I look from Kaiser to Chancellor and from Chancellor to Kaiser and I’m buggered if I can tell the difference anymore. (picture from Bild magazine)
Please note that as this item concerns Germany, as a courtesy to this blog’s German readers (of which there are many) the following article has been electronically translated into German and the German language version can be found below the English language one)
Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieser Artikel betrifft Deutschland, als Hilfestellung für deutsche Leser dieses Blogs (von denen es viele gibt) Folgender Artikel wurde bereits elektronisch ins Deutsche übersetzt und die deutschsprachige Fassung kann unter der englischen Sprache eine) gefunden werden
Angela Merkel is a leader committed to committing errors. Her government has made the error of opening up their country and also the borders of other EU nations as well, to a rising tide of violent Islamic filth. This unwanted violent Islamic filth are repaying the generosity of the German government by rioting, making outrageous demands of the German government and its people and allegedly committing some appalling crimes against German citizens. These crimes have included the rape of a 7 year old girl in a public park by a man of ‘North African’ appearance and a sharp rise in street crime and sex trafficking in areas where immigrants have been placed.
As could be expected, the average German, those outside of the Left that is, are none too happy that the prosperous country that they’ve built with their own hard work following the disaster of World War II is being trashed by these imported, and mostly Islamic, savages. Some Germans are fighting back physically by burning down buildings that are being earmarked as housing for the foolishly imported Islamic invaders. Other Germans are fighting back using more peaceful means and are discussing the huge rise in immigrant crime on social media, much to the chagrin of Merkel and her associates in Government.
Merkel doesn’t want people to discuss the huge rise in immigrant and Islamic crime and she has made it plain to social media operators that she considers those speaking in unflattering terms online about the Islamic invaders are committing acts of ‘sedition’. It seems that despite the constitutional protections that exist in Germany for free speech, Merkel wants pro-immigrant speech to be the only sort of speech that is permitted. Is this a case of ‘One state, one leader and only one opinion’ I wonder?
Germany is also being afflicted by the phenomenon of the ‘State Grass’ where individual left wing ‘social justice warriors’ (SJW’s) are trawling social media looking for posts that they in the SJW’s opinion consider racist. These SJW’s are then identifying the ‘offender’ and going hell for leather to get the ‘offender’ dismissed from their jobs for being ‘extremists’. This, for anyone who knows even a little about German history should send a chill down the spine. It is often forgotten by these dangerous and anti-freedom SJW’s, that the Kaiser-reich, the Gestapo of Hitler’s Third Reich and the Stasi of the GDR, relied heavily on informers to report sedition by Social Democrats, other political dissidents and even those who may merely have cracked a joke about the government.
Merkel has put significant pressure on Facebook to remove what she and her government define as ‘racist’ posts, even if those posts are just ordinary German citizens complaining about how crap the so-called refugees have made of their towns and cities. Merkel is also appearing desperately afraid of what might happen should Germans know the full extent of the immigrant and Islamic crime that is being committed. The Government of Frau Merkel has imported the very people who are causing disruption, fomenting Jihad and committing crimes and now they don’t want the German people discussing it or even knowing about it. The one phrase that keeps popping into my head when considering what is happening in modern Germany is that ‘those who do not learn from history, end up repeating it’. The suppression of a free press or the repression of certain views that the German government does not like will not end well.
The German Chancellor appears, at least according to a Brietbart report (link below) to have been successful in censoring Facebook in Germany and it is likely that other social media outlets will soon also succumb to pressure from Frau Merkel. This is not good, and I would urge all Germans who are concerned about such censorship and news management, to look for alternative ways of disseminating information about Islamic and other immigrant crimes because it is now very plain to see that the German government is adamant that the German people will not learn the truth about the devastating social effects of Merkel’s love affair with Islamic savagery.
The modern German is not the genocidal brute of the past nor is he the spiked helmet wearing warmonger that helped to turn the fields Western Europe into a morass of blood-soaked mud, he is just a normal person wishing to live his life in peace. Bringing in hundreds of thousands of Islamic savages who have a very poor record for integration or for living in peace with their neighbours is going to be a disaster and it is beyond unreasonable to forbid the German citizen from speaking about this disaster or trying to avert it.
The German government censoring its press has never ended up with a good result. All that happens is this policy creates a society where brainwashing rules and where those who are not sufficiently brainwashed can be ostracised from society, jailed, attacked or even in extremis, made to ‘disappear’.
The Germans have a right to a free press and also a right to speak out about the problems that their own government is dumping on them. The Germans also deserve better than the fools who are leading them to destruction.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel criticises Facebook for allowing what she calls ‘racist’ posts
Facebook caves in to demands from Angela Merkel
State sanctioned ‘grasses’ operating in Germany
Muslim migrant brutally rapes a 7 year old girl
From the Daily Express about the German migrant crisis
Excerpt from a 1998 paper by Mark Mazower on the subject of political policing, which mentions the use of informers by the Kaiser-reich.
The ‘fear of the unknown informer’ that pervaded Germany during the Third Reich
German language version of the post above / Deutsch Sprachversion der Beitrag oben
Angela Merkel ist ein führendes Unternehmen, um Fehler zu begehen, begangen. Ihre Regierung hat die Fehler der Erschließung ihres Landes und auch die Grenzen der anderen EU-Staaten sowie zu einer steigenden Flut von Gewalt islamischen Dreck gemacht. Diese unerwünschte gewaltsamen islamischen Schmutz sind die Rückzahlung der Großzügigkeit der deutschen Regierung durch Unruhen, so empörend Forderungen der deutschen Regierung und der Bevölkerung und angeblich begehen einige entsetzliche Verbrechen gegen deutsche Staatsbürger. Diese Verbrechen haben die Vergewaltigung eines 7 Jahre alten Mädchen in einem öffentlichen Park von einem Mann, der “nordafrikanischen” Aussehen und einem starken Anstieg der Straßenkriminalität und Menschenhandel in Bereichen, in denen Einwanderer platziert wurden eingeschlossen.
Wie zu erwarten war, der durchschnittliche Deutsche, die außerhalb der Linken, das heißt, sind nicht sehr glücklich, dass die wohlhabenden Landes, dass sie mit ihrer eigenen harten Arbeit nach der Katastrophe des Zweiten Weltkriegs gebaut haben, die durch diese eingeführten Papierkorb, und sprich: islamischen Wilden. Einige Deutsche schlagen zurück physikalisch durch Abbrennen Gebäude, die als Gehäuse für die dummer importierten islamischen Invasoren, die zweckgebunden sind. Andere Deutschen schlagen zurück mit mehr friedlichen Mitteln und diskutieren die enormen Anstieg der Einwandererkriminalität auf Social Media, sehr zum Leidwesen von Merkel und ihre Mitarbeiter in der Regierung.
Merkel will nicht, dass die Menschen, um den enormen Anstieg der Einwanderer und islamische Kriminalität zu diskutieren und sie hat es deutlich zu Social-Media-Betreiber, dass sie der Auffassung, denen das Sprechen in wenig schmeichelhaften Begriffen Online über die islamischen Invasoren begehen “Volksverhetzung” gemacht hat. Es scheint, dass trotz der Verfassungsschutz, die in Deutschland für die Redefreiheit existiert, Merkel will Pro-Immigrant Rede an die einzige Art von Rede, die zulässig ist. Ist das ein Fall von “Ein Land, eine Leiter und nur eine Meinung” frage ich mich?
Deutschland wird auch durch das Phänomen des “Staats Grass ‘, wo einzelne linke Flügel” soziale Gerechtigkeit Krieger (SJW ist) sind Grundschleppnetzfischerei sozialen Medien auf der Suche nach Stellen, die sie in der Stellungnahme der SJW rassistische betrachten behaftet. Diese werden dann von SJW Identifizierung der ‘Täter’ und gehen die Hölle für Leder, die “Täter” von ihren Arbeitsplätzen entlassen, weil sie “Extremisten” zu bekommen. Diese, für jeden, der auch nur ein wenig über die deutsche Geschichte kennt sollte einen Schauer über den Rücken zu senden. Er wird häufig von dieser gefährlichen und Anti-Freiheit SJW vergessenen, dass der Kaiser-Reich, die Gestapo von Hitlers Drittem Reich und die Stasi der DDR, in hohem Maße auf Informanten, um Volksverhetzung von Sozialdemokraten, andere politische Dissidenten und auch diejenigen, die berichten, kann haben nur einen Witz über die Regierung geknackt.
Merkel hat erheblichen Druck auf Facebook setzen, um zu entfernen, was sie und ihre Regierung zu definieren als “rassistisch” Beiträge, auch wenn diese Beiträge sind ganz normale deutsche Bürger darüber auf, wie Mist, die so genannten Flüchtlinge ihrer Städte gemacht. Merkel wird auch erscheinen verzweifelt Angst davor, was passieren könnte, sollte Deutschen wissen das volle Ausmaß des Einwanderers und islamischen Verbrechen, begangen wird. Die Regierung von Frau Merkel hat die Leute, die verursacht werden Störungen, schüren Jihad und Begehung von Straftaten eingeführt und jetzt wollen sie nicht das deutsche Volk sie zu diskutieren oder gar zu wissen. Der eine Satz, knallen in meinen Kopf, wenn man bedenkt, was in das moderne Deutschland geschieht hält ist, dass “diejenigen, die nicht aus der Geschichte lernen müssen, am Ende wiederholen. Die Unterdrückung der Pressefreiheit oder die Unterdrückung von bestimmten Ansichten, die die deutsche Regierung nicht gefällt wird nicht gut enden.
Die Bundeskanzlerin wird, zumindest nach einer Brietbart Bericht (Link unten), um erfolgreich bei der Zensur von Facebook in Deutschland und es ist wahrscheinlich, dass andere soziale Medien wird bald auch auf den Druck von Frau Merkel zu erliegen ist. Das ist nicht gut, und ich möchte alle Deutschen, die über eine solche Zensur und Nachrichtenmanagement sind zu drücken, um nach alternativen Möglichkeiten der Verbreitung von Informationen über islamische und andere Einwanderer Verbrechen aussehen, weil es ist jetzt sehr deutlich zu sehen, dass die deutsche Regierung besteht darauf, dass das deutsche Volk die Wahrheit über die verheerenden sozialen Auswirkungen von Merkel Liebesaffäre mit islamischen Barbarei nicht lernen.
Die modernen deutschen nicht der Völkermord Brute der Vergangenheit noch ist er der Pickelhaube trägt Kriegstreiber, die die Felder in Westeuropa in einen Morast der blutgetränkten Schlamm drehen geholfen, er ist nur eine normale Person, die sein Leben in Frieden zu leben. Bringing in Hunderttausenden von islamischen Wilden, die eine sehr schlechte Bilanz für die Integration oder für das Leben in Frieden mit ihren Nachbarn haben, wird eine Katastrophe sein, und es ist darüber hinaus nicht zumutbar, die deutsche Staatsbürger vom Sprechen über diese Katastrophe oder versuchen, es zu vermeiden verbieten .
Die deutsche Regierung die Zensur seiner Presse nie endete mit einem guten Ergebnis. Alles, was geschieht, ist, diese Politik schafft eine Gesellschaft, in der Gehirnwäsche-Regeln und, wo diejenigen, die nicht ausreichend Gehirnwäsche unterzogen werden, können von der Gesellschaft ausgegrenzt werden, eingesperrt, angegriffen oder sogar in extremis, zu “verschwinden” gemacht.
Die Deutschen haben ein Recht auf eine freie Presse und auch ein Recht zu den Problemen, die eigene Regierung auf sie Dumping zu sprechen. Die Deutschen verdienen auch besser als die Narren, die führend sind sie ins Verderben.
There’s an extraordinary piece in The Independent about a murder verdict in Denmark.
“Teenage girl Lisa Borch jailed for murdering her mother after watching Isis beheading videos online.”
It isn’t until paragraph 7 (SEVEN!) of 14 that we discover that the daughter even had a boyfriend.
An Iraqi “refugee” named Bakhtiar Mohammed Abdulla, the pair planned to go to Syria to join ISIS.
OK, well maybe he had nothing to do with the murder?
His fingerprints were in the mother’s bedroom, he may, for all the police know, have committed the crime alone (with the daughter’s knowledge). In any case he received a 13 year sentence compared to the daughter’s 9 years. (we learn this in the final paragraph)
It’s either massive semi-censorship (given that most people won’t read more than the headline and the first handful of paras) or the most badly constricted piece of professional journalism in history.
I saw that story and the misleading headline. I would not be surprised to find out that there has been semi-censorship of the fact that there was a Bearded Savage involved in all this as the boyfriend.
Aaargh, please feel free to change “constricted ” to “constructed”!
Apologies if this has been posted before – I have time only to dip in and out of blogs:
It’s an old one but a good one. ‘Heeeeeeeere’s Mohammed’
Excellent video. Thanks Clara. Hits the nail right on the head.
And the article is above excellent – as always. Many thanks, Fahrenheit !
Things are worse even than the rabbi says.
It’s bad enough that they are pouring into Europe, bringing with them their own brand of civil strife. But they also bring something even more destructive – their ideology of hatred, conquest and submission. The more of them there are the more unyielding, bigoted and violent they become. And our politicians just sit back and take it.
Our unthinking tolerance will be the finish, not only of us, but of civilisation as we know it.
The politicians must be the ones plotting it – nobody can be THAT stupid not to see what’s happening to Europe
I always prefer to consider cock-up and psychology rather than conspiracy. The major problem is that there is a large amount of groupthink out there among politicians/academics/administrators/educators. To my mind what we have had among politicians, especially those from the post-68 Left, post war social democrats and the ‘red Tories’, is a collective delusion. It’s a delusion that says every religion, every culture, every individual human is the same, even though it’s plain even to the most stupid of us all that this is not the case.
Unfortunately, when people subscribe, whole-heartedly to an ideology, whether that be multiculturalism in this instance or socialism etc, and they have invested a lot of effort and energy in working in support of that ideology, then there is a likelihood that they will do almost anything in order to protect that ideology. In other words ‘the Cause’ is the strongest point on some people’s moral compass, and some people, as we saw in Stalinist Russia and Nazi Germany will kill to protect or advance that cause.
It is also why we get politicians who fear to throw away a lifetime of self conditioning about various issues, such as the belief that all are cultures compatible with one another. Those whose have invested time in telling themselves and others that all cultures are equally and are equally peaceful will be unable to say:’Sorry peeps, I buggered things up, all cultures are not equal after all, some of these cultures want to kill me and you’.
An unwillingness on the part of those in authority to say ‘shit, this ideology of Islam really is a foul death cult which must now be countered’ may not be down to any deliberate plot, but more to do with nobody wanting to step out of line for fear of losing their job or ostracism.
Censoring the press and media about the effects of the invaders, is a panic measure undertaken by politicians who may well be having an ‘oh fuck what have we done’ moment. Arse covering about the disaster is certainly abounding.
This is very persuasive and comprehensive! Just surprising that brainwashing on that scale can happen at this day and age of internet. Its that mass idiocy of the lefties and “bleeding hearts” which I struggle to comprehend…politicians are obviously arse covering now – but whatdo you think about this one, for instance:
Mega idiocy? Is that bitch for real?
Sadly ‘this bitch’ is for real. To her, living and working in her bubble of self righteousness, surrounded by people who reinforce their mad ideology of open borders, is the real world, so yes, she really does probably believe her own bollocks. She probably feels emotionally rewarded by her rhetoric and the applause and positive resonse from other lefty denizens of the Retardosphere. However I wonder whether she examines her words in the dark of the night and if she has any inkling at all that she might be wrong.
Probably not – she must think in her mad delusions that she is new Mother Teresa…These idiots are just as guilty – if not more -for the current disastrous state of Europe as those barbarian muslims they bring in on all our heads