The former May and Baker (Sanofi) industrial site soon to be heavily polluted, with the assistance of the local council by a mosque. (Picture from Barking and Dagenham Post)
Here’s a particularly shocking story of appeasement and Islam promotion by a local authority in East London (H/T Ambush Predator).
In the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham, there used to be a major industrial employer, May and Baker Pharmaceuticals (later called Sanofi). When the plant closed, 50 acres of land was donated to the local authority, which was then leased to the May and Baker Eastbrook Community Club. Unfortunately, the club needs extra funds to secure its future. In order to fund their sporting activities and provide services to other local teams the club is looking at some development on their land in order to provide the club with an income. So far so usual. Lots of sports clubs have to balance assets and find new sources of income. What is quite unusual about this is the behaviour of the local authority. The council have approached the club and suggested that a mosque be built on the site and this mosque can then, when not being used for Islamic prayer, be rented out to other groups to provide an income. In effect, the local Labour council by approaching the club in this way are acting as ‘agents’ or ‘promoters’ for Barking Mosque.
This matter has been brought to public attention by an article in the local newspaper for the area, The Barking and Dagenham Post. It seems that all is not well and that local people are angry that they only got to hear about this mosque plan via hearsay and not directly from the council. That leads me to suspect that the Labour council either know or suspect that the residents of the area may object to a mosque being imposed on them so have tried to keep the matter quiet. Sadly treating local residents like crap and dumping Islam on them seems to be a feature of Labour councils.
Here’s the article on the council imposed mosque by Mark Shales from The Barking and Dagenham Post. As is usual for this blog, the original report is in italics and my comments are in plain text.
The Barking and Dagenham Post said:
“Mosque could be built on former Sanofi site in Dagenham
If I was a local, I’d be starting to get worried. First comes the mosque, then comes the long term parking problems and other examples of antisocial behaviour from Muslims and after that comes crime, a general drop in the quality of life for non-Muslims and ends up with the mass rapes of children. You may think that this statement is hyperbole, but it isn’t, it’s been the experience of too many Britons who have the misfortune to have to live in areas that have been turned into hostile ghettos by Islam and its followers.
When the pharmaceutical giants left the site in 2013, 50 acres of land was donated to the borough – now leased to the May and Baker Eastbrook Community Club.
Due to limited funds to manage the facilities, the group is exploring other avenues including the creation of a single-storey mosque for rent, with indoor cricket space.
Someone needs to give the committee of this club a good shaking and tell them that a mosque will bring no benefit, and eventually no financial benefit, to the club. In neighbouring Redbridge the local authority, in the face of opposition from local people, gifted a former workingmans club to the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association. It was gifted with the conditions that the building be for general community use and could be hired by anybody. Needless to say the Muslim group lied when they agreed to this, because over the next few months, local non-Muslims found that they were being excluded from the building and effectively, because of Shariah Law being applied to the club, excluded from hiring it. The Muslim group dumped the alcohol licence, put in Islamic religious accoutrements, banned gambling including OAP bingo nights and generally made non-Muslims feel extremely unwelcome. A more fuller account of the battle of Jacques Hall, Hainault can be found by clicking on this link.
Having followed the story of how Jacques Hall was effectively stolen from the local people by a Muslim group, makes me want to laugh at the naivety of the committee of the May and Baker Club. Do they really think that they will be able to hire out the building to the extent that they think? I think that what is going to happen is they, and the local people, are going to find a huge and unwanted mosque on their doorstep and the club will be out of pocket because they can’t have drinks receptions there, social events, or ham sandwiches etc etc. The club is really onto a loser here, of that I have little doubt.
Trustees say they were approached by Barking and Dagenham Council, on behalf of Barking Mosque, and held a meeting with council leader Cllr Darren Rodwell – plus a representative from the borough’s planning department – on Tuesday, September 29.
What on earth is a council doing acting as a land procurement agent for a bloody mosque? It’s a disgusting example of the appeasement of Islam. It does make me wonder what went on at the meeting with the Trustees and Cllr Rodwell. Was it a case of ‘take the mosque or else’ or was some ‘assistance’ financial or otherwise offered by the council if they accepted the mosque imposition with little fuss? The presence of the representative from the planning department also looks a bit suspicious to me, and will cause some to think that this person was present in order to impress on the Trustees the fact that the mosque will be imposed, whether the club and the local people want it or not.
Trustees then voted unanimously to agree in principal to the siting of the building adjacent to the north east area of the car park, and possibly on the car park, subject to planning applications.
Unanimously looks very much like the Trustees saw that all they had was a ‘Hobson’s Choice’, over the mosque issue and accepted.
Chairman the trustees, Steve Thompson, 55, said: “It’s a large facility and very expensive to run – it’s a struggle.
If that is the case then why not dispose of, or lease assets in some other way or to some other entity, rather than agree to a mosque?
“We agreed in principal to the siting of a facility which could be used for prayer meetings but could also be used for multi-use, subject to a proper planning application.
As I said earlier, Mr Thompson is being extremely naïve if he thinks the club will be able to use the hirable facilities as much as they think they may be able to.
“It’s a thriving place at the moment, but we need it to be used more – more people need to be using the facility to secure it.”
So why not advertise or promote the facilities in some other way. It would be much better than allowing a mosque, and all the problems it will bring, to be imposed on the area?
The space is used for training by Dagenham and Redbridge FC’s first team, Barking and Dagenham College for both football and rugby and Elutec College, alongside May and Baker teams.
There are a multitude of sports clubs, not just football but field (not track) athletics that could also be using the facilities. If they need indoor facilities then why not join together with other sports clubs in a consortium to build some and share them? Anything, almost anything but yet another mosque.
The club is also in early talks with Elutec and the council about building an all-weather floodlit training facility.
If they were doing this already why do they have to accept the mosque? It really does seem like the local authority is driving this mosque project, and the end result is that life for people in that part of Dagenham is going to get very bad indeed. The imposition of Islam and it’s corruption of public life that has been going on in neighbouring and nearby boroughs such as Newham and Waltham Forest, has seen thousands of Britons flee from these places where Islam increasingly dominates. Newham now has only roughly 17% of indigenous Britons living there now and even one of the local MP’s, Stephen Timms, is a notorious Islamopanderer and completely untrustworthy when it comes to helping non-Muslims against Muslims.
Trustee Peter Harris was not at the meeting but says residents have contacted him about it.
I’m not surprised that local residents have contacted him about this latest unwanted mosque imposition. They must be absolutely livid to think that their local council is actively assisting in dumping a mosque on them.
“The fact that local residents are hearing this via hearsay and rumour and not from the council itself is disgraceful,” he said.
Too right it’s disgraceful. It will raise suspicions that the council wanted all along to dump a mosque on the local area, strong-armed the Trustees to accepting it and then did all they could to keep the matter out of the public eye.
“I call upon Darren Rodwell and Barking and Dagenham Council to come clean and communicate in full with residents and ward councillors about this proposal as a matter of urgency.”
From what I can gather from this story the local authority and especially Cllr Rodwell along with the Trustees of the club have a lot of questions to answer about this quite plainly shady deal to build a mosque.
The council declined to comment, saying it was a matter for the trustees of the club.
They would say that wouldn’t they? This story is quite gobsmacking really, they really are showing whose side they are on and it’s obvious that it’s not on the side the local people in that part of Dagenham who would suffer should a mosque be imposed on them. This is a Labour council that doesn’t appear to see anything wrong with acting as a promoter for a mosque. This is Labour party Islamopandering writ very large indeed. The Labour party used to be a party that worked in the main for the interests of the working British person. However there can be no possible benefit or boon to be had by the working people of Dagenham by having a mosque dumped on them in this way. Labour have shown yet again how they have morphed from a working class party, into an ‘Islam Party’
Mosque to be imposed on Dagenham story from the Barking and Dagenham Post
Contact details for the councillor who seems most active in imposting this mosque where it is likely to be highly unwanted, Darren Rodwell can be found via the link . People may wish to send him a letter (obviously by using language which is polite, legal and unthreatening) to tell him what they think of this disgraceful example pandering to and promoting the Islamic death-cult.
Labour council? Say no more.
Exactly! If there was one thing and one thing only that we can trust the Labour Party to never, ever fail on, it’s giving the ideology of Islam and it’s followers a good arse-licking. Absolutely disgusting itreally is the way these Labour councils behave.
In my local area of Gateshead Tyne & Wear the council got a Townscape Heritage Initiatives grant (part of the National Lottery Heritage Fund)to restore about 30 shops to their former Victorian splendour. The grant covers 80% of the cost, the rest being paid for by the owner of the shop. The first shop chosen was Jewish owned and it was done quickly and to a very high standard. The second one owned by a Muslim has been dragging on for about a year and is still not finished. I bumped into one of the builders the other week and asked about progress or rather lack of it. He said he had stopped work because the owners owed him £45,000. I noticed that they are back at work this week so presumably the cash has been forthcoming. Part of the planning permission was to turn the top floor into a “community centre”. The builder told me that he had been there when a lady had asked for details about hiring the “community centre” when it was finished. The owner’s response was that she couldn’t hire because it was a mosque. I don’t know if the council was aware of this sudden change of use but they are now, though it is a Labour council so they may just ignore it. The only thing guaranteed by Islam is that Muslims will lie to get what they want.