The town of Blackburn in Lancashire, in the North West of England, was once a powerhouse of the textile industry, but fell on hard times. Industrial change happens to many towns and cities and some whether it better than others. However, Blackburn has problems that go far beyond economic ones. Blackburn has some serious Islam problems. Islamic sex criminals and Muslim Rape Gangs are a problem there, as they are in many places in Britain where significant numbers of Muslims reside. On top of the long standing issues of Islamic sex crime in the town, Islam has brought other crimes and other quality of life problems to Blackburn, including a niqab wearing hit and run driver and a vicious homophobic attack on a woman by Muslims. If you don’t believe what I’m saying about the extent of the Islamic problems in Blackburn, then take a quick peek at the work of the blogger Kafircrusader. Just searching for the word ‘Blackburn’ on that site’s search field, as I have done HERE, and you will get some idea of the huge amount of problems that Islam has brought to Blackburn.
Bearing in mind just how much damage having one of Britain’s largest Islamic populations has done to Blackburn, you’d think that the local Labour authority would not want to heap misery onto misery by importing yet more Muslims. Sadly you would be wrong. It seems that the local Labour authority is arrogantly assuming that what Blackburn needs is more Muslims. The local authority has said that the town will take more ‘refugees’ if it ‘was needed’. The interesting thing about this story is not the pandering to Islam by the local Muslim dominated and Islamopandering Labour Party, we see such crap far too often and in too many towns, but the disconnect between the pro-refugee stance of the original article and the anger expressed by below the line commentators at the prospect of their town having these fake refugees dumped upon them.
Here’s a report on the ‘refugees welcome’ guff from the local regional newspaper the Lancashire Telegraph. As is the usual practise for this blog, the original story from the Lancashire Telegraph is in italics with this blog’s comments in plain text.
The Lancashire Telegraph said:
“BLACKBURN with Darwen remains ready to take extra refugees from war-torn areas of Africa and the Middle East if needed, borough leader Mohammed Khan has said.
He told colleagues at the full council forum last week that his officers were working with the Home Office and partners across the North West on the issue.
As if Blackburn and other North West towns and cities didn’t have enough Islamic problems already, now the likes of Mohammed Khan are working to ensure that they have even more problems.
For more than 15 years, Blackburn with Darwen has housed 350 asylum seekers under an agreement with the government.
Cllr Khan said: “We recognise the significant ongoing humanitarian crisis that the people of Syria are living with, and the dilemma and challenge this poses Europe.
“We cannot act autonomously to declare space or numbers.
“Up until last year, we were the only Lancashire authority prepared to provide support and help to 350 asylum seekers at any given time.”
Last month, Cllr Khan said the council was making contingency plans to take extra refugees if required”
It seems that Mohammed Khan has chosen a side and it’s plain to see that he is on the side of bringing in more Muslims and not on the side of the long suffering indigenous residents of Blackburn. A social media user, Dr Climax ( @Bigchris_BRFC ) summed Mohammed Khan up when they said on Twitter:
“Cllr Khan won’t be happy in Blackburn until he’s turned more areas of it into his deluded version of a pleasant, leafy Karachi. Dickhead. “
Judging by Cllr Khan’s attitude and performance in the Lancashire Telegraph article and from dipping into news and comment about Blackburn’s politics, Dr Climax’s comment is difficult to argue with. So often we see that when Islamic interests gain political power in a local area, not just Blackburn, but Rotherham, Tower Hamlets, Birmingham and the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Newham and Waltham Forest, the place does not improve, but rapidly descends into a simulacrum of the third world hell-holes that many of the Islamic residents hail from.
Onto the subject of the reaction to Cllr Khan’s comments to the Lancashire Telegraph. Initially, the newspaper allowed comments to be made to this story and by roughly 8:30AM BST this morning there were 9 comments, overwhelmingly hostile to the idea of Blackburn having even more Muslims dumped on them and hostile to the whole ‘refugee’ invasion.
When I checked back to the Lancashire Telegraph website at 12:38PM BST, to see if there were any updates to the list of comments I saw, sadly without a sense of surprise, that the Lancashire Telegraph had closed comments on this article. As is becoming all too worryingly common, a local newspaper has censored negative comment about Islam and about mass immigration. This sort of behaviour discourages trust in local and regional media, and also drives people towards social media and alternative news sources, where there isn’t so much Islamopandering and political correctness is less oppressive. There is a price to be paid by a newspaper or other media organisation becoming an organ for Establishment views only, and that price is trust. Because of my accurate guess that the Lancashire Telegraph would engage in censorship like this, I saved some of the comments before the Telegraph closed comments on the article. Here are three comments which give an accurate flavour of what the ‘non-Establishment’ opinion is:
“Typical arrogant and unthinking council that doesn’t think of asking local people what they think about this shambles.
We can’t look after our own, never mind anyone else.
Shutting down, closing, hospitals, maternity units, care homes, post offices,
libraries, social centres, swimming pools, but fine, let’s take several hundred migrants, give them council houses and multiple handouts.
I have friends in France, America and the Czech Republic who laugh out loud at the stupidity of this country. I can’t wait to tell them about this latest fiasco.”
By Kawasakizzr
“Thats all we need, migrants, more moslem ISIS Jihadists, look at the vast bulk of them…young men who have deserted their families to comer here…and blow us up!
The first time the inevitable happens and they carry out a serious incident will cause serious trouble…but I suppose the bruvvers will blame the west…it makes you laugh – they want to come here to escape persecution! then want to build the same environment over here! Never Jack will get his freedom of Blackburn, betg he wont live here though, oh no, he will live in his immigrant free area along with Cameron..”
By Pegasus216
and finally:
“”Blackburn with Darwen council set to take extra refugees — if needed””
No, they are not needed.
I like the misleading picture – crying women and children. The bulk of these so called refugees are young men, fleeing a situation so bad that they left their women and children behind.”
By Bucko The Moose
You can find the rest of the rescued comments in an ‘addendum’ at the bottom of this article.
The final comment in these excerpts by Bucko The Moose, is extremely perceptive and indeed factually correct. When many of us can plainly see that not only are many of these ‘refugees’ young Muslim men of military age (a category of people that are almost guaranteed to disturb the peace in any civilised nation) but the majority of them are not even Syrian. Here’s three images. The first is the photograph that the Lancashire Telegraph used, and the ones below are a more accurate representation who and what these ‘refugees’ truly are:

This is the misleading picture used by the Lancashire Telegraph. You will note that there is a disproportionate number of women and children in this image when compared more accurate representations of the ‘refugees’.
All in all this story shows three things. The first is that you can’t put a fag paper between the Labour Party in Blackburn with Darwen and the local Islamic community, so close are they in aims, objectives and attitudes. The second is that the Lancashire Telegraph can no longer be trusted to deal fairly with readers and commentators or report accurately when it comes to the matter of Islam. The third and to my mind most important thing that this story highlights is the growing disconnect between the political Establishment in many areas, and the average indigenous non-Muslim citizen. In a nutshell, the people seem to have had enough the Islamic savagery and crime that they’ve had to endure for decades, but the Establishment, including regrettably in this case the Lancashire Telegraph, seem to think that the people deserve more problems, and especially imported, Islamic problems, than they have already.
When local newspapers and some national media entities, such as the Daily Telegraph for example, go out of their way to censor negative comment about Islam, or to hide news about how bad things are in those parts of the country that are dominated by Islam, then it’s a bad sign. It tells us that not only do we have a serious issue with the followers of the Religion of Rape and Murder, but we also have a press that is not doing anything like as good a job of reporting matters of public concern than they should be doing.
Original ‘Asylum seekers welcome’ type story from the Lancashire Telegraph.
Kafircrusader search results page for the word ‘Blackburn’.
Here are the comments that were rescued from the Lancashire Telegraph website before the newspaper went into censorship mode. Apologies for the poor formatting, it’s because it is a basic cut and paste data-dump.
They are not refugees they are migrants they cease to become refugees once they reach the FIRST country of safety once they decide to move on they become migrants and I personally don’t want my hard earned tax dollar to be wasted on them
Score: 7
6:50am Fri 9 Oct 15
using stretched and full to capacity FACT. Sorry as a nation we have done our fair share ENOUGH is ENOUGH it cannot continue it really can’t. Yes i will get slagged off for saying this but quite frankly i dont care…..
Score: 5
7:09am Fri 9 Oct 15
“”Blackburn with Darwen council set to take extra refugees — if needed””
No, they are not needed.
I like the misleading picture – crying women and children. The bulk of these so called refugees are young men, fleeing a situation so bad that they left their women and children behind.
Score: 6
GRoverslad123 BuckoTheMoose
7:35am Fri 9 Oct 15
absolutely spot on but i am afraid comments will be closed on this article very soon we are not allowed an opinion anymore which is pathetic.
Score: 4
7:12am Fri 9 Oct 15
Went to fracture clinic last week was 50% none natives, got told I’ve got to wait 3 months for an mri!!! Also the NHS is referred to as “all inclusive” by the refugees and immigrants!!! Can’t wait for some more
Score: 2
7:43am Fri 9 Oct 15
Typical arrogant and unthinking council that doesn’t think of asking local people what they think about this shambles.
We can’t look after our own, never mind anyone else.
Shutting down, closing, hospitals, maternity units, care homes, post offices,
libraries, social centres, swimming pools, but fine, let’s take several hundred migrants, give them council houses and multiple handouts.
I have friends in France, America and the Czech Republic who laugh out loud at the stupidity of this country. I can’t wait to tell them about this latest fiasco.
Last edited: 8:30am Fri 9 Oct 15
Score: 3
7:44am Fri 9 Oct 15
people who live in Blackburn with darwen cant get council houses as it is now, where are these immigrants going to live?
they will get pushed to the top of the housing list/be with us scheme.
Its not fair on the british!!
Score: 4
8:24am Fri 9 Oct 15
Thats all we need, migrants, more moslem ISIS Jihadists, look at the vast bulk of them…young men who have deserted their families to comer here…and blow us up!
The first time the inevitable happens and they carry out a serious incident will cause serious trouble…but I suppose the bruvvers will blame the west…it makes you laugh – they want to come here to escape persecution! then want to build the same environment over here! Never Jack will get his freedom of Blackburn, betg he wont live here though, oh no, he will live in his immigrant free area along with Cameron…
Score: 2
the white witch
8:32am Fri 9 Oct 15
When is the english councils/governments going to start thinking about the english people instead of giving everything to migrants and the so called refugees????
Once these people have been given safe passage they turn around and laugh at England saying we are a weak/feeble & gullible easy country & they are right.
Why is this allowed to carry on, its time either the councils/governments stops this or maybe the english people should join together & make the stand & override the government.after all its the government/councils that is making this country weak NOT the english people.
It appears to be common practice by the msm and local rags to censor or delete
any comments or missives that are uncomplimentary,… (truthful), towards the
“religion of peace”, or whatever they are calling themselves this week.
I believe this is called “kitman”, or lying by omission, a close relative of taqiyya
so loved by these enrichers, when in dialogue with infidels, especially
naive infidels, who can’t wait, it would seem, to lap up the bullshit by the
There are none so blind, etc.
How ironic our free press(?) is doing the muslims work in enslaving this country,
by employing muslim practices to further their Satanic cause. Agenda anyone?
Rather than state that there is an agenda being followed by the newspaper, I’d rather say that the paper’s staff have allowed themselves to get too close to the political culture of the region and this may have compromised the newspaper’s honesty in this case. On top of that the highly restrictive rules laid down by the National Union of Journalists as regards reporting ‘minority’ issues see here especially the paragraph on Article Nine of the NUJ code of conduct.
What cannot be denied is this censorship appears to be an episode of most blatant Quisling-like activity by the Lancashire Telegraph. I do hope the Lancs Telegraph contact me to discuss this matter but I’m not holding my breath waiting.
Will Redbridge welcome some too? Will we be enjoying more of similar spectacles?
Every Muslim is an islamist. Islamist is just another term that the powers that be have invented, in order to avoid facing up to problems and to get involved in the unpleasant business of solving them. Using the term islamist to describe terrorists implies that most Muslims are moderate and that the terrorists and their supporters are a minority, something that they are not. The majority of Muslims sympathize with the terrorists, that they term freedom fighters, and with their vision of a global caliphate. Other fictitious terms are; integration, multiculturalism, diversity, british muslims, moderate muslims. None of these terms correspond with reality.
An ailment that is not treated only worsens, as we see with the massive influx of Muslims into Europe.
There is only one remedy and that involves some degree of unpleasantness.