Could this particular naïve, curtain-twitching, virtue signalling wally, be a contender for October’s ‘British Neville Chamberlain Award’?

Mr Chris Halkou, the subject of this sorry tale. Please note his girlfriend/wife has nothing to do with Mr H's knobwittery therefore I've pixelated her to save her some embarrassment.
Mr Chris Halkou, the subject of this sorry tale. Please note his girlfriend/wife has nothing to do with Mr H's knobwittery therefore I've pixelated her to save her some embarrassment.

Mr Chris Halkou, the subject of this sorry tale. Please note his girlfriend/wife has nothing to do with Mr H’s knobwittery therefore I’ve pixelated her to save her some embarrassment.

Humanity, or at least the British bit of it that is, seems to have been afflicted by an outbreak of ‘The Offendotrons’. This malodorous malady is seen most often in the professional lefty activist classes and others of that ilk, who think that there is some virtue in being seen to be offended on behalf of others, even when there is bugger all to be offended about.

Social media is another place where the Offendotrons make their presence felt and some platforms, such as Twitter for example, have become the ideal environment for knee-jerk Offendotrons. Among those Offendotrons there are some, like today’s ‘Neville Contender’, who go so far out of their way to crawl on their bellies when it comes to Islam, that utter disgust is the most common feeling I get when I encounter them.

Chris Halkou is the name of today’s ‘Neville Contender’ and he’s up for consideration because of his spineless appeasement of the members of a burned out mosque by complaining about a nearby poster advertising the film ‘Burnt’, starring Bradley Cooper.

The poster in question was put up on the hoarding well before the people of Morden in South London suddenly found themselves surrounded by the smell of burning mosque. That fact didn’t stop Chris Halkou, who describes himself on his Twitter profile as: ‘aged 20. Politics. Sociology. Cultural Christian. Bisexual. Human rights, activism. #FreePalestine‘, from putting in a complaint to Merton council that the local Muslims may find the juxtaposition of the poster, and site of the Disco, whoops, I mean, Mosque Inferno ‘offensive’. It seems to have escaped Mr Halkou’s notice that the poster was only at the barbecued mosque site by sheer chance and any reasonable person would not even think of it being a problem, although the conjunction of the poster and the smouldering mosque, may have raised a smile in some, to which I say ‘so what?’ Not even the local Muslims found the positioning of the poster ‘offensive’ and said so publicly on social media, although they did butter up and flatter Chris Halkou quite a bit over his act of Islamic appeasement.

Halkou’s prissy pandering to Morden’s Muslims by complaining to Merton council about the poster gained praise from various Muslims and Islamopanderers and mocking from those of a more Islamosceptic nature, myself included. Because of Halkou’s self-inflicted Twitter-storm the story made its way to the local newspaper for the Morden area, the Morden Guardian. The story was covered by the journalist Pippa Allen-Kinross quite extensively, and with a healthy and relatively representative selection of the social media posts on this subject. Although it is not this blog’s normal procedure to try not to republish the entirety of a third party article, sometimes, such as when there is a suspicion that a story, normally a story about Islam, may disappear, or in this case where it is difficult to know where to cut to excerpt without losing vital detail. Just in case the comments ‘disappear’ as they can sometimes do from local newspaper websites when the story concerns Islam, I have pasted the comments extant at the time of writing in to an addendum below. As is usual for this blog, the original article text is in italics and this blog’s comments are in italics.

The Morden Guardian said:

Merton council have asked for a film poster to be removed from outside a mosque as a sign of “respect”.

There’s no issue of ‘respect’ here at all. If this was a poster for a film about child abduction and it was placed opposite the home of someone who had lost a child in this way, then you can just about make a case for being a bit sensitive. This is not one of those cases. The poster went up well before the mosque was torched.

Twitter user Christopher Halkou, 20, contacted Merton Council to ask if the poster, for Bradley Cooper’s new film ‘Burnt’, should be taken down.

If you are able to read Mr Halkou’s Twitter timeline you will see that he comes over as the typical lefty, busybody, curtain-twitcher that he appears to be. As for the ‘free Palestine’ hashtag and other similar guff on his timeline, well maybe he needs to wake up to what happens to bisexual cultural Christians who stick their heads over the parapet in ‘Palestine’. What happens is such people are likely to have their bisexual Culturally Christian heads removed from their shoulders. Mr Halkou is yet another example of the sort of cretinous individual who supports Islamic causes, panders to the Islamic sense of victimhood and probably listens to the constant threats of violence coming from Muslims and the Islamic world and thinks: ‘they don’t mean me when they say ‘kuffar’, surely not?’ Some people, Mr Halkou included, do not seem to be using the brains they were born with. This is an appalling example of an individual pandering to Muslims, in fact it’s worse than just mere pandering, this geezer got his whining complaint about the poster in even before any Muslim could moan. How’s that for fast-paced arse-licking? I wish Amazon or Ebay delivered as quickly as Mr Halkou jumped to the defence of the local Islamics.

The council responded that they had contacted the owners of the advertising board, who had agreed to take it down.

The council should really have told Mr Halkou to take his overblown sense of self-righteousness and to shove it where the sun don’t shine. Unfortunately, as you can see, Merton council (a Labour council it should go without saying) is yet another of those Labour authorities that just can’t say not to a little bit of handwringing when it comes to Muslims and their permanent ‘hurt feelings’. As can be expected of too many local authorities these days, they caved into Mr Halkou’s whine that the positioning of the poster was inappropriate.

Your Local Guardian:

You will notice, both from the above image and from reading the Twitter thread that can be accessed via the link below, that Halkou feels self righteous about what he has done that he engages in a bit of self centred ‘virtue signalling’ by re-tweeting the reply from Merton council. My message to Mr Halkou would be this: You’ve really shown whose side you are on and despite your socialist pose, the side you are on, is not on the side of the huge numbers of working class Britons who are having their lives, families and areas destroyed by the actions of the followers of Islam and those who appease it.

Mr Halkou’s Twitter account has since been made private. 

I checked this morning (Sunday 04/10/2015) and his account was open for me to read and can be found here @Chris_Halkou You will also find on his timeline some fawning flattery for his actions from various Muslims.

The full conversation that occurred on Twitter that included myself, Chris Halkou and others can be found via the link below:

The Morden Guardian continued:

The Baitul Futuh Mosque, on London Road, Morden, was the victim of a large fire last Saturday, September 26.

I recall this story as it occurred and as well as Muslims and their fans going ‘oh the calamity’ about the fire, there were also a number of social media wags cracking jokes about the fire, which should be a persons right in an allegedly free country.

Two teenage boys were arrested on suspicion of arson following the fire, and a 14-year-old has been bailed until early January.

Because of the Children and Young Person’s Act which prevents the identification of minors, we will have to wait until when or if there is a trial when we might find out the motivations for this arson. There is the strong possiblity that as the Ahmediyya, who run this mosque, are considered as ‘kuffar’ by orthodox Muslims, that a Muslim could themselves have set the fire. We shall wait and see what has happened although the usual suspects who shout ‘hate crime, hate crime’ whenever something like this happens have been slightly quieter on this fire than they would normally be. The great irony about this fire is it occurred at a property run by the one branch of Islam that is generally considered as relatively peaceful for Islam.

The council’s response to the film poster has divided opinion.

Too right it has, as can be seen from the Twitter conversation linked below

Halkou has also received a torrent of abuse since sending the tweet, including death threats and homophobic insults.

Knowing how much Islam has made itself justifiably hated in recent years I’m not surprised that he got some textual abuse. BTW I haven’t abused him in any other way than to tell him he was a coward for protecting his Tweets and to generally take the piss out of Islamic misogyny.

He said: “I have Muslim friends and we had been discussing the fire when it was on the news. I thought just the word “Burnt” outside a mosque that has clearly been torched, there’s black marks all over it, was a little distasteful.

What an appallingly, weak, cry-baby does he sound like? Oooh someones offended or might or could be offended, I’d better do something about it seems to be the thought process here. By doing what he did,,Chris Halkou

“I was quite shocked, quite overwhelmed by the reaction.

I’d ask Mr Halkou, what else did he expect for his blatant act of pandering and virtue signalling? Did he expect a mass of praise for what he did? If so he was very wrong and it seems that others have forcefully told him what they think of him and his pandering.

“The tweet didn’t have any religious aspect to it. It was really a tweet of empathy towards a mosque that’s been burnt down and people who must be upset  about it. I would have said the same if it had beena church or a synagogue.

How could it not have had a ‘religious aspect’ to it? He himself admitted that he decided to contact Merton council after speaking to Muslim friends who mumbled and grumbled about the juxtaposition of the poster. He picked up that members of a particular religion were disturbed by the ‘Burnt’ poster, and decided to be a good little diversity drone and contact the local authority. How can this complaint NOT have anything to do with religion or religious sensitivities. I just love way he tries to wriggle out of things by saying he’d say the same if there was an inappropriate poster near a synagogue. Yeah right, in my experience those who go round declaring their support for a ‘free Palestine’ are normally the first to turn a blind eye to Jews being attacked. Spare me your pathetic attempts at backtracking Mr Halkou they aint working with me.

“I’m still proud that I sent it. That’s what I believe. Anything I support or agree with or think is right, I will make my views known.”

He still cannot see past his self rightheousness can he?

Mr Halkou was supported by Councillor Imran Uddin for St Helier, who tweeted: 

Imran Uddin

@Chris_Halkou @Merton_Council thank you Chris for spotting this one and for the prompt action.

I hope Mr Halkou enjoys his little bit of praise from the local Bearded Savages and I hope it makes up somehow for the massive opprobrium that has quite rightly been dumped on Mr Halkou’s head. As for Cllr Uddin, well he would say that wouldn’t he?

Speaking after he sent the tweet, Councillor Uddin said that he was not personally offended by the poster, but had been expressing thanks that someone outside of the Muslim community had been thinking of the mosque.

See not even the local Muslims are offended by the poster. Someone’s got his head screwed on right and it’s not Mr Halkou.

He said: “It’s something to be thankful for that it was someone who is not a Muslim doing that.

The reason I thanked him was to congratulate his sensitivity and generosity of spirit for doing that and thinking about Muslims like that.

Personally I’ve had a belly-full of seeing people being sensitive over the concerns and feelings of Muslims. It’s being sensitive and fearing being called racist which has contributed to the massive number of un-prosecuted rapes by Muslims and Islamic sex-trafficking cases. Mr Halkou’s ‘sensitivity’ to members of an ideology that is an implacable enemy of the sort of society that allows him to live his live in safety and security as a self-identified Bisexual, is foolish and naïve to say the least. I’d love to see how he would get on as an out Bi man in some Islamic countries or in some of the areas of Britain that have been surrendered to Islam. Hopefully when Mr Halkou grows up a bit he may see some merit in what he is being told by those who oppose this appallingly cringeworthy act of crawling and appeasement.

When someone has suffered a loss – a community, a group, an individual – who aren’t part of your life, and you’re sensitive to that and see that, I thought that was the best in British values and I wanted to congratulate him for that and thank him for that.”

Taqiyya and bullshit, rinse and repeat. I’ve been lied to so often by so many Muslims that I take a bucket of salt with the words when I read anything by them now.

A spokesman for the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, Jamal Akbar, said: “We have had so much support from the local community on Twitter and personal messages who want to help us, so for us this is pretty minor.

“We’re not really concerned about it.”

Yet again we have the situation where the group concerned is not at all concerned about the poster but a non-Muslim quisling like Mr Halkou makes it into an issue. When I saw the abject crawling that Mr Halkou was indulging in I thought that he looked every inch the contender for this blog’s monthly selection of appeasers of Islam.

I do hope that Mr Halkou grows up a bit and learns that it’s not mindless Islamophobia when a worryingly large number of the Bearded Savages really are out to kill you. Until then he will just have to get used to being a bit of a laughing stock.

If you think that Mr Halkou and his crawling to the local Muslims of Morden should be this months British Neville Chamberlain simulacrum then let us know either in the comments or via email at



Original local newspaper article from the Morden Guardian


Comments from the Morden Guardian story. Sorry about the formating it’s just a straightforward cut and paste data dump.

tjames6:28am Fri 2 Oct 15

bliar has destroyed the UK–emotional incontinence

Score: -3

fedup6669:30am Fri 2 Oct 15

I cannot see the problem with the poster.
In Muslim countries, the minority Christian churches (if any still exist) would be allowed to burn and there would be no intervention from the emergency services.

Score: 0

stuckinamatchbox Replying fedup6663:29pm Fri 2 Oct 15

fedup666 wrote…

I cannot see the problem with the poster.
In Muslim countries, the minority Christian churches (if any still exist) would be allowed to burn and there would be no intervention from the emergency services.

So, are you saying you’d have preferred the LFB to have just packed up and gone home and let it burn?

Also, we’re discussing a Hollywood movie poster and its unintended bad timing across from a mosque under attack from a arsonist. It’s in Morden. Luckily for all of us and the rest of the country, we don’t just let these things take their course until there is nothing else left.

That’s goes for any religion, organisation and community. It’s not about the Muslim faith whatsoever. We can’t change how other countries do things but we can here in our own.

We should count our lucky stars that nobody was killed and that it was brought under control so well. Imagine the homes and businesses surrounding had it not been dealt with the way it was.
I’m a catholic due to my upbringing but I no longer practice. All i do know is that I may not agree with the values of lots of religions but I can respect the good people that practice their faith whichever it is. The bad people have their own agendas, they don’t speak for the masses. They are the minority.

Score: 4

stuckinamatchbox12:06pm Fri 2 Oct 15

Ok, someone’s really got to explain the moronic responses to Christopher Halkous’ comment.

First of all, Twitter user nonjob1, if you’re reading this, don’t be so ridiculous. “BREAKING: @merton_council brand Bradley Cooper offensive to Muslims”

Really?? Who suggested that? Apart from you writing it n such a stupid manner on Twitter, who else said Bradley Cooper was offensive?
That would be you then. I find you offensive nonjob1.

A council representative is hardly going to be over there on a ladder peeling it off themselves. It probably took one phone call and I’d imagine it was very basic and respectful to the film. It was a courtesy because of the word ‘burnt’ not Muslims or Bradley Cooper for crying out loud! Get a grip.

I have people dumping crap outside my home pretty much every other day. That’s something to have a dig about but not in the same debate about this burntbillboardgate!

It was a harmless comment because a mosque was set alight by a couple of brats. Do you really need any further explanations?

Score: 11

alroutemaster16:05pm Fri 2 Oct 15

I don’t recall America demanding that the second part of Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers be renamed after 9/11. This man and his muslim mates are too touchy….as is our pathetic council.

Score: -3

lewis100 Replying alroutemaster112:29pm Sat 3 Oct 15

Several films had scenes removed or rewritten following 9/11. Spiderman is amongst the most well known, find the original cinema trailer to see why.

Score: 4

piggeh9:49pm Fri 2 Oct 15

I really don’t care either way.

Score: 2

alroutemaster16:41pm Sat 3 Oct 15

Good job it wasn’t an advert for one of my favourite Warren Zevon songs; I was in the house when the house burnt down! Pathetic PC lefty liberal over reaction as per usual.

Score: 0

1 Comment on "Could this particular naïve, curtain-twitching, virtue signalling wally, be a contender for October’s ‘British Neville Chamberlain Award’?"

  1. English, still here... just. | October 4, 2015 at 1:41 pm |

    Send him an award anyway, although I imagine the piss-take would be lost
    on this specimen.
    There’s a factory somewhere churning his kind out.
    Be afraid, they’re on piece-work!

Comments are closed.