What will it take for Britain’s Progressive Jews to drop their associations with the East London Mosque?

The East London Mosque – busted again for putting on and supporting hate filled nutters.

The East London Mosque is one of Britain’s most troubling Islamic organisations. It is linked by its members and supporters with the South Asian Islamo-fascists Jamaat e Islaamii via the ‘Islam for Europe’ organisation. Regularly it hosts extremist speakers, either at the mosque itself, or at the ELM-controlled London Muslim Centre. It holds a lot of political influence in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. It has also been alleged that some of those heading off for jihad in Syria and Iraq have been radicalised on East London Mosque premises. The East London Mosque is a most unsavoury organisation that should, if our politicians had any sense, have been shut down years ago.

The ELM are the sort of organisation that has a very high ‘yuck’ factor. There are enough questions about this mosque’s integrity to warrant that sensible people should stay well away from it. The ELM cannot be trusted on anything,not even when it comes to them not putting on extremist speakers or preachers.

Despite, or more likely because of the cloud of suspicion that hangs over the East London Mosque and its activities, it needs to polish its image. The mosque therefore involves itself with various ‘interfaith’ initiatives and is a major player in the Left-wing Citizens UK movement, which is itself an organisation that I believe is highly suspect. Because of this involvement in ‘interfaith’ and community politics, various Rabbonim and members of Progressive Jewish organisations have come into contact with the East London Mosque. This has led to what I believe is a far too close relationship between some Reform and Liberal Jewish Rabbonim and the East London Mosque. Sometimes this overly close relationship is at one remove such as Liberal Judaism’s involvement with the Citizens UK (see links below) movement, which in turn provides political cover for the East London Mosque when they get caught out being extremist, which happens quite a lot. Other times it’s foolish and naïve Rabbonim like Laura Janner-Klausner, the head of the Reform Jewish movement in the UK, taking part in interfaith initiatives where the East London Mosque is involved.

I can completely understand why these Rabbonim are involved in interfaith work and in community work, even if I don’t agree with the far Left-wingery of Citizens UK. Walking the path of peace with those who believe differently from you is the right way to behave. Doing charitable acts or making the world a better place are also the right things to do. Breaking down barriers of belief between people is something that does help not to see the Christian or the Jew or the Hindu or the Sikh as ‘the other’ and it does promote peace; I can’t disagree with that. By all means do interfaith work or do stuff that helps your local community, but surely there are better organisations to work with than the East London Mosque?

One big question is at what point do you draw the line and withdraw co-operation with those of different beliefs? My view is if the other faith organisation you are working with consistently promotes the extermination of your own group, or for example, promotes throwing gays off tall buildings, then that is an indication that your partner religious organisation is a wrong’un. The East London Mosque has put on so many iffy speakers and preachers, especially those of a Jew- and Gay-hating nature, that they must surely be described as ‘wrong’uns’. Jewish organisations should refuse to work with or co-operate with either the East London Mosque or those entities that express support for the ELM. It’s the least that should happen to the East London Mosque. If the bloody and traumatic history of the 20th century has taught us anything, then it should be this: When someone says they are going to kill you, you shouldn’t ignore it, excuse it or treat it as a joke, you should take notice and take notice quickly.

Unfortunately too many Progressive Jewish organisations and Rabbonim have refused to learn this lesson and apply it to the East London Mosque. These educated ignorant ones persist in living in an political and theological la-la land where the ELM isn’t really backed by hard core theocratic fascists like Jamaat and where there is no difference between the Jewish immigration experience and the Islamic immigration experience. In my view,neither position stacks up when faced with evidence. Evidence such as that Jamaat are a South Asian theocratic fascist organisation with supporters in the East London Mosque and the Jewish immigration experience is completely different from the Islamic immigration experience. For a start, there was no welfare state to welcome Jews to Britain in the 19th and early 20th centuries, and people had to pray hard, work hard and study hard in order to integrate and escape the poverty of the ghetto. I see little sign that Muslims wish to leave the well-funded welfare ghettos that they’ve created and in fact seem to be consolidating them and making these Islamic ghettos even more hostile to non-Muslims than before. There is a world of difference between Islam and Judaism and it’s faulty logic to see similarities that are not there.

Time after time the ELM has been caught out promoting extremists; time after time they apologise and promise that they’ll never do it again, Yet still Progressive Jewish organisations and Rabbonim believe them and continue to make nice with the ELM. Well, it seems that despite all their promises that the ELM has cleaned up their act, they’ve been caught again putting on a Jew-hating bastard as a public speaker. Although the ELM claim to have put in place robust controls on both internal and third-party bookings for mosque property and the London Muslim Centre, still the Jew-haters get through. I wonder why that could be? Could it be that Jew hatred is mighty popular with those who attend the East London Mosque?

Here’s the Harry’s Place website on the latest bit of Jew-hatred from the East London Mosque.

The horrors of Islamic State (IS) have roots. Chief among them are the most viciously intolerant strands of Saudi Arabian Islam.

The UK has not been spared, oh no. Consider London preacher Khalid Khan. His website offers Islamic guidance that would be most welcome in Raqqa, the IS stronghold in Syria. Try this one from a Saudi tome:

The Companions of the Prophet have not differed in killing sodomites, and some of them are of the opinion that a sodomite is to be raised to the top of the highest building in town and thrown from there, followed by stones thrown at him.

There are many more hideous rulings in that document. Apostates and married adulterers too must be killed, like homosexuals. Those who disrupt Muslim “unity” may be killed too. Thieves will lose hands. Even wine drinkers must be lashed eighty times.

Drug users are in trouble too, for drugs “are propagated in our lands by the Jews and their agents so as to destroy Muslims”.

You really don’t want to have any connection at all with Jews in this Islam. Elsewhere on his site, Khan has posted End Times talk that is also important in IS circles. It includes that sickening fantasy:

There will be no place for them to hide; they will not be able to hide behind any stone, wall, animal or tree – except the boxthorn (al-Gharqarah) -without saying, ‘O Muslim servant of Allâh! here is a Jew, come and kill him!

Another guidance document covers blessed jihad. It is exultant, calling jihad “the highest level in religion and one of the best acts of worship to the extent that some scholars consider jihad the sixth pillar of Islam”.

Mind the etiquette, though. Don’t kill innocents but go ahead, do enslave them, including women and children:

When captured, those people become slaves to Muslims; the Prophet used to have such people as slaves when he captured them.

Dhimmis” who survive jihad need to be “humbled” and pay the jizya tax for good measure.

Indeed, the death cult is not enough. Life too must be miserable, according to Khan’s counsels. A woman’s face must be covered, and her husband can order her to do so, in the name of Allah. Music? No way. It “destroys the heart and distracts people from the truth; it generates hypocrisy in the heart and is not permissible.” People who do not follow the right Islam? They are poison, never mix with them.

So, are people rushing to distance themselves from Khalid Khan as David Cameron “gets tough”? Not a bit of it. Mr Khan will be welcomed at the East London Mosque this Saturday. The mosque’s imam Abdul Qayum will speak alongside him.”

Again and again the ELM promotes Jew hatred and yet still there are too many Rabbis from Britain’s Progressive Jewish movements treating the ELM as an honest broker. It’s pretty disgusting to see Rabbis, of all people, people who should know much better, ignoring the fact that ELM speakers and preachers consistently promote an exterminationist view of Jews.

These ordained fools of Rabbis, who insist that the theology and policies of the ELM are no more a matter of concern than the theology and practices of the Plymouth Brethren are kidding themselves. The ELM is an organisation that has given concerns to a lot of people, Jews, gays, Christians, and supporters of secularism.. However, worse than just individually being affected by ‘wishful thinking’ about the mosque, these Rabbis are failing their congregations, and also failing the wider Jewish and non-Jewish community by refusing to see the true nature of the East London Mosque.

By continuing to associate themselves with the East London Mosque, Progressive Rabbonim help to give legitimacy to it. Whenever the ELM is caught out, they can point to the involvement of members of other faiths in their events and thereby divert criticism of some of the mosque’s other activities. We have to ask at what point would these Progressive Rabbonim divorce themselves from the ELM? at what point would the Rabbonim consider that the line between acceptable and unacceptable behaviour by the Mosque has been crossed?

It is my view that the ELM crossed the line of acceptability long ago and should have been dropped like a hot potato by all decent people. If these learned Rabbonim continue to ignore blatant Jew-hatred on East London Mosque premises, such as that featured by Harry’s Place and copied above, then what will persuade them to drop the ELM? Will it take Islamic Holocaust denial or blood libel on mosque premises to shift them from their complacency, or will there be yet more mealy mouthed excuses from Rabbis who should know better and act better?

It’s time for Progressive Rabbonim to wake up to the danger that the East London Mosque and groups like it represent, and do it soon. There is nothing whatsoever to be gained by making nice with those who want you dead.


Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner taking part in an interfaith event for Nepal at the East London Mosque. You will no doubt note that her presence has been exploited for publicity purposes by the Islamic Relief organisation.


From Harry’s Place. East London Mosque gets caught out again hosting an extremist.


From this site about East London Mosque


more can be found by searching for ‘East London Mosque’ on the main F211 website

On the policy of ‘considered engagement’ with Islamic groups


Liberal Judaism making bad choices of friends and allies


The Islamist murderer at the heart of the British establishment


On the London Citizens organisation


2 Comments on "What will it take for Britain’s Progressive Jews to drop their associations with the East London Mosque?"

  1. Vincent Bate | August 19, 2015 at 8:45 am |

    There is a certain type of Jewish person who fervently supports multiculturalism and mass immigration because they believe it is in their interest and to Hell with the wider good. They are as much a danger to our nation as the wooly minded liberals amongst the native population and the Muslims themselves and I have as little time for them as those other people. The accusation of antisemitism has become as easy a screen for these sorts of Jews to hide behind as the more general accusations of xenophobia and racism have for other vested interests.

    • Fahrenheit211 | August 19, 2015 at 10:11 am |

      I think the certain type of Jew that you mention are in my mind those who have swapped the reverence for God and for the Laws of Moses, for the incoherent and dangerous rantings of Karl Marx and similar ideologues. Such people care often little for Jewish ethics or religiosity and are primarily socialists who just happen to have Jewish heritage and drag it out and wave it about when it’s convenient or politically advantageous to do so. Such misguided people believe that socialism, despite all evidence to the contrary, is a just form of government. I don’t agree that there are that many Jews who say ‘full speed ahead with the multiculturalism and damn everyone else’, but there are those Jews of the Left I have met who have a fluffy view of multicuturalism, and mistakenly believe that it is a way of everyone getting on together regardless of religious or cultural belief. Nothing could be further from the messy reality. Multiculturalism is not a way of walking the Derech ha shalom (path of peace), but rather a way of meeting the mugger who is targetting you a little bit further down the road than you otherwise would have done.

      What I believe has happened is that in some Progressive Jewish movements the political Left has become highly influential within the Rabbinate. This has created a self perpetuating oligarchy among Rabbi’s of various Progressive Jewish organisations where Leftist Rabbonim oversee the training of other younger Rabbonim and select future leaders accordingly. This embeds Leftism into the culture of a particular organisation. This has also happened to a large extent with non-Jewish organisations such as the Church of England.

      I don’t believe that this Leftist rabbinical clique is at all representative of other Reform, Liberal, Reconstructionist Jews or other non-Orthodox Jewish movements. ‘Jews in the Pews’ hold a much wider range of political and religious views than could be discerned by only watching and listening to naive fools like Rabbi Laura Janner-Clausner, when she is pontificating about Islam being a religion of peace or some other happy clappy guff.

      I certainly agree with you about the problems of non-Muslim Quislings in general. Some of these are as you say wooly minded liberals and left-wing ideologues and they are part of the problems that we face in the West at the moment. A true liberal would look at the evidence and realise that multiculturalism has failed, that mass immigration by people from incompatible cultures has brought problems and also recognise that Britian has allowed a dangerous enemy called Islam to grow like a cancer in our nation. The fact that these ‘liberals’ cannot do this or see this means that they are not true liberals but are merely Leftists as much in thrall to the idea of a ‘Year Zero’ as Pol Pot was.

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