Michael Lavelette, Associate Professor of Social Work at Liverpool Hope University, the man behind a plan to feed and clothe the Calais invaders. (picture from the Guardian)
With all the publicity and media coverage of the invasion by Muslims posing as refugees who are coming from the East and across the Med, media attention has drifted away from the invaders who are camped out in Calais. However although the mainstream media may be paying less attention to the enemy waiting to embark at Calais, the Leftists who work for Kent Social Services are certainly getting involved there. Unfortunately the way they are getting involved is by running an ‘aid convoy’ over to the invader camp across the Channel. This will do nothing to encourage those in the camp to disperse, after all why should they, if there are legions of useful idiots like these social worker types willing to feed and clothe the invaders.
The online magazine of the Social Work ‘profession’, Community Care, has recently published an article lauding the work of a bunch of idiotic leftists who are travelling to Calais in order to feed the invaders there. These foolish, naïve people are too stupid or ideologically blinkered to realise that they will be sustaining many of those from cultures that despise the very people such as these fools who are supporting them. These social workers and their equally misguided colleagues, many of whom support multiculturalism and diversity, also fail to see that feeding these mostly Muslim invaders at Calais endangers the very diversity that these useful idiots claim to support. Islam creates theocracies and religious and cultural monocultures and that is the antithesis of diversity and multiculturalism. The people whom the social workers are supporting are the very last people we should be encouraging to occupy land so close to a border crossing into the UK.
Here’s the article from Community Care magazine, as usual the original source is in italics and this blog’s comments are in plain text.
“Social workers are organising a ‘solidarity convoy’ to send goods and clothes to refugees and migrants in Calais.
The convoy, which will travel from Kent to Calais on October 17, is being coordinated by the Social Work Action Network (SWAN) in partnership with the campaign group Stand Up to Racism.
For these social workers and leftist campaigners to travel to Calais to support those who want to ponce off the UK and kill Britons is tantamount to treason. They will be supporting those who are the enemies of all those who believe in open societies, in freedom of speech and religion. By their stupidity they will assist in keeping these invaders at Calais which in turn will give the invaders more chances to cross to the UK via the tunnel or the ferry.
SWAN said it was working with local groups in Calais to draw up a list of supplies and materials most needed at the Calais refugee camp, which is known as ‘the Jungle’. A list of regional contacts across the UK has also been published in a bid to help social workers wishing to join the convoy to get in touch with their local coordinator.
Between 3,000 and 5,000 migrants displaced from countries including Syria and Libya are estimated to be camped in Calais.
Do we in the UK really need thousands more ponces, rapists, criminals and potential Jihadists? Many people would say no to that question but in travelling to support the invaders of Calais, the social workers have effectively said ‘Yes, more ponces, rapists, criminals and potential Jihadists, please’.
In a statement, Michael Lavelette, SWAN’s national coordinator, said: “Working with local organisations in Calais we intend to bring solidarity to refugees in ‘The Jungle’ in Calais. We want to challenge the racist discourse about refugees. We want to make it clear that ‘refugees are welcome here’.
These invaders will take your food, clothing and other offerings and laugh at your expression of ‘solidarity’. I think that Mr Lavelette will find that once he steps outside of his taxpayer funded bubble, that there are many many Britons, especially those who live in ruined ‘enriched’ areas, who know that these so-called refugees, will bring trouble. ‘Refugees sod off’, seems to be the refrain that is coming from those who understand that many of these ‘migrants’ are not good people to have in your country. The majority of the opposition to the invaders of Calais is not as far as I can see primarily motivated by ‘racism’, despite what Mr Lavelette says, it is coming from a justifiable fear and distrust of the head-space of the invaders. Too many of the invaders camped out at Calais come from cultures that oppress women, kill gay people, have no respect for other cultures and where violence is normally the first, not the last, choice when it comes to settling disputes. Seriously Mr Lavelette, would you want such people as house mates or neighbours? I know that I and many others would not.
“Historically many social workers have played an important role in supporting refugees and migrants – going right back to the Spanish civil war. This is part of our history. It’s right that social workers stand up to racism and support some of the most vulnerable people in the world”.
Where to start with this shining example of Leftist bullshit? I’ll start by stating that Mr Lavelette is not comparing like with like. The Spanish Civil war was, despite the involvement by the Soviet Union and the German Nazis, was primarily a local war, what we are seeing with Islam is a worldwide hatred of many of the freedoms that I presume that many of these social workers hold dear. Comparing Apples with Oranges is something that we often see from the Left and its spokespeople. For example: Leftists often bring up the subject of mid-20th century refugee Jews and try to make an equivalence with the Islamic invaders. This is so far from the truth as to be laughable. Refugee Jews of the 30’s/40’s did not riot at borders as the Invaders have done, they did not assume that the host countries that gave them shelter would feed and clothe them in perpetuity and neither did they enter countries with the intention of making them facsimiles of the violent shitholes from whence they came. Many of the refugees from that awful time in Europe went on to make fantastic contributions to their receiving countries in the fields of medicine, economics, science, art and business. I don’t think that any sensible person could look at how the Islamic invaders, both within and outside the UK, behave and honestly say that such people would be an asset.
There is no valid comparison with the Islamic Invaders at Calais with either those displaced by the Spanish Civil War or by those displaced by the anti-Semitic policies of the Nazis.
SWAN plans for the convoy to meet-up with local activists in France before delivering the supplies directly to the camp. However, “if there is no capacity to deliver directly” then goods could be sent to another distribution point to be forwarded on to the camp.
This is one ‘good cause’ that is bound to go bad very quickly. It goes without saying that this is one cause that I shall not be contributing to. It is to be hoped that when these naïve social workers actually get to meet the objects of their misguided altruism they see exactly what they are like, and because of that change their views. I do wonder how the social workers are finding the time and money to get involved in this project? The representatives and trade unions are always whining about how Social Services have little time and too few resources to deal with British families in distress, yet those who work in social services can fritter time away on helping those who hate us and who want to ponce off us. This project to clothe the invaders is just counter-productive virtue signalling at a time when we should be getting tough with those who attempt to enter the UK illegally.
This is a case where we need to ask Britain’s social services personnel: ‘Which side are you on?’
Links and addenda
You may wish to politely rattle Mr Lavelette’s cage a little, and tell him what you think of this foolish misadventure. Please keep your communications with Mr Lavelette and any of his group, legal and factual and also try not to give these useful idiots any excuse to say that they felt ‘threatened’.
Mr Lavelette has helpfully published a mobile phone contact number which is:
The leftist group behind his foolishness has also handily put out on the website of the Social Work Action Network, the contact details for the regional co-ordinators of the ‘clothe the invaders’ project.
The link to the page is here:
However, just in case the Leftists decide to take this information down, here are the contact details for the regional co-ordinators copied from the SWAN website.
Swan has been overwhelmed with support for our convoy to Calais, organised alongside Stand Up To Racism. Please find contact details for your local coordinator on this page and all relevant news.
Since our announcement that we will be taking a Solidarity Convoy to Calais on 17 October, we have been inundated with inquiries and offers of help from social workers wanting to join the convoy. We have now got some local contacts. This list will continue to grow, and this page will be used for all information updates. PLEASE CHECK REGULARLY:
In Liverpool phone Alison on 07872313339
In Salford/Manchester phone Shireen on 07835693716
In Brighton area call Fran on 07523218191
In Glasgow area contact Natalia on 07852765173
In Newcastle and the North East contact Terry on 07776185366
In Birmingham ring Sian on 07749851513
In North Wales contact Katie on 07791270027
In Leicester contact Manisha on 07979038270 or
In London contact either Dan on 07989432570 or James on 07824806009
In Yorkshire contact Michael on 07504748063
For national coordination call Michael Lavalette on 07739729214
We are looking for coordinators especially in the BRIGHTON and SOUTH WALES areas. If you live elsewhere and want to help, contact Michael Lavalette. There is no geographical limit! We expect local meetings to take place, to help you work in small local teams.
Please be aware that we are closely communicating with contacts in Calais – this is a well planned convoy and if there is no capacity for a delivery directly to The Jungle in mid-October we will divert goods to a distribution point in London.
This is a huge opportunity for SWAN members and social work more broadly to challenge the racism that informs our government’s asylum and immigration policies. We are extremely grateful for your action.
Social Work Action Network website
Social Work Action Network Facebook page
Original article from the Community Care magazine website:
Sometimes you can judge individuals and groups by those who approve of them. Here is the intellectual organ of the Socialist Workers Party, Socialist Review, speaking very highly of the Loony Left of the SWAN network.
The Guardian seems to love Michael Lavelette, surprise, surprise.
As you can see from this Wiki page, Michael Lavelette has a long history in the Socialist Workers Party and their Respect political vehicle.