If you like Shariah Law
If you have a murderous antipathy to Christians and Jews
If you think that women are third class citizens
If you want to cut the clitorises of of young girls
If you believe that you have an Allah given right to commit acts of violence
If you believe that Muslims are above the national law
If you think that jihad is a good thing
If you think that non-Muslim women are just objects to satisfy your own lusts
If you think that paedophilia is OK
If you think that lying to get your own way is OK
If you think that imposing mosques where they are not wanted is acceptable
If you think that corrupting local authorities and political parties is normal
If you think that you have the right to impose your dietary restrictions on everyone else
If you believe it’s acceptable to support theocratic fascist organisations like Jamaat e Islaami
If you think that mass intimidatory praying in the street is acceptable
If you think that the State of Israel has no right to exist and call for terrorism against Israelis and Jews
If you cannot show genuine loyalty to the United Kingdom
If you approve of the murders of our citizens
If you believe that the welfare system should be milked for all it is worth
If you hate the nation that gives you food, shelter and opportunity.
Then do us all a favour and leave. We neither want nor need such problematic people in our nation.
There are 50 Muslim majority countries that do believe that the things above are to a greater or lesser degree acceptable. You may be happier there and we in the UK would definitely be happier if you sodded off to one of these Islamic hell-holes and never, ever come back.
lol so true .
Well written, now send it to every politician you are able to.
I think that about covers all the bases, 211.
Now, if only they would take up your suggestion, but I doubt it.
Can’t think why not. Can you?
I can think of some reasons why they stay and it’s headed by the word ‘Welfare’.I believe that Britain pays at least 13 Billion pounds per year feeding and housing economically inactive Muslims. Unlike other immigrant groups, who have contributed to the life and finances of the nation, Britain has had a really bad deal out of hosting Muslims.
Really bad deal? Massive understatement 211! £13 billion, down the pan.
They got the goldmine, we got the shaft.
Apologies to Jerry Reed. RIP.