The latest Islamic thug to cause havoc in Europe. Makes you wonder what we all gain from having unemployed homeless Moroccan savages like this in Europe?
Although these are not the exact words of the Bearded Savage Muslim picked up for the latest assault on the free world, the attack on the Paris – Amsterdam train, this appears to be the laughable gist of his defence.
Lawyers for Ayoub el Khazzani, the Moroccan national who was tackled and brought down by brave passengers on the train before Khazzani had a chance to indulge in mass murder have said that their Bearded Savage client is ‘shocked’ at being arrested. Khazzani’s lawyers are alleging that he found the bag of weapons in a park in Brussels and thought to himself that he would go and do an armed robbery. His excuse though is looking more and more thin as it appears that this particular Bearded Savage was well known to the anti-terrorist agencies in various countries.
This case tells us a lot about Muslims and their attitude to violence. Firstly let’s assume for a moment that his story about finding the weapons is true. What would you do if you found a bag containing knives, an AK47 and other weapons in a park. Well if you are a non-Muslim then there are several likely options that you might take. The first is that you could hand the weapons to the police. However, what most people would not do is think ‘I’ve found some weapons. I think I’ll go and either kill some Kuffar, or rob some kuffar’. That’s because killing and robbing is the Islamic way.
Those on this train owe their lives to the brave service personnel and civilians who tackled this Bearded Savage before he could do too much damage. Like so many other Muslims who suffer from Sudden Jihad Syndrome, it’s plain that Khazzani wanted to kill as many non-Muslims as possible and it’s high time we all realised that he is not the only Muslim with such a desire, there are many more like him and more being born and created all the time.
Khazzani is not the first lone Islamic nutter, motivated by the Islamic Big Book of Death aka the Koran and neither will he be the last, but he is typical of what Islam in Europe is producing and nurturing. Islam is producing violent nutters who hate anything that they see is not ‘proper’ Islam including Christians, Jews, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, Atheists, gays and free thinking women. As well as the Islamic families who we can now see are a major factor in ‘radicalisation’, Islam is also importing other Islamic psychopaths via the Med Migrants etc to make war on us. It’s plain for many to see now that hating and wanting to kill ‘kuffar’ is pursuit followed by a worryingly large minority of Muslims. There is nothing to be gained and everything to lose by burying ones head in the sand and saying ‘la la can’t hear you, Islam is a religion of peace.’
To make matters worse, we in the European nations, especially the EU Member States, have a political class who are in favour of appeasing and pandering to Muslims in Europe in the hope that it will buy peace and integration and respect, which are all the things that the failed policy of multiculturalism was supposed to bring. Sadly the appeasement of Islam and Muslims via the welfare system, public housing allocation, education, special treatment under the law etc, has not brought peace and has not brought integration or mutual respect. The welfare and housing systems feeds and shelters a new generation of jihadists, often on our taxes. Also accommodations in the public and legal spheres have not been appreciated or accepted as acts of fairness, but as springboards for more demands, more special treatment, more shelter from criticism. As many of us are now noticing, appeasement of Islam isn’t making it less violent or more tolerant, it is making it more violent and less tolerant. European governments are breeding, importing and feeding those who want to kill other Europeans, that is a situation that should no longer be tolerated or excused.
There must be hundreds if not thousands of simulacrum’s of Khazzani out there waiting to strike. Countless numbers of seemingly ordinary Muslims are just waiting their chance to do their bit for jihad and kill or maim some Kuffar and there are also many more Muslims who support the attackers by saying nothing to the authorities about them.
Europe has been very lucky with regards to this thwarted attack, the train contained heroes and this particular Bearded Savage was at least on the radar of the security forces in various countries. We may not be so lucky next time, all it takes is a jihadist with a cleaner social skin than a homeless unemployed Moroccan with links to Syria and the security services will miss them, and there will be carnage.
I have no hesitation in saying that in seeking to be ‘fair’ and ‘just’, the governments of Europe have imported a dangerous Islamic fifth column into European nations and fed and sheltered it and allowed it to grow. It is a fifth column that is going to be increasingly difficult to fight until governments take the gloves off where Islam is concerned and see Islam for the nasty death cult that it has been since the days of Mohammed.
Sky News story on the latest bit of ‘Sudden Jihad Syndrome’ on a train.
Good article, and I loved the “it fell off the back of a lorry, guv” bit.
However, there’s one paragraph I will take you up on:
“Europe has been very lucky with regards to this thwarted attack, the train contained heroes and this particular Bearded Savage was at least on the radar of the security forces in various countries. We may not be so lucky next time, all it takes is a jihadist with a cleaner social skin than a homeless unemployed Moroccan with links to Syria and the security services will miss them, and there will be carnage.”
Yes, Europe has been lucky, but it wasn’t because of anything the security services, or the whole intrusive security operations and legislation, did. This guy was known to police in three countries, and on terror-watch radar in at least two, but he’s still able to wander around, get on a train with at least a sizeable bag, and wander at will. The fact of his being on the radar did not help in the slightest, and we have only chance, and three brave men, to thank for the outcome. Next time there may be no brave people on board, but the security forces will apologise afterwards and tell us that yes, they were watching him, but unfortunately that afternoon’s designated watcher had just popped out for a quick smoke.
A very good point, which I accept completely. It raises the possibility, nay the probability, that there are now so many Islamic fifth columnists running round Europe that all that can be done is keep an eye on them and only engage and interrupt those which have the potential to cause mass murder. The problem with that is the authorities end up watching one target or group of targets intensely whilst other terrorists who had previously be considered less of a risk are less observed and therefore more likely to be able to commit a successful and bloody terrorist outrage.
That’s always the case. Most of the time we are fighting the last war, which means that the next one is a complete surprise.