem or to accept any criticism of Islam, shariah or Islamic culture.

  2. English...not many of us left. | June 29, 2015 at 12:49 pm |

    These mothers have no shame… and not much pride either.
    Must be someone elses fault then.
    They could always blame the Jews!… and probably will.

  3. “Why is the majority being penalised for the actions of a minority?”

    That is the standard knee jerk reaction in this mickey mouse country. I can’t do anything now, even buy aspirin in packs bigger than a six pack, because someone may use it to kill themselves.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 29, 2015 at 4:34 pm |

      The problem with the Islamic Rape Gangs of Rotherham and elsewhere is although it may be a minority of taxidrivers who were abusers, it was a significant and worryingly large minority.

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