Islam needs to be mocked, mocked and when it has been utterly and mercilessly mocked, then it needs to be mocked again.
An excellent piece from Ann-Marie Waters of Shariah Watch published in Brietbart London on the importance of defying those who wish to shut down free speech. MoToons equals freedom but censorship of MoToons equals oppression.
“I get asked a lot of questions in my line of work; people find it a mixture of fascinating, terrifying, and awkward when I tell them that I run a website called Sharia Watch. I anticipate several questions related to our Mohammed cartoon exhibit, so I’ll take this opportunity to prepare the answers in advance.
Why would you arrange a Mohammed cartoon exhibition?
Because I am Spartacus and it’s an ‘I am Spartacus’ moment. Those of who believe in free speech, democracy, and Western civilisation have simply got to stand up now; both to Islamists who seek to impose their religion on to our world, and to the government and media who refuse to effectively oppose them. The greatest threat to our democracy is this casual refusal to clearly state the importance of our speech, and the greatest threat to our speech is sadly coming from Islam. We have to stop expecting someone else to take the risk of standing up to the world’s bullies, we all have a duty now.
Don’t you realise you will offend thousands of people?
I do realise that and I couldn’t care less. I’m offended every day of my life – largely because of the actions carried out in the name of Islamic scripture. What the Koran says about women (read some of it here) is deeply offensive to me. Child marriage offends me. FGM offends me. Sharia law offends me. I’m offended by the lies and the cowardice of my political leaders who refuse to protect what is great about British culture and heritage. If I can be a grown-up and accept that my feelings are going to get hurt, then so can everyone else. Besides, some of them should be in prison so injured feelings is the very least they deserve.
Why Geert Wilders ?
Because the man has given up his freedom, he faces real threats to his safety, and he’s put his neck on the line for European freedom. He is proud of the heritage of Europeans, and so am I. He is exactly the kind of brave and unflinching politician we need.
Don’t we have a duty to be sensitive to Islam?
No, we do not. We are under no obligation to be sensitive to anyone about anything, but when the folk demanding sensitivity generally have little to say about brutal violence carried out in the name of their religion, then I think they’ve got a bit of a cheek demanding anything. I’m not talking about Islamic State either, I’m talking about Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and other oppressive prison-states. We hear a lot from Islamic groups about freedom of religion, rarely in the context of Christians being executed in Pakistan however.
Why do you single out Islam?
Because it deserves to be singled out – it presents a unique danger. This is not because of terrorism; terrorism comes from all kinds of groups and for all kinds of causes. This is about life within lands where Islam calls the shots. It’s about the death penalty for speaking, it’s about death for homosexuality and adultery, and it’s about the stupid and complicit Western left which pretends none of this is important.”
Read the rest of this brilliant article here:
We really do need a public Mohammed cartoon exhibition. It’s long past time that we told the Shariah Shitheads to sod right off.
I hope this event goes ahead.
but, as for geert wilders. I can see theresa may and her cronies hastily applying for a banning order from him entering the country.
I can also see May trying to keep Wilders out.
Poor Theresa doesn’t realize that it will be her next…you can’t appease for ever as we know from history.
Azad Ali – https://en-maktoob.news.yahoo.com/uk-muslims-decry-move-host-prophet-muhammad-exhibit-204122865.html
Agreed. Appeasement didn’t work in the 1930s and it will not work today.