You may or may not have seen this in the Sunday Telegraph by Andrew Gilligan. Either way, it’s bloody good news.
“The government has blocked an Islamic group with alleged links to fundamentalism from building Britain’s biggest mosque, putting a final end to a 16-year battle.
The highly controversial plans by the Tablighi Jamaat sect – accused by some of being a gateway to terror – would have created a so-called “megamosque” with 190-foot minarets and three times the floorspace of St Paul’s Cathedral. The 290,000 square foot mosque, near the Olympic Park in east London, would have accommodated up to 9,300 worshippers in two main gender-segregated prayer halls and a further 2,000 in a separate hall.
The bitterly-fought struggle has seen street blockades, accusations of racism, High Court action and even a video “obituary,” linked to from the mosque website, making implicit death threats to the main protestor against the plans and his family.
The scheme, officially known as the Abbey Mills Markaz or the Riverine Centre, was rejected by the local council, Newham, as long ago as December 2012, with councillors saying the building was too large and would harm their plans for a mixed-use neighbourhood.”
See here for more
Rejected until the NEXT planning application is submitted…….
“Tablighi Jamaat already has a temporary mosque for 2,500 worshippers on the site…..In 2013 the High Court ordered the sect to close the temporary mosque because it did not have planning permission. It has so far refused to do so. ”
Typical behaviour of Mosque-e-teers, very much doubt the ‘establishment’ will take enforcement action.
Still, hats off to Allan Craig, who in the face of death threats to both him and his family from the followers of “the religion of peace” stood strong…
Meanwhile in Redbridge, two Wahhabi run cemeteries (complete with seperate prayer facilities) are in Hainault, and the Tablighi Jamaat supporting Dr Hameed, referred to in Alan Craigs blog link above, together with the Hainault and Chigwell Muslim Association, continue to commandeer Jacques Hall Hainault, to the complete exclusion of local non muslim residents……
…and 53 primary schools in Redbridge don’t serve pork but serve halal…islamization of Redbridge and Britain continues very fast.
Bloody good news indeed!
Made my day… little victories, or in this case, not so little.
Expect more haji subterfuge and bullshit on this one.
It won’t end there, I suspect.
Our laws don’t apply to them, so they think.
And why not, this nation, and it’s spineless appeasing
“leaders” have been sucking up to them for decades.
This is but one step on the road to winning the country back,
many more steps needed. Still sweet though.